Wednesday, November 01, 2006

You know who you don't know me. I know what you do. I see you in your vivid imaginations, I see your perversions spilling the blood of innocents. I will wait for, the predator; and now you, the prey. My prey. When you are found, you are mine; God will grant you mercy, I will not. You are warned.


Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

Danny, you're just itching for a man-hunt!! If it ain't gonna happen in the military, then you'll find a niche in cyberspace where you can track down the enemies of mankind! That's cool...someone's got to. But, just do something FUN and uplifting once in awhile!!! :-) You're so friggin' serious all the time.

Jerimiah said...

Danny if you ever come hunting up around Tulsa, look me up I will be happy to help.

Dan said...


Jerimiah, do you realize "who" I'm hunting, and not "what?" If you do I may take you up on that offer...:)

Jerimiah said...

Nope, Sorry I am shallow, I have no idea what your hunting, but your a christian, your into crossfit, your military, and based on your links and posts your a thinking person, so most likely we would be on the same side.