...yesterday was a personal record for my distance run.
10 MILES!!!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
I'm bloody FURIOUS!!!!!
So, the girl that I have been blogging about the past few months let me know last week that it's not going to work out. Per the Lord's orders, we aren't dating. Still friends, just not dating.
Okay. God's will. I can handle that, right?
I confess, to my shame, that I thought she was being untruthful about some things that she said so I confronted her about them. As it turns out, the information I got was from a guy that was apparently jealous of me!! What the crap is that!! So now I've hurt one of my best friends and want to drive my fist through the other "friend's" throat. I'd have beaten him bloody senseless had he been there. I'm so glad the Holy Spirit has renewed my heart about anger...Five or six years ago I'd have jumped in the truck and beat him down in his own living room. That's a testimony of what God's grace can do. :)
I can respect the Lord's will for her and I to not date. She's an incredible lady and will be some lucky guy's wife, for sure. She deserves no less than the best. It's a challenge to let go of those feelings, but because the Lord is the primary reason we decided (actually, she told me) to not court, period, I know that in the end it will be okay. Sigh. I wish it were the end already!! Anyway, please keep all involved in your prayers...Thanks!
So, the girl that I have been blogging about the past few months let me know last week that it's not going to work out. Per the Lord's orders, we aren't dating. Still friends, just not dating.
Okay. God's will. I can handle that, right?
I confess, to my shame, that I thought she was being untruthful about some things that she said so I confronted her about them. As it turns out, the information I got was from a guy that was apparently jealous of me!! What the crap is that!! So now I've hurt one of my best friends and want to drive my fist through the other "friend's" throat. I'd have beaten him bloody senseless had he been there. I'm so glad the Holy Spirit has renewed my heart about anger...Five or six years ago I'd have jumped in the truck and beat him down in his own living room. That's a testimony of what God's grace can do. :)
I can respect the Lord's will for her and I to not date. She's an incredible lady and will be some lucky guy's wife, for sure. She deserves no less than the best. It's a challenge to let go of those feelings, but because the Lord is the primary reason we decided (actually, she told me) to not court, period, I know that in the end it will be okay. Sigh. I wish it were the end already!! Anyway, please keep all involved in your prayers...Thanks!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
What I Believe...
Recently a visitor asked me what I believe. I haven't taken the time to answer him so far, so here it is. Sorry about the delay.
I don't list many Biblical references, but if you want more, just ask.
Man was created in the image of God, Man was perfect in the beginning, Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden and were cast out; the legacy of their sin lives on in us, manifested by 1) physical separation and death and 2) spiritual death and separation from God {Genesis}
All people fall into this category, no one by themselves can save themselves from this death, no one can save another person. {Romans, Psalms}
All men are created in a triune form - body, spirit, soul.
God is all powerful, ever present, all knowing. He exists in three 'persons' - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. He is in constant fellowship with himself and needs no other. He is the Creator of all time, space and matter, and is thus outside of time, space and matter. Morals are birthed directly from his divine nature. He is active in the daily lives of people on Earth. He is concerned about the people and desires a return of fellowship with them. He is worthy of all worship.
Son of God. He knew who he is and what he was supposed to do from the birth. He is both God and Man, conceived by the direct action of the Holy Spirit. His birth was prophesied many times throughout the Bible. The Torah was (and is) a living metaphor for His life, death and resurrection. He was perfect in life, death, and remains perfect now.
Salvation refers to many things throughout Scriptures, what I speak of here is the eternal salvation of a person's soul from eternal death and separation from God. The only way this salvation is available is through the direct action of the three Persons. It is free to men because Jesus willingly took the penalty of death (placed on man) upon himself. Receiving the salvation is done by the following:
But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
(Rom 10:8-10)
So, confess Jesus is Lord (admit your sinful condition/need for salvation and accept his authority), and believe in your heart, and you will be saved.
True faith is a gift directly received from the Lord. As a part of the transformation faith works, a person's mind and heart are "renewed" to be able to long for and do the will of God as well as hear the Holy Spirit. Because of the fact that faith is 1) from God and 2) a gift that works a complete transformation, it is irreversible.
Doesn't exist. It is based on humanist philosophies and oftentimes requires more faith than Christianity.
Confused/Don't know
Still the chosen people, don't believe in Replacement Theology, but am a little confused as to how to flesh it out.
Reformed Theology
I'm sure there's more, so pick away. That's it for now.
I don't list many Biblical references, but if you want more, just ask.
Man was created in the image of God, Man was perfect in the beginning, Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden and were cast out; the legacy of their sin lives on in us, manifested by 1) physical separation and death and 2) spiritual death and separation from God {Genesis}
All people fall into this category, no one by themselves can save themselves from this death, no one can save another person. {Romans, Psalms}
All men are created in a triune form - body, spirit, soul.
God is all powerful, ever present, all knowing. He exists in three 'persons' - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. He is in constant fellowship with himself and needs no other. He is the Creator of all time, space and matter, and is thus outside of time, space and matter. Morals are birthed directly from his divine nature. He is active in the daily lives of people on Earth. He is concerned about the people and desires a return of fellowship with them. He is worthy of all worship.
Son of God. He knew who he is and what he was supposed to do from the birth. He is both God and Man, conceived by the direct action of the Holy Spirit. His birth was prophesied many times throughout the Bible. The Torah was (and is) a living metaphor for His life, death and resurrection. He was perfect in life, death, and remains perfect now.
Salvation refers to many things throughout Scriptures, what I speak of here is the eternal salvation of a person's soul from eternal death and separation from God. The only way this salvation is available is through the direct action of the three Persons. It is free to men because Jesus willingly took the penalty of death (placed on man) upon himself. Receiving the salvation is done by the following:
But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
(Rom 10:8-10)
So, confess Jesus is Lord (admit your sinful condition/need for salvation and accept his authority), and believe in your heart, and you will be saved.
True faith is a gift directly received from the Lord. As a part of the transformation faith works, a person's mind and heart are "renewed" to be able to long for and do the will of God as well as hear the Holy Spirit. Because of the fact that faith is 1) from God and 2) a gift that works a complete transformation, it is irreversible.
