Monday, June 05, 2006

New Day

It's been a fun day!!

I spent this morning trying to run my 5.23 mile course (finally measured it out). At about 2.5 I realized that my legs were so sore that to continue would risk injury from over-tight muscles. So, I walked back and then it was time to do the swim workout. My friend and now swim coach completely wore me out. I'm grateful to her for freely offering quality lessons. Later tonight (not much later though) is the next round of Crossfit. Three workouts in one day...I am so HUNGRY!!! GRRR!!!! I WANT SOME MORE FOOD!!!

Anyway, I've done history homework (just study at this point) and now I'm going to go soon so I can work out. Grace.


Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

wowzers...3-a-day. u go dan! man, ur organs must be digesting themselves at this point--more protein!! more magnesium!! way more H2O! have fun, bro!

Holly said...

Yeah - go Danny, you machine you! I hope your week is going well and you are able to glean more wisdom from the Lord! Keep those q.t.'s up! Talk to you later.

PS - Thanks for keeping me company during my hour long trek back home!

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.