Thursday, May 11, 2006

Faster than a speeding train!

No, really!


Run, 26 mins (haven't touched a treadmill in weeks!!!)
Later today, after lunch settles in:

30 snatches for time (either 135, 95, 65 lbs...I'll probably do the 65)

100 pushups
100 situps

I'm doing pullups and dips hourly at work, so I probably won't post them in the workouts yet.

Yesterday was a rest day, enforced by the schedule.

Day before:

Run, 24 mins

I ran down by a little lake by my apartement. On the way there I crossed over some train tracks, and sure enough, a little bit later a train rumbled on by. It was cool! I can't imagine how much sheer power it took to pull the hundreds of tons of cargo on that train.

Knees are doing great. I'm eating plenty of almonds, butter with my whole grain toast, and no more Arizona drinks (that's 3600 calories less per month!! For just ONE!). I'm a bit frustrated over the snatches I'll be doing later already...I was able to do a lot more than 65lbs, but hey, that's life I guess. Be sure to check out the Free Burma Rangers website on the post below.

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