Friday, August 24, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Contentment in circumstances
Well...I must admit...St. Paul was right.
I used to complain about work a lot. I used to hate it and was completely unwilling to see anything good about it.
Well, I still hate a lot of it, but the rest is changing. ;)
After I came back I was moved out of an office that I've worked in off an on most of my career. It can be a prestigious place to work depending on what the tasks are. Now I'm assigned to a different office and have the menial task of making sure the new guys are properly taught (or so someone said to me recently).
I thought about what this person said and realized that yes, I could probably be upset if I wanted to be. After all, I do have the experience to do a lot of good work if I was assigned to the other office. But you know what? I prefer what I do now.
As glamorous as one job is, the importance of the other can't be disregarded. I have all the responsibilities that I enjoy - maturing and mentoring new airmen - and very, very few responsibilities that I loathe. I'd rather sit with airmen that are as green as their flight suits and teach them things that will help keep our country safe than jockey for position in a race meant for others. A race that to me is worse than pointless.
So, off to work I go. The Lord Christ is good to me...much better than I deserve. He's helped me deal with the crap that is in constant circulation at work and even shown me how things are much better than I wanted to see. He's even given me the woman of my dreams. :) Wow. What a blessing to know Him.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Craaack....those are my misconceptions breaking.
One of those habits being that I hardly ever blog any more. Sorry. Life is very full these days and I don't often have the time/desire/energy to blog.
After a three year bout with the basics of Reformed Theology, I finally lost. Haha. Holly's going to be intrigued. I'm not a total goner yet, but am getting closer by the day.
There are a few reasons why the shift has occured. I'm not sure I can explain them all, but I'll try!
First, I've come to terms with the fact that there are things about the nature of God (mostly the way he orders the world) that I will never, ever understand. I don't like typing it, even. But it's true. So by accepting that, I feel free to look honestly at these issues, and to hopefully keep my prejudices at bay long enough to see truth.
Second, I was attending an informal Bible study a couple of months ago that caused a major shift in thinking. The passage was Ephesians 1, the verses covering predestination and such. Something the teacher said clicked in my mind - it was a verse (can't remember the address at the moment) in which God was saying that all things exist for his glory. All things exist to bring glory to him. This includes people going to heaven (showing mercy and grace through the Cross), and people going to hell (showing justice and wrath).
Third, it's the most logical thing I've run across. If people are dead in their sins, then how can someone possibly seek God? Dead is dead. It has to be Him reviving one's soul.
Fourth, fore-chose and fore-knowledge. Every original language reader that I trust tells me it's fore-chose, as in, God chose people before they were born. And then they explain the difference in detail. Every Arminianistic (if thats is even a word) teacher I run across tells me it's fore-knowledge. Right after that they usually tell me that people can seek God of "their own free will." Um, no. See above. "No one seeks God, no, not one...."
I've not hammered out what else I believe yet, but this is still occupying most of my study time anyway. Yes, there are apparent holes in it...but show me where there aren't any in other sets of theology. Here, I can see that my ignorance is a major cause of the "holes." There, I'm smart enough to see obvious discrepancies that seem to be glossed over every time they are preached. Like, can someone who is dead in their sins seek Christ? Or does God have to do something first, even if it is just revealing Himself in some small way? Since the Scriptures issue an emphatic "No" to the first question and "Yes" to the next. I tend to follow that lead. I didn't always. I do now. Thank you to all the people that have kept on me to examine what I believe and challenged me on the why.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Near the Impossible
These days my entire life is being turned upside down. Truthfully, I wouldn't have it any other way, either!
In a couple of months I'll be getting married to the most beautiful woman that has ever graced the surface of this earth. There is so much I need to learn to treat this princess like she deserves. I thought I had a handle on the whole chivarly thing, and the love thing, and respect thing, but God has shown me that I have so much to learn! I swear, that woman loves me so much and so well that I don't know how to begin to respond a lot of times. She's amazing.
