Friday, May 12, 2006


Run, 55 mins

What I actually did yesterday:

30 snatches, 10 65 lbs, 10 75 lbs 85 lbs

I decided to work on shoulder/upper body stuff, too.

Military Press 65 lbs x 10 (as described in the latest Crossfit Journal)
5 pullups
X3? Maybe 2

75 lbs., x 6
3 pullups

Tried pushups but my body was sending off the "too much alarm" so I quit.


Kt said...

GOOD JOB!! I did it as well, but not the extra stuff you did, I did some different extra stuff. Basically abs, and glute press. Todays WOD looks awesome- may be tough- I'm on my own today!

Holly said...

Awesome - I'm proud of you... keep it up!