Thursday, October 19, 2006



(Two Rounds for time)
Run, appx 250m
Urchins (reach down and touch the little thingy)
Clap Pushup x3
Burpees x5
Pushups x10
Diamond Pushups X5
KB carry, 20 feet
Medicine Ball twist X5
Bench Jump X 20

It was a designated easy day, so I did that to test the circuit for PT today. Today at PT I did the same thing except replaced clap push-ups with wheelbarrow walk (and rotating pushups the next time around), did a water jug carry with my teammate, and did a medicine ball toss instead of twist.
It was so cold outside both days that by the time I was done I was just getting warm enough to really hit it. Oh well. It's nice to have a break every now and then. Everyone who attended PT did a really great job of it, too! :)

Later in the afternoon:

For Time:
2000m Row (8:22)
50 Glute-Ham sit-ups
x10 pushups, x5 pull-ups three rounds
Total time: 20:22ish.

For the first time since I got sick, I finally managed a 1000m row at an average split time of 2:00. Before I was sick, anything more than two minutes (unless it's the fourth or fifth time in a high-intensity WoD) would a bad day. I'm getting there.

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