Friday, March 30, 2007

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Update, again

Sorry about the no posting. I've been away for the computer (or at least the net) for a while, and when I am online, I usually don't feel like writing.

This week I have to somehow finish moving out of the apartement. I found out I can pay a cleaning fee - which I'm going to do - and just pack my stuff and leave. The cleaning fee is less than the rent I would have paid, so I'm still saving money (and then spending it on uniforms). Moving all of my crap is going to be an exercise in sleep deprivation!

Work is stupid. Then again, work is always stupid. That may just be my attitude, though. Therefore, I am stupid. At work. Yeah, that sounds about right.

I LOVE SONYA!!! YEAH!!!! She's such an awesome girl! She fed me twice this past week and I loved it...she's a great cook! I enjoy sitting and talking with her...playing with her (there's only one person I know that I can make fun of for being short)...and especially praying with her. She's incredibly Godly, hard-working, disciplined and loving.

That's pretty much it for me. I'm out.

Friday, March 16, 2007



Okay, the screaming is over now.

I need to:
Get orders
Turn in checklist (once I find out if I reenlist or extend)
Move stuff
Move in with a friend
Get tickets
Get uniforms updated


I did get a small glimmer of hope today. I had to call the schoolhouse to see if it was okay if I reported early (the instructors say to do it if you can).
I called, the Airman on the other end of the line answered, I asked my question, and waited. I think he forgot to put me on hold because I could hear him asking for Sgt ****.
I thought, NO!! Sgt **** is the lead instructor! I'm going to get reamed for skipping my newest chain of command! Dang it!
Sgt **** got on the line. I explained why I called and he said something to the effect of, "Sure, I always try to get people down here early. Good luck (once you get here)." Awesome! It's good to see that the people who will shortly be abusing me are doing it because they value a high level of training, and seem to want students to succeed. Of course, that means my future pain will be even worse because of it...but...oh well! It happens! I can't wait to get there!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Simplicity of God

Some thoughts from Dr. Norman Geisler's Systematic Theology, Volume 2, on the simplicity of God. I know there are assumptions underlying some statements, so it's paraphrased because I don't remember everything I've read verbatim. Really, I'm probably just rambling, but it makes sense to me!!

God is pure actuality. Actuality is defined as "that which is in act or that which is (existence)." Pure actuality is the state of existing with no possibility of not existing or being anything other than what it is. God has no potentiality (that which can be), so therefore he is pure actuality - He is existence. (Think about Exodus 3:14 where God gives Moses his own name - "I AM WHO I AM.")

There can be no potential for change without something making that potential (or another way, nothing can change without having a possibility of change). So, there must be something to make that potential exist. For potential to exist where before it did not exist, something would have to change. When there is no change, that potential cannot exist. Once, however, the potential does exist, there must be a cause for change to happen. The change cannot exist without a cause, and the cause cannot exist without the potential for the cause, and the potential cannot exist where it did not before without something changing.

At some point this circular reasoning has to stop with an original cause. This cause is God - he is pure cause, pure action, pure actuality.

There is much more to that train of thought, but I'm not going to type out the 30 something pages it takes to fully explain it all!

Utmost for His Highest

Today's devo from My Utmost for His Highest was good, so I thought I'd share part of it. Posted from RBC's Devotional website.

If we lose "the heavenly vision" God has given us, we alone are responsible— not God. We lose the vision because of our own lack of spiritual growth. If we do not apply our beliefs about God to the issues of everyday life, the vision God has given us will never be fulfilled. The only way to be obedient to "the heavenly vision" is to give our utmost for His highest— our best for His glory. This can be accomplished only when we make a determination to continually remember God’s vision. But the acid test is obedience to the vision in the details of our everyday life— sixty seconds out of every minute, and sixty minutes out of every hour, not just during times of personal prayer or public meetings.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Passage of Time

It's been a while since posting last, and many things have changed! I'm fighting writer's block, too - lots of stuff to write about but I'm rather lazy about it, I suppose.

I've got a woman now, and boy is she a doozy!! She has a faith that I rarely see. She's an incredibly hard worker...and...she's gorgeous! Oh yeah! We met at WGC and have fallen head over heels in the past...oh...3 1/2 months of being friends.

Crosstraining is approved! My class date is in May. Nothing else is known at this time.

This week is my last sortie. Touche. is bringing on a nostalgia and..yes I admit it...sadness that I didn't expect at all. Through all the crap, that jet will always hold a special place in my heart. All four leaky engines and '70's era technology of her!

This week is also probably the last time that I will ever instruct, at least in this career field. I DO feel a little sadness at that. Being an "I" has been a trip, and I thoroughly enjoy helping the youngsters learn the ropes (sometimes I think I enjoy beating the youngsters, too).

Well, that's it for now. TTYL.