Friday, July 21, 2006


Yesterday's workout was fun, if only for the fact that I was nearly loopy while doing it.

I didn't get more than 3 hours of sleep the night before. Even though I went to bed on time I just laid there. After about an hour, I decided to read the new fiction novel I purchased a few days ago (for some reason I can't remember the name right now). About three hours after that I decided that I may as well finish it, and so a tad after 0300 I rolled over and tried to sleep. The alarm was set for 0600.

For some fun, I decided to play in the pool at my apartment complex. I took a little camp shovel that disassembles into two pieces along with my shirt. I wrapped the pieces in the shirt, tied it off and threw it to the bottom. After making sure that it wasn't obvious I'd put my swimming trunks on backwards, a "giant step entry" set me on the way to untie and reassemble the shovel. I did this until I experienced a critical failure of the goggles...Water leakage.

After drying up, changing into some workout clothes (and donning them properly), I went to base and did this scaled version of the WoD. I tried the first round at 75lbs but had no mirror or anything to check form so I dropped the weight and a few reps for safety.

x5 Snatch, 65lbs
X10 OHS, 65lbs
400m Row

On the way there I was struggling with some spiritual issues and asked the Lord to help me in maintaining discipline in the battle. During the warmup and the beginning stages of the WoD, I nearly quit because I was tired and wasn't mentally there. I knew I could physically do it but lacked the motivation.
Right before I nearly quit, the prayer and a quote from a prior Commander of US SOCOM came to mind: "It doesn't matter how far we go and it doesn't matter how fast we get there; all that matters is that you are there with me at the end." After remembering these two things and thinking about James 1:1-9, quitting was no longer an option.

That's me. I'm out.

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