Life at work is improving. My duties are the same, but I have a very definite time frame for it ending. That helps. So does the notion that I'm working where the Lord wants me to work, regardless of whether or not I necessarily enjoy it all the time.
Reformed Theology (aka TULIP and all that) is no longer the beast I once thought it was. As time progresses and I read and listen to more about it, the more sense it makes. I'm not trying to brainwash myself into believing it...but answers questions that I haven't been able to answer in a long, long time.
Got to go for now...God bless!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Update, again
This week I have to somehow finish moving out of the apartement. I found out I can pay a cleaning fee - which I'm going to do - and just pack my stuff and leave. The cleaning fee is less than the rent I would have paid, so I'm still saving money (and then spending it on uniforms). Moving all of my crap is going to be an exercise in sleep deprivation!
Work is stupid. Then again, work is always stupid. That may just be my attitude, though. Therefore, I am stupid. At work. Yeah, that sounds about right.
I LOVE SONYA!!! YEAH!!!! She's such an awesome girl! She fed me twice this past week and I loved it...she's a great cook! I enjoy sitting and talking with her...playing with her (there's only one person I know that I can make fun of for being short)...and especially praying with her. She's incredibly Godly, hard-working, disciplined and loving.
That's pretty much it for me. I'm out.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Okay, the screaming is over now.
I need to:
Get orders
Turn in checklist (once I find out if I reenlist or extend)
Move stuff
Move in with a friend
Get tickets
Get uniforms updated
I did get a small glimmer of hope today. I had to call the schoolhouse to see if it was okay if I reported early (the instructors say to do it if you can).
I called, the Airman on the other end of the line answered, I asked my question, and waited. I think he forgot to put me on hold because I could hear him asking for Sgt ****.
I thought, NO!! Sgt **** is the lead instructor! I'm going to get reamed for skipping my newest chain of command! Dang it!
Sgt **** got on the line. I explained why I called and he said something to the effect of, "Sure, I always try to get people down here early. Good luck (once you get here)." Awesome! It's good to see that the people who will shortly be abusing me are doing it because they value a high level of training, and seem to want students to succeed. Of course, that means my future pain will be even worse because of it...but...oh well! It happens! I can't wait to get there!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
The Simplicity of God
God is pure actuality. Actuality is defined as "that which is in act or that which is (existence)." Pure actuality is the state of existing with no possibility of not existing or being anything other than what it is. God has no potentiality (that which can be), so therefore he is pure actuality - He is existence. (Think about Exodus 3:14 where God gives Moses his own name - "I AM WHO I AM.")
There can be no potential for change without something making that potential (or another way, nothing can change without having a possibility of change). So, there must be something to make that potential exist. For potential to exist where before it did not exist, something would have to change. When there is no change, that potential cannot exist. Once, however, the potential does exist, there must be a cause for change to happen. The change cannot exist without a cause, and the cause cannot exist without the potential for the cause, and the potential cannot exist where it did not before without something changing.
At some point this circular reasoning has to stop with an original cause. This cause is God - he is pure cause, pure action, pure actuality.
There is much more to that train of thought, but I'm not going to type out the 30 something pages it takes to fully explain it all!
Utmost for His Highest
If we lose "the heavenly vision" God has given us, we alone are responsible— not God. We lose the vision because of our own lack of spiritual growth. If we do not apply our beliefs about God to the issues of everyday life, the vision God has given us will never be fulfilled. The only way to be obedient to "the heavenly vision" is to give our utmost for His highest— our best for His glory. This can be accomplished only when we make a determination to continually remember God’s vision. But the acid test is obedience to the vision in the details of our everyday life— sixty seconds out of every minute, and sixty minutes out of every hour, not just during times of personal prayer or public meetings.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Passage of Time
I've got a woman now, and boy is she a doozy!! She has a faith that I rarely see. She's an incredibly hard worker...and...she's gorgeous! Oh yeah! We met at WGC and have fallen head over heels in the past...oh...3 1/2 months of being friends.