Doesn't exist. It is based on humanist philosophies and oftentimes requires more faith than Christianity.
Confused/Don't know
Still the chosen people, don't believe in Replacement Theology, but am a little confused as to how to flesh it out.
Reformed Theology
I'm sure there's more, so pick away. That's it for now.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Take my Love
Shane Bernard
Lord, i'm giving all i am with everything i am
holy and annointed one, to You i lift my hands
i surrender all i have
take my love away, take my love away, take my love away
oh Lord, i've given it my best to take my love away
i think i read i cannot love the world and love You
take my love and plant it deep where life is found in You
plant it in the heart of Thee, i'm tired of trying to believei've worn out all my strategy
there's nothing i can do oh Lord to...
Father, only you can make the impossible possible, and today I'm asking for a miracle. Please hear me...please heal me. Amen.
Shane Bernard
Lord, i'm giving all i am with everything i am
holy and annointed one, to You i lift my hands
i surrender all i have
take my love away, take my love away, take my love away
oh Lord, i've given it my best to take my love away
i think i read i cannot love the world and love You
take my love and plant it deep where life is found in You
plant it in the heart of Thee, i'm tired of trying to believei've worn out all my strategy
there's nothing i can do oh Lord to...
Father, only you can make the impossible possible, and today I'm asking for a miracle. Please hear me...please heal me. Amen.
Diggity DANG!
Here's an article from Strategypage.Com that partially addresses the whole Christian/Islam/Israeli thing.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Mommy, make the bad men go away....
Pat Buchanan is at it again.
Israel has a right to defend herself...as long as she doesn't use lethal force? Is that what he's saying? That's what I'm hearing.
I do agree with what he says about William Kristol. I don't think anyone should bomb Iran's nuclear facilities because of what is going on in Israel. I think we should bomb Iran's nuclear facilities because they have a history of terrorism and a suicidal hatred of the West.
"Answer: It never did. But these neoconservatives care no more about the Constitution than they cared about the truth when they lied into war in Iraq." -End quote
Excuse me? Did I hear you say "lied"? I guess Jveritas is lying then, too...as well as thousands of other people. Not the U.N. though. The U.N. would NEVER lie about anything. Neither would Saddam Hussien. Or the "President" of Iran. Or Hezballah, or Hamas.
"How many would wind up dead or hostages of Hezbollah if Iran gave the order to retaliate for the slaughter of their citizens by U.S. bombs?" - End quote
"But there is no evidence Iran has any tighter control over Hezbollah than we have over Israel" - End Quote
Which is it? Do they, or do they not?
"What about America? Richard Armitage, who did four tours in Nam and knows a bit about war, says that, in its ability to attack Western targets, al-Qaida is the B Team, Hezbollah the A Team. If Bush bombs Iran, what prevents Hezbollah from launching retaliatory attacks inside the United States?" - End quote
Yes, that is why al-Qaida flew civilian airliners into our buildings and Hezbollah cheered from the sidelines. Oh wait, maybe I'm wrong; there has not been a UN Resolution to call a meeting to determine the credibility of that statement. If Hezbollah is stronger it's because al-Qaida has been bombed back to Mohammed. Hezbollah has already attacked many "Western" targets (I think "Western" is just a way to avoid the uncomfortable specificity of "United States.") If they could do more, they already would have.
I think Mr. Buchanan's most important error is that he seems to have forgotten who started this war...when your very existence is enough cause for a lot of people to want you dead, drastic measures have to be taken.
Israel has a right to defend herself...as long as she doesn't use lethal force? Is that what he's saying? That's what I'm hearing.
I do agree with what he says about William Kristol. I don't think anyone should bomb Iran's nuclear facilities because of what is going on in Israel. I think we should bomb Iran's nuclear facilities because they have a history of terrorism and a suicidal hatred of the West.
"Answer: It never did. But these neoconservatives care no more about the Constitution than they cared about the truth when they lied into war in Iraq." -End quote
Excuse me? Did I hear you say "lied"? I guess Jveritas is lying then, too...as well as thousands of other people. Not the U.N. though. The U.N. would NEVER lie about anything. Neither would Saddam Hussien. Or the "President" of Iran. Or Hezballah, or Hamas.
"How many would wind up dead or hostages of Hezbollah if Iran gave the order to retaliate for the slaughter of their citizens by U.S. bombs?" - End quote
"But there is no evidence Iran has any tighter control over Hezbollah than we have over Israel" - End Quote
Which is it? Do they, or do they not?
"What about America? Richard Armitage, who did four tours in Nam and knows a bit about war, says that, in its ability to attack Western targets, al-Qaida is the B Team, Hezbollah the A Team. If Bush bombs Iran, what prevents Hezbollah from launching retaliatory attacks inside the United States?" - End quote
Yes, that is why al-Qaida flew civilian airliners into our buildings and Hezbollah cheered from the sidelines. Oh wait, maybe I'm wrong; there has not been a UN Resolution to call a meeting to determine the credibility of that statement. If Hezbollah is stronger it's because al-Qaida has been bombed back to Mohammed. Hezbollah has already attacked many "Western" targets (I think "Western" is just a way to avoid the uncomfortable specificity of "United States.") If they could do more, they already would have.
I think Mr. Buchanan's most important error is that he seems to have forgotten who started this war...when your very existence is enough cause for a lot of people to want you dead, drastic measures have to be taken.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Yesterday's workout was fun, if only for the fact that I was nearly loopy while doing it.
I didn't get more than 3 hours of sleep the night before. Even though I went to bed on time I just laid there. After about an hour, I decided to read the new fiction novel I purchased a few days ago (for some reason I can't remember the name right now). About three hours after that I decided that I may as well finish it, and so a tad after 0300 I rolled over and tried to sleep. The alarm was set for 0600.
For some fun, I decided to play in the pool at my apartment complex. I took a little camp shovel that disassembles into two pieces along with my shirt. I wrapped the pieces in the shirt, tied it off and threw it to the bottom. After making sure that it wasn't obvious I'd put my swimming trunks on backwards, a "giant step entry" set me on the way to untie and reassemble the shovel. I did this until I experienced a critical failure of the goggles...Water leakage.
