Wednesday, May 17, 2006

wetting myself

I've noticed a particular anomaly that seems to form with Crossfit workouts.

Between the warmup and right before the WOD begins (especially if it's going to be intense), I REALLY have to go to the bathroom. You wouldn't believe how bad I have to go, even when there's nothing to, um, go from. ;) A friend likened this to the body's response to emergencies. Kind of like people who wets themselves after being scared, or right before car accidents (when the person sees it coming). Don't know why this happens, though I know I'll never make fun of someone it happens to. I identify with it to much.

Hmmm. I've seen myself as very calm (inwardly, at least) and deliberate in the way my body moves during periods of intense effort, except for this. All I have to do is see the WOD and I get an adrenaline rush, and right before I start I have to take a couple of minutes to let another rush flow out of my system (or else I'll drop a snatch on my head, as almost happened the other day). Apparently my body thinks it's about to experience serious trauma. Or else I start thinking about throwing a snatch up and not being able to catch it. In any event, welcome to my rambles.


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