Crosstraining is approved! My class date is in May. Nothing else is known at this time.
This week is my last sortie. Touche. is bringing on a nostalgia and..yes I admit it...sadness that I didn't expect at all. Through all the crap, that jet will always hold a special place in my heart. All four leaky engines and '70's era technology of her!
This week is also probably the last time that I will ever instruct, at least in this career field. I DO feel a little sadness at that. Being an "I" has been a trip, and I thoroughly enjoy helping the youngsters learn the ropes (sometimes I think I enjoy beating the youngsters, too).
Well, that's it for now. TTYL.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Loved, to the End
This verse and the verses following it has been written upon my heart the past couple of days.
Have I loved Christ to the end? Well of course the answer is no, since the end of my time on earth has not arrived yet. So that much is obvious.
What about inside circumstances? Today's journal from Oswald Chambers talked about listening to God "in the shadow of his hand," (Isaiah 49:2), so that I may learn to hear him. I must confess...I am the worst and most stubborn sinner known to man, and there are times I resolutely REFUSE to listen to God's word. My rebellion is scarlet and stains the cross with it's betrayal. Inside those circumstances, I have not loved Him. I have not been His friend. (Lord...even now, please forgive me!)
I'm typing and thinking it over at the same time. Until my physical death comes, loving "until the end" is doubtful at best...there will probably not be a challenge in my life that is utterly and completely removed to the extent that it will never affect me again. Circumstances change...what hurt me (sifted me rather) may have no effect the next time; so it becomes the same challenge with a twist. Or I have failed at some point in the past and God has brought me to it again for the sake of passing that particular test. Either way it is not the end.
Perhaps there is a change of heart that needs to happen. Loving Him AT the end doesn't necessarily mean I love him TO the end, but I certainly would like to offer the record of my thoughts and deeds as worship then as well as now, to hear "Well done, good and faithfull servant...."
You know, I usually skip over the parables from Jesus and the warnings from Paul about the second coming of Christ. I'm not really sure why, to be honest. It's possible that by the time I get there I feel as though I've read to much really pay attention, or (more likely) I believe they just don't apply to me. How stupid is that! Who am I to say or even think something along those lines?!?
They are starting to make sense now...I should live and love as if it WERE the end and I could see the King of Glory rising to come take me home, for as much as I know, it is "the end."
Just some thoughts.
Monday, February 12, 2007
He loved them until the end.
(Joh 13:1)
This amazes me. Jesus...loved...them...until the end. Being able to read, being raised in America and being a Christian, I know to "whatever end" He loved me till. Yes, He loved ME...YOU...until the end.
Perhaps this verse captures my heart because there is really no such thing as an 'end' until God declares, "It is finished." This was just prior to that end. "The End...", in the cartoons we all know that the end is really only until next Saturday, or if we're lucky until tomorrow and the next episode comes on. It does have a certain finality to it coming from the Word. The. End.
Maybe this verse captures my attention because of what it precedes. This is a preface to one of the last acts of love (and probably the most powerful) he could do for the disciples before his crucifixion. True to his nature, not only does he perform a miracle (maybe it's just me...but God Himself washing feet is as much miracle as a healing), He also uses that love to teach the disciples one last time.
I can almost hear his voice; now pleading, now commanding, chuckling at Peter's response to washing his feet until the infamous prophecy of rejection. What it must have been to see the King of Kings washing his servant's (and friends) feet...would I have caught on to it? Nope, no more than they did.
I think I see Jesus's humanity more in these verses than I do anywhere else, even in the Garden. (Isn't it interesting how the Fall of Man happened in the Garden and now the Redeemer of Men is now betrayed in a garden?) Reading the next couple of chapters is like hearing a last effort at teaching an old soldier sending his son off to a lover departing his new bride for unknown and dangerous a King issuing final commands before riding into a battle that he knows will end his life.