After drying up, changing into some workout clothes (and donning them properly), I went to base and did this scaled version of the WoD. I tried the first round at 75lbs but had no mirror or anything to check form so I dropped the weight and a few reps for safety.
x5 Snatch, 65lbs
X10 OHS, 65lbs
400m Row
On the way there I was struggling with some spiritual issues and asked the Lord to help me in maintaining discipline in the battle. During the warmup and the beginning stages of the WoD, I nearly quit because I was tired and wasn't mentally there. I knew I could physically do it but lacked the motivation.
Right before I nearly quit, the prayer and a quote from a prior Commander of US SOCOM came to mind: "It doesn't matter how far we go and it doesn't matter how fast we get there; all that matters is that you are there with me at the end." After remembering these two things and thinking about James 1:1-9, quitting was no longer an option.
That's me. I'm out.
I didn't get more than 3 hours of sleep the night before. Even though I went to bed on time I just laid there. After about an hour, I decided to read the new fiction novel I purchased a few days ago (for some reason I can't remember the name right now). About three hours after that I decided that I may as well finish it, and so a tad after 0300 I rolled over and tried to sleep. The alarm was set for 0600.
For some fun, I decided to play in the pool at my apartment complex. I took a little camp shovel that disassembles into two pieces along with my shirt. I wrapped the pieces in the shirt, tied it off and threw it to the bottom. After making sure that it wasn't obvious I'd put my swimming trunks on backwards, a "giant step entry" set me on the way to untie and reassemble the shovel. I did this until I experienced a critical failure of the goggles...Water leakage.
After drying up, changing into some workout clothes (and donning them properly), I went to base and did this scaled version of the WoD. I tried the first round at 75lbs but had no mirror or anything to check form so I dropped the weight and a few reps for safety.
x5 Snatch, 65lbs
X10 OHS, 65lbs
400m Row
On the way there I was struggling with some spiritual issues and asked the Lord to help me in maintaining discipline in the battle. During the warmup and the beginning stages of the WoD, I nearly quit because I was tired and wasn't mentally there. I knew I could physically do it but lacked the motivation.
Right before I nearly quit, the prayer and a quote from a prior Commander of US SOCOM came to mind: "It doesn't matter how far we go and it doesn't matter how fast we get there; all that matters is that you are there with me at the end." After remembering these two things and thinking about James 1:1-9, quitting was no longer an option.
That's me. I'm out.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Religion and Politics...

...and other NR/DB/Bonus topics from class.
G'day mates, this'ere's me blog. Feel free to speak your mind, just realize that I expect language like you would use at a guest's house, since you are my guest while you are here.
If you don't see anything that offends you, I apologize in advance...please let me know and I'll change that ASAP. :) Just kidding. Hang around long enough and I'm sure it'll happen though. I do apologize in advance for that...it's not my intent to offend, I just like to call it like I see it in any given situation. I also call people out and expect it to happen to me as well.
With that said, have an outstanding day.
Out of Context
Latest article by Pat Buchanan
You have got to be kidding me.
Where are the Christians? I'll tell you where they are. They're fighting the terrorists that are trying to kill your family. They're bleeding in the streets trying to help people that are affected by wars in the Middle East.
Defenseless Lebanon? The poor, defenseless government that has refused to fight against Hezbollah?
"...To punish these people for electing Hamas..." What the crap is that? Hamas = Radical Islamic ideology that is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. If it wasn't for the peace loving hippies at the U.N. Hamas would have been wiped off the map ages ago.
What about protecting innocent Israeli civilians makes this war un-Christian? What about removing a threat to the peace and stability of the region makes this un-Christian? Think about it...what would Israel be if there was no Hamas or Hezbollah? Peaceful? *Gasp*
You have got to be kidding me.
Where are the Christians? I'll tell you where they are. They're fighting the terrorists that are trying to kill your family. They're bleeding in the streets trying to help people that are affected by wars in the Middle East.
Defenseless Lebanon? The poor, defenseless government that has refused to fight against Hezbollah?
"...To punish these people for electing Hamas..." What the crap is that? Hamas = Radical Islamic ideology that is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. If it wasn't for the peace loving hippies at the U.N. Hamas would have been wiped off the map ages ago.
What about protecting innocent Israeli civilians makes this war un-Christian? What about removing a threat to the peace and stability of the region makes this un-Christian? Think about it...what would Israel be if there was no Hamas or Hezbollah? Peaceful? *Gasp*
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Humility and Pain Relief
Since I did Monday's WoD yesterday, I tried yesterday's WoD today. Oh, it was pitiful! I only got through 3.25 reps before pain (the injury causing type) nearly stopped my back from functioning. For a while I could hardly bend at the middle. Talk about humbled. Small weights with hardly any reps to speak of. Sheesh. Oh well, I needed it anyway.
I really dislike the fast WoD's with more than, oh, about 45-70 lbs or so. I get so excited about performing high reps that my form goes out the window and days like today happened.
However, at my apartment there is a little pool. It's six and one-half feet at the deepest and about 30 feet long. I read on a weightlifting website (cruising around from the Crossfit site) that a coach always tells his athletes to rest in the pool for a while, so that's what I did. It's great. No more pain in the lower back.
Since I did Monday's WoD yesterday, I tried yesterday's WoD today. Oh, it was pitiful! I only got through 3.25 reps before pain (the injury causing type) nearly stopped my back from functioning. For a while I could hardly bend at the middle. Talk about humbled. Small weights with hardly any reps to speak of. Sheesh. Oh well, I needed it anyway.
I really dislike the fast WoD's with more than, oh, about 45-70 lbs or so. I get so excited about performing high reps that my form goes out the window and days like today happened.
However, at my apartment there is a little pool. It's six and one-half feet at the deepest and about 30 feet long. I read on a weightlifting website (cruising around from the Crossfit site) that a coach always tells his athletes to rest in the pool for a while, so that's what I did. It's great. No more pain in the lower back.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Yesterday's WoD:
21, 15, 9
95 lb thruster
Pull ups
Time: 1240ish
That's down about eight minutes and up to 95 lbs from 75-85ish. Thank you Crossfit!
