Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dreams of...

What do you dream about?

I dream about service. First to God, then my wife, then family and country. I dream about being able to defend them in times of danger, providing for them in times of need, celebrating with them in times of joy, and discipling and leading them, well, always.

I dream about achievements. I dream about what it would be like to serve in battle. I wonder (and sometimes worry) what fear would do to me there. I dream about what I'd have to do to be recognized as valuable to the organization I currently work for. I dream about writing a novel, article, story that will impact the person I'm writing for. I dream about becoming filthy rich as a novelist, leaving my job and wondering around in dangerous places saving people from the bad guys.

I dream about fears. In my worries are upcoming evaluations, the insecurities I feel while giving classroom instruction, the occasional fear that I've sinned so much God won't love me anymore.

I dream about fitness. What would it be like to finish an Ironman? 2.4 miles by swim, 112 miles by bicycle, 26.2 by foot? What about the Western States 100 footrace through the western mountains? What about the Badwater Footrace, 135 miles through Death Valley in the middle of summer, where it's so hot your shoes literally melt off your feet? What about snatching 135 lbs...with one hand? Or snatching that with both hands?

I dream about many things. Some are misplaced, results of sin, some are not. That's me.


Holly said...

This is one of the best posts I've read on here. Thanks for sharing.

Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

Wow, so you do think about triathlons--sweet! I thought you dreamed about leaving Oklahoma. Nice post, Danny.

Dan said...

Thanks, I guess.... :)