Saturday, January 20, 2007


The past few days have been crazy! Waking up at 0430 and then 0300 to go to work is NOT my idea of fun. Especially since I just got off nearly a month of vacation! Yikes!

Things are going good, I suppose. The past few days have been better with God, that's for sure. I've been invited to go places and do things with people nearly every weekend, so that's great. I'm trying to break out of my "avoidant personality disorder" and talk with as many people as possible, as well as accepting invitations to go hang out with new people. Recently those times of fellowship have cancelled because of weather, and I hate that! Can't it just do something outside and stay that way? Sheesh! No more thunder and ice storms, thanks!

Eh. That's me. I wish there were some cool pics to share but there aren't any this time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you are "breaking free"!!! That's a praise!!!

Don't talk to me about storms, we just had our 4th blizzard here and they're saying we're getting two more by the end of the month... I just want to get outside and enjoy it!