Run/walk: 20 mins...at 1100 this morning the temp felt like it was pushing 90+ degrees. The running plan I started (again) says today was 20 mins of running/walking, so I did some /walking.
I also shot my M-4 today. My ears are still ringing! That sucker is LOUD!!! Sheesh...I need some much better hearing protection before going to the range again. I wanted to shoot today to get familiar with the rifle, so I only fired about 32 rounds or so. I tried sighting it in but forgot pliers to adjust the front post and after a few shots the rear flip-up sight wiggled free. It wasn't really secured in the first place, so I expected that to happen.
Anyhow, that's my day. Now I've got to go do homework for my Communism 101 class. Out.
21, 15, 9
95 lb thruster
Pull ups
Time: 1240ish
That's down about eight minutes and up to 95 lbs from 75-85ish. Thank you Crossfit!
Run/walk: 20 mins...at 1100 this morning the temp felt like it was pushing 90+ degrees. The running plan I started (again) says today was 20 mins of running/walking, so I did some /walking.
I also shot my M-4 today. My ears are still ringing! That sucker is LOUD!!! Sheesh...I need some much better hearing protection before going to the range again. I wanted to shoot today to get familiar with the rifle, so I only fired about 32 rounds or so. I tried sighting it in but forgot pliers to adjust the front post and after a few shots the rear flip-up sight wiggled free. It wasn't really secured in the first place, so I expected that to happen.
Anyhow, that's my day. Now I've got to go do homework for my Communism 101 class. Out.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Here are some pet peeves. I'm venting.
It irritates me when the worship pastor acts like he's directing an orchestra and sings like he's the only one there. Seriously dude, how many people in the congregation are going to benefit from that? Stop acting like a turkey and be quiet.
It irritates me when pastors of any type wear glittery stuff on the pulpit. Why are you wearing an indigo blue sports jacket with highlights while you preach? I don't know if I want to laugh or what...but it shames me, to speak truthfully.
It really irritates me when I see the latest installements of the fish wars on someone's car as they whizz by me and cut in and out of traffic. Darwin may be wrong, but so is your driving. Keep moving like that and you might see Natural Selection first hand.
Why, oh why, on God's green and lovely earth, do people preach from movies? Oh, I forgot, in the First Book of Hollywood, the lord (of this world) said "My word is truth, and the truth will be found in movies. No, really. It's true."
What moron decided to put the urinals in sight of the bathroom door?
One word: "Rotodome."
Okay, more words: "Flex, lean forward, go get'em", and my personal FAVORITE: "This will be quick."
So tell me, Kemosabi, why you are in such a hurry to move forward that you stop on the railroad tracks in traffic...perhaps the same reason you stop in the intersection?
Want to take my AR-15 away from me? Come get it.
The ACLU (American Communist Lawyers Union).
It irritates me when the worship pastor acts like he's directing an orchestra and sings like he's the only one there. Seriously dude, how many people in the congregation are going to benefit from that? Stop acting like a turkey and be quiet.
It irritates me when pastors of any type wear glittery stuff on the pulpit. Why are you wearing an indigo blue sports jacket with highlights while you preach? I don't know if I want to laugh or what...but it shames me, to speak truthfully.
It really irritates me when I see the latest installements of the fish wars on someone's car as they whizz by me and cut in and out of traffic. Darwin may be wrong, but so is your driving. Keep moving like that and you might see Natural Selection first hand.
Why, oh why, on God's green and lovely earth, do people preach from movies? Oh, I forgot, in the First Book of Hollywood, the lord (of this world) said "My word is truth, and the truth will be found in movies. No, really. It's true."
What moron decided to put the urinals in sight of the bathroom door?
One word: "Rotodome."
Okay, more words: "Flex, lean forward, go get'em", and my personal FAVORITE: "This will be quick."
So tell me, Kemosabi, why you are in such a hurry to move forward that you stop on the railroad tracks in traffic...perhaps the same reason you stop in the intersection?
Want to take my AR-15 away from me? Come get it.
The ACLU (American Communist Lawyers Union).
It's been a good weekend, overall. Church, school, rest from working out, hanging out with friends and such is nice.
I watched the lateset installment of Pirates of the Caribbean today, and it opened a strange hole in my heart.
You know, I think I'd rather fight a kraggen and an undead Davey Jones, along with his ugly and stinky crew, than sit here and have a nice weekend. There is definite lack of adventure here, and I hate it. It's not just a lack of adventure. It's a lack of purpose. It seems as though I've accomplished nothing at all these past couple of days (or did I mean to say years?).
What to do?
I've learned that an adrenaline rush is not what I'm really looking for, even though it's an effective substitute, as far as short-term answers go. Rock climbing, mountain biking and other things are temporary. I need an adventure that is worth having. I need a wizard scratching the paint on my door. I need a crazy magician uncle. I need a wardrobe (only if it takes me to Narnia, though).
As a youth, I read the sci-fi/fantasy genre almost exclusively. After a few years of wondering why, I realized that the books I got into the most were the stories of regular folks that were drawn into a great conflict. They went, sometimes willingly and sometimes not; and in spite their best efforts they managed to save the entire world/universe/alternate dimension, etc.
I don't mind not saving the world. I don't mind not saving my apartement complex. I do mind not having work that won't perish when the Lord returns. I mind not knowing my purpose in the unit in which I serve. I mind wondering if there even is a purpose. I mind the frustration of seeing Americans die in far-off places and not being able to do anything about it. I mind seeing anybody die and not being able to do anything about it.
When I started this blog, my sole intent was to glorify God by telling the truth, both about my life and whatever else the Lord may decide. Now I feel like I'm complaining.
I watched the lateset installment of Pirates of the Caribbean today, and it opened a strange hole in my heart.