Thank you, Lord.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Psalm 100
This is a psalm a friend sent to me via text message and one I studied in my quiet time yesterday. I use E-sword, and it comes with Matthew Henry's and Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible. I don't always agree with what I read in the commentaries (and half the time it's above my head anyway), but there is a lot of stuff in this little bitty psalm, so I figured I'd share it. :)
Psalm 100:1 A Psalm for giving thanks. Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth!
The KJV records Psalm 100:1a as "A Psalm of praise."
Praise is defined as the following:
From H3034; properly an extension of the hand, that is, (by implication) avowal, or (usually) adoration; specifically a choir of worshippers: - confession, (sacrifice of) praise, thanks (-giving, offering).
I really don't know much if anything about the Hebrew language (except that it's complicated!), but it does interest me that "praise" seems to be defined in the context of an action. I don't know why, you'd think that would be like saying a circle is round...but, it does.
Psalm 100:2 Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
Something I find VERY interesting in this verse is the word "presence." Apparently this word presence is a PLURAL word that is always used as SINGULAR...I've heard of this type of thing before but didn't know I'd be able to find it. If I'm not mistaken, this is the ancients use of Hebrew to describe a three-person Godhood as one personal being. A plural word used in the singular fashion. Fascinating!
Serve the Lord with gladness! Be happy that we are made worthy of service. Oftentimes I find myself angry with people that tell me to "serve the Lord with gladness" because I think, "If you knew what I was going through, you wouldn't say something like that. How can I be happy during a time like this?"
From Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible:
"Psalm 100:2 -
Serve the Lord with gladness - It is your privilege and duty to be happy in your religious worship. The religion of the true God is intended to remove human misery, and to make mankind happy. He whom the religion of Christ has not made happy does not understand that religion, or does not make a proper use of it."
Does not make proper use of it - I think that's the key here, at least for me. Regardless of my circumstances, there is always cause to serve the Lord. Why? Look at the next verse:
Psalm 100:3 Know that the LORD, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
The Lord is God. He made us. We are his. We are his people, we are the sheep of his pasture. Amen to that!
Of course this was written to the Hebrews, but I don't believe I'm taking it out of context to apply it to Christians as well. After all, the Lord made us, we belong to Him and we are his people. Thank you, Lord!
Psalm 100:4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!
As I read this, I can't help but wonder what it would have been like to enter into the Temple to worship the Lord. I wonder what it would have been like to search for my family's passover take it to the Temple, worship there, and watch it die. I wonder what it would have been like to be there when it happened. The Lord knows that I'm not the type to get up early, so I'm sure that by the time my turn in line came, the altar, the ground around it, the priests and the very walls and curtains would have been soaked in blood. I wonder what it would be then to have seen that and hear the words "His blood is atonement for our sins...". I think that experience would add a visceral meaning to the words that is utterly lost to most people in our culture, including me.
Psalm 100:5 For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.
The Lord is good, and because he is good, his love and faithfulness endures forever. Truthfully, I feel convicted nearly every time I say the word "good." I think this word is highly overused and misunderstood in our mega-church society. To me...good, is, well, GOOD. It either is or it isn't, if there is compromise in 'goodness,' then it isn't good, it's evil. Because there can be no compromise it is everlasting. True, deep, lasting Goodness is so completely alien to me that it nears the term "holy," though I hesitate to use holy because that implies other meanings. I suppose in reference to the Lord, it is appropriate. God is good, but he isn't good because good describes Him; he is good because when you come right down to it, He is the very definition of the word good. There is no other worth counting in my book. God is Good!!!
Here are a couple of ancient renditions of the Hundreth Psalm the Adam Clarke's Commentary mentions:
The Anglo-Saxon Hundredth Psalm
Rhyme ye the Lord all earth, serve the Lord in bliss;
Infare in sight his in blithness;
Wit ye, for that Lord he is God, he did us & not self we;
Folk his & sheep leeseway his; fare into gates his in confession, into courts is in hymns confess him.
