Saturday, July 01, 2006


I must say that I'm hoping Israel makes good on the threat to kill the Hamas PM. Before you accuse me of heresy, sin, anger, rage, hate, or whatever, let's look at why:

1. Hamas is a terrorist organization. No where else in the world does the international community kowtow to a bunch of terrorists like they do Hamas. Why? Because Hamas is anti-Israel and for some reason the neighboring countries don't seem to like Israel, either (book of Genesis, perhaps?).

2. They use suicide bombings, kidnappings and other means to try to get what they want. (Which is the annihilation of the Nation of Israel.)

3. They play the international media to their advantage (and the media is happy to comply).

4. Imagine getting out of bed because a rocket hit the house next to yours. After you rush over to help your neighbors, you decide that you may as well go over to the mall to get some shopping done. When you get there, you have to pass through heavily armed checkpoints to enter the mall. After you get your shopping done, you come home to find a govt notice on your door that says you have to move out so the people that tried to kill you can live there instead. Such is the life of an Israeli (or so I hear).

What would you do if the US govt declared that your town had to be abandoned so the descendants of the original owners of the land (Native Americans) can live there for free on your hard labor. Now imagine those Indians plotting terror attacks to get the town back...They don't just wait, they start killing people. America is not going to return to the pre-colonized state...The European, with all his faults, is here to stay. So is Israel.

Taking out the PM is not an opinion I carry with anger. Well, I feel anger at the injustices done, but I don't just want to start killing people for revenge (Unlike Israel's Muslim neighbors). I think the PM is a military target, and should be treated as such. That's just my two cents.

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