You know, I think I'd rather fight a kraggen and an undead Davey Jones, along with his ugly and stinky crew, than sit here and have a nice weekend. There is definite lack of adventure here, and I hate it. It's not just a lack of adventure. It's a lack of purpose. It seems as though I've accomplished nothing at all these past couple of days (or did I mean to say years?).
What to do?
I've learned that an adrenaline rush is not what I'm really looking for, even though it's an effective substitute, as far as short-term answers go. Rock climbing, mountain biking and other things are temporary. I need an adventure that is worth having. I need a wizard scratching the paint on my door. I need a crazy magician uncle. I need a wardrobe (only if it takes me to Narnia, though).
As a youth, I read the sci-fi/fantasy genre almost exclusively. After a few years of wondering why, I realized that the books I got into the most were the stories of regular folks that were drawn into a great conflict. They went, sometimes willingly and sometimes not; and in spite their best efforts they managed to save the entire world/universe/alternate dimension, etc.
I don't mind not saving the world. I don't mind not saving my apartement complex. I do mind not having work that won't perish when the Lord returns. I mind not knowing my purpose in the unit in which I serve. I mind wondering if there even is a purpose. I mind the frustration of seeing Americans die in far-off places and not being able to do anything about it. I mind seeing anybody die and not being able to do anything about it.
When I started this blog, my sole intent was to glorify God by telling the truth, both about my life and whatever else the Lord may decide. Now I feel like I'm complaining.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
The week is done
Score from yesterday's FGB: 276
FIVE people showed up for the event. Yes! Usually only one or two have the guts to try this workout, but yesterday five people showed up, including one girl! Seeing people get excited about Crossfit just makes my day. As one buddy said..."It's a REVOLUTION!"
I am constantly astounded by the beauty in the world around me. I'm sitting in a coffee shop right now in the middle of suburbia, and there is still evidence of God's creative hands all around me. Across the street there's a little tiny field of flowers, with some trees and grass. They're Oklahoma trees, but hey, today they count! The sky is almost swimming pool blue and there are just enough clouds to look for animals and such. And finally, the contrast of colors between roads, buildings, cars and especially signs fills the window with color.
I'm listening to a David Crowder CD with sound-canceling earphones. It's suprising how much better music sounds with these phones. They're not especially fancy or anything...Just $40 (compared to $250, the next level up), but it's nice. I'm grateful I'm able to sit in a coffee shop to worship and study in a little world of my own for a while. Hopefully I won't start singing or something...That'd be FUNNY!!!
FIVE people showed up for the event. Yes! Usually only one or two have the guts to try this workout, but yesterday five people showed up, including one girl! Seeing people get excited about Crossfit just makes my day. As one buddy said..."It's a REVOLUTION!"
I am constantly astounded by the beauty in the world around me. I'm sitting in a coffee shop right now in the middle of suburbia, and there is still evidence of God's creative hands all around me. Across the street there's a little tiny field of flowers, with some trees and grass. They're Oklahoma trees, but hey, today they count! The sky is almost swimming pool blue and there are just enough clouds to look for animals and such. And finally, the contrast of colors between roads, buildings, cars and especially signs fills the window with color.
I'm listening to a David Crowder CD with sound-canceling earphones. It's suprising how much better music sounds with these phones. They're not especially fancy or anything...Just $40 (compared to $250, the next level up), but it's nice. I'm grateful I'm able to sit in a coffee shop to worship and study in a little world of my own for a while. Hopefully I won't start singing or something...That'd be FUNNY!!!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Fight on Friday
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, please step right this way to see our third edition of FIGHT ON FRIDAY!!!!
45lb thruster, reps
Sumo-Deadlift High Pull, 75lbs, reps
Box Jumps, 20 inch box, reps
Push-Press, 75 lbs, reps
Row, calories
Perform each exercise for one minute continuously
Move to each exercise without stopping
Completion of all exercises constitutes one round
One minute break between each round
All of the above, X3
This is the first time a co-worker is going to do FOF. Uh-oh...he just may beat me, but it will come at a price!!! Hopefully he brings the rest of the Crossfit newbies that came along last time...they were a good group and would enjoy watching, if not participating.
At least one trash can/bag/toilet is required for this exercise. :) You think I'm kidding.
This is just about the only workout on Crossfit that actually causes fear in me. All the others are hard, but this one will test your charachter in ways the others won't. I get an adrenaline rush just thinking about it. I'm actually kinda looking forward to it since there's a lot of tension from work and school I need to burn off.
45lb thruster, reps
Sumo-Deadlift High Pull, 75lbs, reps
Box Jumps, 20 inch box, reps
Push-Press, 75 lbs, reps
Row, calories
Perform each exercise for one minute continuously
Move to each exercise without stopping
Completion of all exercises constitutes one round
One minute break between each round
All of the above, X3
This is the first time a co-worker is going to do FOF. Uh-oh...he just may beat me, but it will come at a price!!! Hopefully he brings the rest of the Crossfit newbies that came along last time...they were a good group and would enjoy watching, if not participating.
At least one trash can/bag/toilet is required for this exercise. :) You think I'm kidding.
This is just about the only workout on Crossfit that actually causes fear in me. All the others are hard, but this one will test your charachter in ways the others won't. I get an adrenaline rush just thinking about it. I'm actually kinda looking forward to it since there's a lot of tension from work and school I need to burn off.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Of Anger and Sprained Jaws
Well, I'm officially a dufus now. Just in case you couldn't tell. :)
During a workout last week I was concentrating on total body muscle tension and apparently did it so well I pulled my jaw slightly out of joint.
I've been looking at alternative sources of employment today as well. I've looked at SWAT, state police agencies, DoD security contractors, ATF, FBI, DEA and other interesting sounding jobs. One I particularly like had a starting salary of six figures plus I get to serve my country (still). Of course, the six figures include things like getting shot at; but hey, if you live like you're dead what's the point of living anyway?
It's not just the money and prestige that attract me, though it is money and prestige. Six figures, four times, equals a pretty good seminary education. One can only hope...and hope...and hope....
All I needed is your love,
Come and fill this heart o'mine
My heart is a desert that has gone dry,
I need your love to carry me on by
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
(Heb 11:1)
During a workout last week I was concentrating on total body muscle tension and apparently did it so well I pulled my jaw slightly out of joint.