Praise name his, for that winsom is; Lord thro’ eternity mildheartedness his, & unto on kindred & kindred sothfastnes his
Anglo-Scottish Version of the Hundredth Psalm
1. Joyes to God al the erth; serves to Lord in gladnes.
2. Enters in his sight with joying.
3. Wittes for Lorde he is God; he made us and noght we;
4. Folke of hym, and schepe of his pasture; enters the gates of hym in schrift; hys Halles in ympnys; schryves to hym.
5. Loues his name, for soft is Lorde; withouten end in his mercy; and in generation and generation the sothfastnes of hym.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Pet Peeves
So what if I wear a hunter orange shirt to church and haven't shaved since Friday? What's your point? Am I not good enough to hear the Gospel because of it? I hate it when people are turned away or ignored in a church building because of their physical appearance. It's usually older people that are the offenders, too. I guess we all get stuck in our ways sometimes.
Fish Wars. Please, if you're going to put one of those stupid fish thingys on your car, don't drive like you should be sporting a Darwin fish instead of the Jesus fish. It's offensive to everybody.
Drive-by evangelism. I know a guy that has Bible verses in large letters all over the windows of his vehicle. Yes...that's a GREAT way to witness to people. That way, you stay safe away from ridicule, openess and actually caring about everyone you talk with. Way to go!
Using the Biblical language to explain other-than-Biblical things. Otherwise known as Christainese. I don't care if the civil authorities were called "magistrates" in the KJV, over here in America they are Senators, Governors, Representatives or whatever. The list goes on and on.
Tracts. Another great way to not get invovled in a person's life and still pretend to care. My favorite is putting a tract in a tip jar or using it as a tip.
Time for me to go.
Iron Sharpens Iron
She's a fellow Wholly Grounds Coffee junkie but is still pretty new to the shop. The two of us ended up weathering the last set of storms at WGC along with the employees, and we had a blast! Ha.
She's a really neat girl! Every day she hits me with some observation or some bit of wisdom and completely floors me. I'm continually suprised by the wisdom that comes from her heart. God has used the two of us to encourage one another over the past few days and I'm thankful that we met.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Goals for Today
Half-Marathon Row (Yikes!)
Half-Marathon Run (Ooober Yikes!)
Time with Sonya (YAY!)
Time with friends (Yay!)
Thursday, January 25, 2007
In the book, Eragon is just below the age of manhood when Saphira hatches for him. It's interesting to watch him realize she's not just a dumb beast and then to watch them grow together throughout the story. They are inseperable near the end, and she is a fierce protector of her pet human.
The book also reminds me of God in a lot of ways! Saphira's wrath against anything that causes Eragon harm is fearsome, to say the least...she would do anything to protect her boy. As powerful as a dragon could be (and yes...I do believe in dragons, though I think "dinosaur" would be a better term), the love God feels for us is so much greater in comparison. Reading this novel is a lot like reading a journey of faith. Very neat!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
eHarmony, not for me!
It's just re-enforcing the idea that either God doesn't want me in a relationship or I don't feel like I should be, I don't know which. It could just be me thinking that way. I mean, for one, I'm not active in a church. That's bad. I have no accountability or discipleship. That's worse. I'm (hopefully) about to cross-train, and am praying about missions to dangerous, not quite the pick of the litter, here, nope!
Eh, whatever. I'm so closed up right now anyway that it's hard to even hope for cross-training, much less a girlfriend.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Reading from Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest
Do we expect God to come to us with His blessings and save us? He says, "Look to Me, and be saved . . . ." The greatest difficulty spiritually is to concentrate on God, and His blessings are what make it so difficult. Troubles almost always make us look to God, but His blessings tend to divert our attention elsewhere. The basic lesson of the Sermon on the Mount is to narrow all your interests until your mind, heart, and body are focused on Jesus Christ. "Look to Me . . . ."
