Saturday, July 08, 2006

New Identity?

I've been thinking a lot about identity today.

In my history book I've read stories of men who were great spiritual leaders. I've read stories about men who literally saved the new Republic before it was born.
I've heard stories about guys today that do courageous things overseas and at home. I've heard about guys who are incredible spiritual leaders, fellows that are able to teach the Word clearly and precisely. I've heard about men who love their families and sacrifice for them. I've seen some of them and they fit the tall, dark and handsome category.

And then there's me. I haven't served the Lord in a church for more than two years now (in almost any capacity). I haven't even had the opportunity to serve my country like other people. I'm short and chubby with a farmer's tan. About all I can see is sin and flesh. Sheesh.

It's really hard to not view myself through the filter of what I have or have not done or what I do or don't look like rather than who God has made me.

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