Sunday, July 16, 2006


Here are some pet peeves. I'm venting.

It irritates me when the worship pastor acts like he's directing an orchestra and sings like he's the only one there. Seriously dude, how many people in the congregation are going to benefit from that? Stop acting like a turkey and be quiet.

It irritates me when pastors of any type wear glittery stuff on the pulpit. Why are you wearing an indigo blue sports jacket with highlights while you preach? I don't know if I want to laugh or what...but it shames me, to speak truthfully.

It really irritates me when I see the latest installements of the fish wars on someone's car as they whizz by me and cut in and out of traffic. Darwin may be wrong, but so is your driving. Keep moving like that and you might see Natural Selection first hand.

Why, oh why, on God's green and lovely earth, do people preach from movies? Oh, I forgot, in the First Book of Hollywood, the lord (of this world) said "My word is truth, and the truth will be found in movies. No, really. It's true."

What moron decided to put the urinals in sight of the bathroom door?

One word: "Rotodome."

Okay, more words: "Flex, lean forward, go get'em", and my personal FAVORITE: "This will be quick."

So tell me, Kemosabi, why you are in such a hurry to move forward that you stop on the railroad tracks in traffic...perhaps the same reason you stop in the intersection?

Want to take my AR-15 away from me? Come get it.

The ACLU (American Communist Lawyers Union).

1 comment:

Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

Danny, this cracked me up!! :-)