Many of us have a mental picture of what a Christian should be, and looking at this image in other Christians’ lives becomes a hindrance to our focusing on God. This is not salvation— it is not simple enough. He says, in effect, "Look to Me and you are saved," not "You will be saved someday." We will find what we are looking for if we will concentrate on Him. We get distracted from God and irritable with Him while He continues to say to us, "Look to Me, and be saved . . . ." Our difficulties, our trials, and our worries about tomorrow all vanish when we look to God.
Wake yourself up and look to God. Build your hope on Him. No matter how many things seem to be pressing in on you, be determined to push them aside and look to Him. "Look to Me . . . ." Salvation is yours the moment you look.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Sq PT in the morning,
X 3 of:
1 min work/30 sec rest cycle for
flutter kicks
sprint bball court
2 min rest
Thursday afternoon was a modified Jackie.
Row 1000m (Did it in 3:46.7...finally got back down to PR!)
50 reps 95lb Push-Press
30 Pullups
I think it took about 16 minutes-ish. Can't say for sure because I don't remember.
Things are going good, I suppose. The past few days have been better with God, that's for sure. I've been invited to go places and do things with people nearly every weekend, so that's great. I'm trying to break out of my "avoidant personality disorder" and talk with as many people as possible, as well as accepting invitations to go hang out with new people. Recently those times of fellowship have cancelled because of weather, and I hate that! Can't it just do something outside and stay that way? Sheesh! No more thunder and ice storms, thanks!
Eh. That's me. I wish there were some cool pics to share but there aren't any this time!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Three rounds for time:
400m run
1.5 KB or DB swing, 21 reps
12 pull ups
Time: 20 minutes
For some reason the actual 55 lb dumbbell was too intimidating today. I wasn't psychologically prepared for it. I have no idea why - hey it's just FIVE POUNDS, but I guess on rep 60 that five pounds translates into much more.
I forced myself to take 30 sec-1:30 rest periods between sets and allowed the same between running and the swings.
Oh, by the way, I know I owe a couple of people some letters...they're on the way! :)
Monday, January 15, 2007
Today was a conglomeration. I wasn't really hitting the intensity or weight that hard and had to knock it off early because I'd scheduled lunch with a friend.
1000m row
95-175lb cleans, total of about 10-15 reps. Some were 'warmup' reps and others weren't.
Pull-ups, with 5-15-20-25-20 lb weights. Two of each in each set.
Row, 3000m in 500m intervals
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Storm on the Waters
I've decided to localize all my rants on politics and religion into one place.
Storm on the Waters
Thursday, January 11, 2007!
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
100m Run
50lb dumbell swing
10 pull-ups
Six rounds, and that was at about 21 minutes. I had no illusions of greatness going into this WoD and basically just wanted to hold on for the ride.
X2 of:
Burpees 1 min
Superman 30 sec per side
Rest 1 min
X2 of:
Burpees 1 min
Reverse Planche, 30 sec
Rest 1 min
X2 of:
Jumping Jacks
Iron Cross
Rest 1 min
Team Pistol or Squat Hold 1 min
Planche 20 sec
Team Pistol or Squat Hold 30 sec
Planche 15 sec
X3 of:
Flutter Kicks, 15 reps, four count
V-ups, 10 reps
35 mins total, warmup to cooldown
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Daily Photo?
As many rounds in 20 mins of:
65 lb Thruster, 12 reps
Pull-ups, 10 reps
I got seven. Bleh. Could have probably done more but my lower back was starting to ache so I calmed it down a bit.
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
65lb Power Snatch, 12 reps
10 Push-Ups
Again, seven. And again, lower back. This time my legs were toast before I even started, thanks to yesterday.