I've been looking at alternative sources of employment today as well. I've looked at SWAT, state police agencies, DoD security contractors, ATF, FBI, DEA and other interesting sounding jobs. One I particularly like had a starting salary of six figures plus I get to serve my country (still). Of course, the six figures include things like getting shot at; but hey, if you live like you're dead what's the point of living anyway?
It's not just the money and prestige that attract me, though it is money and prestige. Six figures, four times, equals a pretty good seminary education. One can only hope...and hope...and hope....
All I needed is your love,
Come and fill this heart o'mine
My heart is a desert that has gone dry,
I need your love to carry me on by
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
(Heb 11:1)
Monday, July 10, 2006
Mental Anguish
There are so many things to worry about!
Today I recieved a notice that says I'm eligible to apply for crosstraining. Whew...first step complete! Now all I have to do is one more PAST, some physicals, and submit the paperwork.
I've got demons hounding me about it though. What if I can't swim well enough? (Even though it's only 200 yards?) What if I don't pass the depth vision test? It's the dumbest test ever, administered true military fashion. I've failed it as many times as I've passed it. I've been keeping up with people that are asking about depth vision waivers...the answer they got was "It's pretty important to be able to tell which aircraft is in front." Yep, that it is, and I'd have no problem with it since I do it every day on the flightline. I just don't see how looking at a two-dimensional object (the testing device) is going to test my ability to see depths in three dimensions. It's like saying pushups, situps and running are the only things necessary to test your fitness. Are they now? Really?
I'm putting way to much worry into this. I should just "let go and let God." Just hard to do that is all.
Today I recieved a notice that says I'm eligible to apply for crosstraining. Whew...first step complete! Now all I have to do is one more PAST, some physicals, and submit the paperwork.
I've got demons hounding me about it though. What if I can't swim well enough? (Even though it's only 200 yards?) What if I don't pass the depth vision test? It's the dumbest test ever, administered true military fashion. I've failed it as many times as I've passed it. I've been keeping up with people that are asking about depth vision waivers...the answer they got was "It's pretty important to be able to tell which aircraft is in front." Yep, that it is, and I'd have no problem with it since I do it every day on the flightline. I just don't see how looking at a two-dimensional object (the testing device) is going to test my ability to see depths in three dimensions. It's like saying pushups, situps and running are the only things necessary to test your fitness. Are they now? Really?
I'm putting way to much worry into this. I should just "let go and let God." Just hard to do that is all.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Is Jesus now a Communist?
A friend recently asked me why I compared the liberal left to communists. While looking for specific examples, I ran across this:
The Rendition of Christ: Winning the Battle for their Souls
Note that this is a communist website, apparently from the communist party in the USA. I can remember when people actually realized communism was bad. Did they forget about Russia, China, Cuba and the FSU Bloc?
If American ever falls, I suspect that it will never be on the battlefield. It will be on our own home soil, from our own hands. God protect us from that day.
The Rendition of Christ: Winning the Battle for their Souls
Note that this is a communist website, apparently from the communist party in the USA. I can remember when people actually realized communism was bad. Did they forget about Russia, China, Cuba and the FSU Bloc?
If American ever falls, I suspect that it will never be on the battlefield. It will be on our own home soil, from our own hands. God protect us from that day.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Communism in the USA
From CPUSA Online, I quote:
"Throughout our history, the Communist Party has recognized the need for fundamental change with a vision of a socialist United States built on the foundations of our Bill of Rights. In 2004, we project a program to meet the immediate needs of the people of our country." End of quote.
"Throughout our history, the Communist Party has recognized the need for fundamental change with a vision of a socialist United States built on the foundations of our Bill of Rights. In 2004, we project a program to meet the immediate needs of the people of our country." End of quote.
New Identity?
I've been thinking a lot about identity today.
In my history book I've read stories of men who were great spiritual leaders. I've read stories about men who literally saved the new Republic before it was born.
I've heard stories about guys today that do courageous things overseas and at home. I've heard about guys who are incredible spiritual leaders, fellows that are able to teach the Word clearly and precisely. I've heard about men who love their families and sacrifice for them. I've seen some of them and they fit the tall, dark and handsome category.
And then there's me. I haven't served the Lord in a church for more than two years now (in almost any capacity). I haven't even had the opportunity to serve my country like other people. I'm short and chubby with a farmer's tan. About all I can see is sin and flesh. Sheesh.
It's really hard to not view myself through the filter of what I have or have not done or what I do or don't look like rather than who God has made me.
In my history book I've read stories of men who were great spiritual leaders. I've read stories about men who literally saved the new Republic before it was born.
I've heard stories about guys today that do courageous things overseas and at home. I've heard about guys who are incredible spiritual leaders, fellows that are able to teach the Word clearly and precisely. I've heard about men who love their families and sacrifice for them. I've seen some of them and they fit the tall, dark and handsome category.
And then there's me. I haven't served the Lord in a church for more than two years now (in almost any capacity). I haven't even had the opportunity to serve my country like other people. I'm short and chubby with a farmer's tan. About all I can see is sin and flesh. Sheesh.
It's really hard to not view myself through the filter of what I have or have not done or what I do or don't look like rather than who God has made me.
Friday, July 07, 2006
What is this CRAP?!?!?!
I am so furious right now. This is my extra-credit assingment for AMERICAN HISTORY (notice: it's not a Governments of the World class, it's not a religion class, it's not a media class, I'm not studying to become a lawyer, judge or doctor.)
"In the nineteenth century northern evangelical Protestants opposed slavery, especially those evangelicals who hailed from the New England states. Today, evangelical Protestants--in concert with Catholics andothers faiths--oppose abortion, gay marriage, etc., and are backing candidates to politica loffice who share their views. (already we see Republicans trying to out-Christian out-conservative their Republican rivals in the TV ads for office.) What would happen in America if Christian conservatives had a majority in Congress, on the Supreme Court, and in state house across America? What changes do you think would take place? Obviously Roe v. Wade would be overturned, so go beyond that one instance and think of other things. Television, schools, entertainments, sex, etc. etc. ..." Grammatical errors are not mine.
