Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Yeah! Neat-O!

Lots of news today!


Untimed, appx 2.75 miles

X4 lengths (appx 25m, little bit less) underwaters...three of four times I made it 3/4 way, made it all the way once
X4 lengths kick training (with the little floating board thing)
X2.5ish half-lengths stroke training
Little bit of bobbing, nothing to serious, just enough to help me get comfortable with being on the bottom and not having air.

Started at 125, went to 155 (only on last DL)
X10, 9, 8, 7 Deadlift, Bench Press, Clean
At bodyweight appx 160-65ish, that's not good. I think I could have done more had I not already been tired, and I was concerned about causing serious injury to my knees/legs (they've taken a beating the past seven days!). Also, for the DL and clean I was more concerned about form than anything else. Bad form leads to weakness, injury and bad reps. Good form heals weakness, injury, and makes good reps. I saw a guy doing DL's right next to me...he would bend over at the waist, lift with his legs, and at the top he'd straighten out his back and actually lean backwards a little bit. Now that I think about it, I'm suprised his spine didn't snap off at the bottom and roll up like a window shade.
I also did some co-ordination/balance training on the adult playgrounds. Two rounds of things including monkey bars, pullups, balance beams, dip walking on the parallel bars, bear walking on the parallel bars, jumping onto posts, climbing poles, leg asissted muscle-ups, and a little bit of climbing. It was tiring but fun.

Five rounds, for time:
Row 500m
15 knees-elbows
15 back extensions

I got to indoctrinate another friend/co-worker into the Crossfit regime. He loved it! Yeah baby, yeah! One more convert. I saw one of my ALS instructors today at the gym, we talked a bit about nutrition, education and our mutual dreams of being personal trainers. He's an awesome fellow.

Also had an interesting conversation at work about the gay marriage thing. I get so frustrated with myself sometimes...I could type out volumes of info and opinions in a written debate, but if you ask me to speak it, I'll completely lose track. I think that maybe I just get nervous talking with unbelievers about subjects that pertain to God, especially when I know that nearly everything I say is going to paint them as sinners. Well duh, sometimes it's supposed to, but I struggle with providing a Christ-like example in work, love and grace, and still proclaiming truth in the public arena. I don't want to deliver the message in a way that turns people off, and I don't have much practice with it. I'm grateful for the chance to hone conversational skills with people of differing views that can still be civil. I'm sure military law has something to do with the civil part, I know sometimes it does with me...but hey, it works.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Perhaps you get nervous talking to people about GOd's Truth because you feel the pressure is on you to say the right things, when in reality the Lord promises to provide the right words when we rely on Him. I know I get nervous and feel inadequate but in retrospect, I see that almost everything I said I don't remember thinking, let alone saying - it still doesn't ease the inadequacy feeling though.

I hope you are able to do talk about godly things more, and lean on HIs provision of words more than your own. Cool opportunity though!