Friday, April 07, 2006

Lying, thieving, deceitful idiotic morons!!!!!! HOLY CRAP I'M SO MAD!!!!!!

Can you say, "Pass me the communist manifesto, please?"

If it weren't for the fact that people in this country actually get what they think is valuable news from this magazine, I wouldn't worry about it. But after seeing the crap I see on MTV, VH1 and other pop culture toilet bowls, I have to wonder.

First of all, let's look at the picture and the headline on the picture (Go to the Vanity Fair homepage and scroll down to see the headline.)
The picture is an obvious reference to Gaea, the Earth-Goddess that in one form or another is the central figure of most druidic religions. Why in the world did they put a symbol of paganistic religions on the cover when talking about global warming? I could go on for days about this so I'll stop with 1) it has to do with evolution, and 2) PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!!!

The politicians mentioned here are really friggin dumb. As I remember the liberal commies desire for more and more federal control over the daily lives of citizens, I see global warming as an excuse to confiscate private land. Which, suprisingly enough, is right up there with gun control on the communist manifesto.

Let's look at the headline: "A threat graver than terrorism. How much of New York, Washington, and other American cities will be under water?"

First of all, I don't see Santa stockpiling nuclear warheads to deliver to us on an ICBM or in a briefcase when we're on the naughty list. I don't see Gaea amassing weapons of mass destruction, unless it's in the form of maniacal scientists that advocate the deliberate killing of 90% of our population by way of the Ebola virus. Look in the news and you'll see the Iranian culture falling to pieces and their inclination to wheel and deal with terrorism in all forms and fashions. You'll see their refusals to stop pursuing nuclear technology for 'energy purposes.' You probably won't see them saving bottle caps and can tabs, though. Maybe because they're melting them down to deliver to Gaea during nuclear fission.

Let's look at the comments about President Bush and the oh-so-holy Al Gore, Senior Druid of the Donkey Clan. No, actually, let's not. They're friggin retarded and anyone with half a brain can see the spin applied like it's from a baseball pitching machine on overdrive.

Let's look at the environment for a moment. I do admit that we as a culture have wasted the resources given to us, but I don't think that's an excuse to plan global communism and enforce a world-wide religion of earth worship. Did I actually just say what I think I said?

Or how about this? I've got an idea. I think the democrats have forgotten about whales and elephants. Maybe we should euthanize the largest mammals in the world so they don't produce any methane gas to harm the environment. We'll just have to slip this by them before they deify the animals (if they haven't already - watch one take a trip to Africa and come back an elephant worshipper). That makes about as much sense as putting regulations on refrigerants so they don't harm the ozone layer when the refrigerants bloody sink. They don't rise. Or maybe my unevolved brain just isn't capable of understanding how this happens.

This environment crap brigade isn't about the earth any more than gay adoption is about kids. It's about a group of elitist morons trying to not only spread, but enforce by rule-of-law a religion that should have died out when the ancient Brits and Irish stopped sacrificing virgins to the village dragons. Of course, if any of these people accepted the fact that they were wrong, then they'd have to find something to believe in (besides themselves), and that might lead them to *gasp* CHRISTIANITY!!!!!!

Two more things.

One, God promised to never again destroy the world in a flood. Hmmm...what do you believe about the subject?

Two, from the moment of the flood (actually from the moment of sin, but give me some room to explain for a second), this world was doomed. When the "fountains of the great deep" opened up, it caused an 'ice age' that we can still see the lingering effects of today. One side effect of this is how much methane and I believe cO2 is stored in the ocean (it's been a while since I've seen this study, and if I can find it again I'll post a link or something). Apparently, it's a lot. As the ocean warms (not because of our polution, but because it's not ICE anymore, it's returning to the begining state) it releases these gases. What you don't see in the liberal media is the effects of these gases outweigh all of the pollution in the world. From the ocean. From effects caused by the actions of sinful man. Hmm. Imagine that.

This is boangeres, signing off.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Did you get loud when writing this? just wondering.

Hmmm..thoughts are coming in response to this - I believe and support conservation of the environment (though I am not a fanatic extremist to the cause by any means).

Raising awareness is good if the focus is kept on the cause rather than some side-political scheme of manipulation.

More thoughts are coming - but I need more time to process. Stay tuned.