After that I did some situps (30-40ish) on one of those rubber ball things to get some reciprocal effort on my abs and lower back. After that, some swimming, but nothing serious...mostly just bobbing and two or three mask recovery cycles. I DID get a 50 yard underwater fin swim though!! Woohoo! Best so far. Now to do it without the fins...sigh...argh....! :)
Saturday, January 06, 2007
I haven't been able to keep up with the 'official' schedule since sometime last week, so I've been ad hoc'ing it since then. Today I tried something that would at least work the same muscle groups as the squats, presses and deads, if not the same way. The 'hang' part wasn't actually a hang, I set the barbell on the floor each time. I just forgot to do the squat and instead did a short dip.
Hang clean and jerk, 5-5-5-5-5
I haven't been able to put 165 above my head since inprocessing at DEPS. Thank you Crossfit!
Yesterday: REST!!
Henrietta - 65lb bar in the overhead squat postion, but instead of the squat, it's a one leg lunge.
Jezebell - Modified "iron cross" found at (family/work safe). The modified makes it a four count exercise. One, arms at sides; two, squat with arms out front; three, arms retracted to chest; four, single squat thrust to return weights overhead. The weights were weight plates from the barbells, not dumbells with the convenience of handles.
Here's the workout:
10 seconds work/ 10 seconds rest, four sets
Back Raises
10/10 Work/Rest of
Back Raises
3 mile run
(The above was sq PT.)
Later on in the day I rowed for 8,000 meters and some change.
I don't remember the rest of the WoD's for this week. I know the climbing and half-marathon row didn't happen. One, my partner cancelled, and two, I felt like crap when I STARTED the row (crap as in malnourished crap), so I figured discretion was the better part of valor for that attempt. I think I did a tabata type workout somewhere, too, but don't remember precisely when.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Daily Photo #3
Today's photo's are pretty neat, I think. Both were taken in the coffee shop. I used the "color accent" mode on the camera - it makes everything black and white except for one color you specify. I was trying to get the bottom photo, and in the process saw an opportunity for the top photo. I think I like that one better.
Daily Photo #2
Today's Daily Photo!
This one is interesting. Notice how the primary subject is the stalk in front of the rock...notice how the stalk is perfectly centered on the rock, the rock is centered in the pic, the line between the shore and the water isn't centered but on the bottom third of the carefully planned and executed picture, right?
Getting this pic was hilarious! Ha! I walked down to a small lake by my apartement building in search of something interesting. As I arrived I noticed the fifty or so Canadian Geese and a few swans swimming about. Fun!
I walked around, took a few pics, and aimed toward the shore. I saw the stone and thought, great! That'll be a cool photo. Hehehe...well, some people came up behind me and started throwing bread on the shore. Of course the geese saw it and one of them apparently rang the dinner bell because EVERY goose, swan, blackbird, and sea gull (yes, there are sea gulls in Oklahoma!), swarmed the beach. I'm not kidding, within 30 seconds I was charged by every bird in the county, and the big ones wanted me to go away! So I did! No plans on making America's Funniest Home videos, here, no thank you!
As those thirty seconds ticked away, I set the camera to "Auto" and snapped a few pics. As I looked through the viewfinder I thought a couple were out of focus but took the chance anyway. They weren't out of focus, the camera focused on the SINGLE weed between the rock and me! Ha! Anyway, I thought the pic was a perfect example of how telling God your plans seems to be a great way to make Him laugh. :) Enjoy!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Tommorrow's WoD
Half marathon row in the morning: 21,097.5 meters
Climbing in the afternoon
Assisting someone workout in the evening
Yay! Rhabdo, here I come!
Daily Photo #1
Doing the ordinary extraordinarily well....
The intent is to practice photography. Subjects could be anything, and photos posted will not be edited except for sizing.
With the photo on the right, I was trying to emphasize how bright and different the light was coming from the building compared to the ones next to it. I wanted to make it surreal if possible. The "fireworks" special mode was used to take this photo.