Talk about way out of friggin context. I don't care what the guy's point is, this has NOTHING to do with American History. This is not friggin PHILOSOPHY 101. This is supposed to be American History, where I learn about the friggin history of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!! I don't give a CRAP what the Republicans are doing in relation to this class. I don't give a CRAP what friggin WOULD happen because we're not supposed to theorize on how the "dirty Christians" (my quote) are going to ruin our sex games in the White House or damage our campaign to rid the earth of human beings or (gasp) teach people HOW to think and not WHAT to think!! SUCH A BLOODY TRAVESTY!!! QUICK, SOMEBODY GO KILL AN UNBORN CHILD SO IT ISN'T INFECTED WITH THESE REBELLIOUS THOUGHTS!!!
We're supposed to be learning HISTORY! Where's the HISTORY in this assignment?!?! What's the POINT to this assingment? I'm so mad I'm cussing.
"In the nineteenth century northern evangelical Protestants opposed slavery, especially those evangelicals who hailed from the New England states. Today, evangelical Protestants--in concert with Catholics andothers faiths--oppose abortion, gay marriage, etc., and are backing candidates to politica loffice who share their views. (already we see Republicans trying to out-Christian out-conservative their Republican rivals in the TV ads for office.) What would happen in America if Christian conservatives had a majority in Congress, on the Supreme Court, and in state house across America? What changes do you think would take place? Obviously Roe v. Wade would be overturned, so go beyond that one instance and think of other things. Television, schools, entertainments, sex, etc. etc. ..." Grammatical errors are not mine.
Talk about way out of friggin context. I don't care what the guy's point is, this has NOTHING to do with American History. This is not friggin PHILOSOPHY 101. This is supposed to be American History, where I learn about the friggin history of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!! I don't give a CRAP what the Republicans are doing in relation to this class. I don't give a CRAP what friggin WOULD happen because we're not supposed to theorize on how the "dirty Christians" (my quote) are going to ruin our sex games in the White House or damage our campaign to rid the earth of human beings or (gasp) teach people HOW to think and not WHAT to think!! SUCH A BLOODY TRAVESTY!!! QUICK, SOMEBODY GO KILL AN UNBORN CHILD SO IT ISN'T INFECTED WITH THESE REBELLIOUS THOUGHTS!!!
We're supposed to be learning HISTORY! Where's the HISTORY in this assignment?!?! What's the POINT to this assingment? I'm so mad I'm cussing.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
10 min warmup row, 1042 meters.
500 meters/135 bench press (supposed to be body weight but I'm a sissy now)
500 meters/30 pushups (no equipment)
500 meters/115 bench press (see above comment)
Drove home and then did about a 2-2.25 mile run. It's 90+ degrees outside, according to this weather site.
I've been especially lazy the past few days. Gonna have to make up for it. Yikes!
Strange things happen to me if I don't work out for more than three days straight (technically I did a run, but it was short and slow, so it doesn't count). I lose my appetite completely. I get cranky and upset. The worst though is that I lose my focus on Christ. Prayer and worship is a part of the workout...If that goes away, many more things are lost than physical fitness.
Not that the walk has been good for a while anyway. This weekend was great, there was plenty of time yesterday to get rested up and relax. Other than that it's been a struggle. I hate being lazy but it's contagious...That whole body of rest thing just kills me.
On the flip side of that, the preacher is saying some interesting things about 1 Peter during the Sunday sermons. He sees a lot of justification for Reformed theology in the first few chapters of Peter. I'm not sure I agree, though it's hard to differentiate between the types of RT, like all-out Calvinism and Lutheran theology (which seems mostly the same but slightly different). I've ordered John MacArthur's commentary to help with this...I'll be going through the same verses the pastor is preaching on throughout the week. Should be a learning experience.
10 min warmup row, 1042 meters.
500 meters/135 bench press (supposed to be body weight but I'm a sissy now)
500 meters/30 pushups (no equipment)
500 meters/115 bench press (see above comment)
Drove home and then did about a 2-2.25 mile run. It's 90+ degrees outside, according to this weather site.
I've been especially lazy the past few days. Gonna have to make up for it. Yikes!
Strange things happen to me if I don't work out for more than three days straight (technically I did a run, but it was short and slow, so it doesn't count). I lose my appetite completely. I get cranky and upset. The worst though is that I lose my focus on Christ. Prayer and worship is a part of the workout...If that goes away, many more things are lost than physical fitness.
Not that the walk has been good for a while anyway. This weekend was great, there was plenty of time yesterday to get rested up and relax. Other than that it's been a struggle. I hate being lazy but it's contagious...That whole body of rest thing just kills me.
On the flip side of that, the preacher is saying some interesting things about 1 Peter during the Sunday sermons. He sees a lot of justification for Reformed theology in the first few chapters of Peter. I'm not sure I agree, though it's hard to differentiate between the types of RT, like all-out Calvinism and Lutheran theology (which seems mostly the same but slightly different). I've ordered John MacArthur's commentary to help with this...I'll be going through the same verses the pastor is preaching on throughout the week. Should be a learning experience.
Well, that's life....
10 min warmup row, 1042 meters.
500 meters/135 bench press (supposed to be body weight but I'm a sissy now)
500 meters/30 pushups (no equipment)
500 meters/115 bench press (see above comment)
Drove home and then did about a 2-2.25 mile run. It's 90+ degrees outside, according to this weather site.
I've been especially lazy the past few days. Gonna have to make up for it. Yikes!
Strange things happen to me if I don't work out for more than three days straight (technically I did a run, but it was short and slow, so it doesn't count). I lose my appetite completely. I get cranky and upset. The worst though is that I lose my focus on Christ. Prayer and worship is a part of the workout...If that goes away, many more things are lost than physical fitness.
Not that the walk has been good for a while anyway. This weekend was great, there was plenty of time yesterday to get rested up and relax. Other than that it's been a struggle. I hate being lazy but it's contagious...That whole body of rest thing just kills me.
On the flip side of that, the preacher is saying some interesting things about 1 Peter during the Sunday sermons. He sees a lot of justification for Reformed theology in the first few chapters of Peter. I'm not sure I agree, though it's hard to differentiate between the types of RT, like all-out Calvinism and Lutheran theology (which seems mostly the same but slightly different). I've ordered John MacArthur's commentary to help with this...I'll be going through the same verses the pastor is preaching on throughout the week. Should be a learning experience.
10 min warmup row, 1042 meters.
500 meters/135 bench press (supposed to be body weight but I'm a sissy now)
500 meters/30 pushups (no equipment)
500 meters/115 bench press (see above comment)
Drove home and then did about a 2-2.25 mile run. It's 90+ degrees outside, according to this weather site.
I've been especially lazy the past few days. Gonna have to make up for it. Yikes!
Strange things happen to me if I don't work out for more than three days straight (technically I did a run, but it was short and slow, so it doesn't count). I lose my appetite completely. I get cranky and upset. The worst though is that I lose my focus on Christ. Prayer and worship is a part of the workout...If that goes away, many more things are lost than physical fitness.
Not that the walk has been good for a while anyway. This weekend was great, there was plenty of time yesterday to get rested up and relax. Other than that it's been a struggle. I hate being lazy but it's contagious...That whole body of rest thing just kills me.
On the flip side of that, the preacher is saying some interesting things about 1 Peter during the Sunday sermons. He sees a lot of justification for Reformed theology in the first few chapters of Peter. I'm not sure I agree, though it's hard to differentiate between the types of RT, like all-out Calvinism and Lutheran theology (which seems mostly the same but slightly different). I've ordered John MacArthur's commentary to help with this...I'll be going through the same verses the pastor is preaching on throughout the week. Should be a learning experience.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
I must say that I'm hoping Israel makes good on the threat to kill the Hamas PM. Before you accuse me of heresy, sin, anger, rage, hate, or whatever, let's look at why:
1. Hamas is a terrorist organization. No where else in the world does the international community kowtow to a bunch of terrorists like they do Hamas. Why? Because Hamas is anti-Israel and for some reason the neighboring countries don't seem to like Israel, either (book of Genesis, perhaps?).
2. They use suicide bombings, kidnappings and other means to try to get what they want. (Which is the annihilation of the Nation of Israel.)
3. They play the international media to their advantage (and the media is happy to comply).
4. Imagine getting out of bed because a rocket hit the house next to yours. After you rush over to help your neighbors, you decide that you may as well go over to the mall to get some shopping done. When you get there, you have to pass through heavily armed checkpoints to enter the mall. After you get your shopping done, you come home to find a govt notice on your door that says you have to move out so the people that tried to kill you can live there instead. Such is the life of an Israeli (or so I hear).
What would you do if the US govt declared that your town had to be abandoned so the descendants of the original owners of the land (Native Americans) can live there for free on your hard labor. Now imagine those Indians plotting terror attacks to get the town back...They don't just wait, they start killing people. America is not going to return to the pre-colonized state...The European, with all his faults, is here to stay. So is Israel.
Taking out the PM is not an opinion I carry with anger. Well, I feel anger at the injustices done, but I don't just want to start killing people for revenge (Unlike Israel's Muslim neighbors). I think the PM is a military target, and should be treated as such. That's just my two cents.
1. Hamas is a terrorist organization. No where else in the world does the international community kowtow to a bunch of terrorists like they do Hamas. Why? Because Hamas is anti-Israel and for some reason the neighboring countries don't seem to like Israel, either (book of Genesis, perhaps?).
2. They use suicide bombings, kidnappings and other means to try to get what they want. (Which is the annihilation of the Nation of Israel.)
3. They play the international media to their advantage (and the media is happy to comply).
4. Imagine getting out of bed because a rocket hit the house next to yours. After you rush over to help your neighbors, you decide that you may as well go over to the mall to get some shopping done. When you get there, you have to pass through heavily armed checkpoints to enter the mall. After you get your shopping done, you come home to find a govt notice on your door that says you have to move out so the people that tried to kill you can live there instead. Such is the life of an Israeli (or so I hear).
What would you do if the US govt declared that your town had to be abandoned so the descendants of the original owners of the land (Native Americans) can live there for free on your hard labor. Now imagine those Indians plotting terror attacks to get the town back...They don't just wait, they start killing people. America is not going to return to the pre-colonized state...The European, with all his faults, is here to stay. So is Israel.
Taking out the PM is not an opinion I carry with anger. Well, I feel anger at the injustices done, but I don't just want to start killing people for revenge (Unlike Israel's Muslim neighbors). I think the PM is a military target, and should be treated as such. That's just my two cents.
I know she's going to be embarrassed, but I'm going to post this anyway (a little bit of attention never hurt anybody :) ).
The more time I spend with her and her family, the more I am humbled. Rarely is there a family that truly seeks to honor the Lord as much as they do. Rarely is there a woman so wise and full of faith as her.
I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I do not deserve her attention or affection (though I'm not saying I don't want it!). I know that whomever the Lord decides to bless with her companionship, that will be a blessed fellow. Even if it's not me, I'll be happy for him; I can see how favored by the Lord he really is.
I know she's going to be embarrassed, but I'm going to post this anyway (a little bit of attention never hurt anybody :) ).
The more time I spend with her and her family, the more I am humbled. Rarely is there a family that truly seeks to honor the Lord as much as they do. Rarely is there a woman so wise and full of faith as her.
I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I do not deserve her attention or affection (though I'm not saying I don't want it!). I know that whomever the Lord decides to bless with her companionship, that will be a blessed fellow. Even if it's not me, I'll be happy for him; I can see how favored by the Lord he really is.
Israel threatens Prime Minister
Petawatt Laser...Laser Fusion
Real Zombies...totally, utterly, beyond all doubt one of the creepiest things I've EVER seen.
Petawatt Laser...Laser Fusion
Real Zombies...totally, utterly, beyond all doubt one of the creepiest things I've EVER seen.
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