Thursday, April 27, 2006


Lots and lots of it.

I found out earlier that I'll have to complete my CCAF within a year of being transferred to my new squadron. I haven't even started it. What's the point? Oftentimes the classes don't carry over, and I don't think a seminary is going to accept an ABM degree, anyway. Neither will another career field.
More pain for another ridiculous requirement. Pretty soon we're going to have a ban on eating in uniform. They've already taken the refrigerators and ovens away, so now we'll get a ridiculous mandate to be HEALTH and are forced to eat crap all day. Yeah, have to pass a fitness test with situps (that test your leg muscles, not your abs), pushups (PANSY pushups) and a run (or walk, if you really want to), but we aren't going to let you eat anything that's NOT going to give you cancer or help you get fat. Yeah. Thanks a million.
I'm so friggin sick of this CRAP. I'm one of maybe about 10 people I know (out of a lot more) that actually wants to do the job...I'm not there for personal gain, I'm not here to get an education (though that's not a bad thing)...I'm here to DO THE MISSION, and I can't even get the crappy ones. Maybe I should join the Mafia.
Oh, and guess what...Morale (patches) are now banned. Yippie. Morale is officially banned. It would be the height of irony if I wasn't allowed to crosstrain because my career field needs me to stay. I'd seriously lose my sanity, if there is anything left to lose.


Kt said...

Dude- I couldn't agree more- though I didnt know morale patches were banned- but I didn't wear them anyway.

As far as the eating- yeah- I've been trying to change whats in the squadron for quite some time- to no avail. Then when people fail their pt tests- they blame it on the crap they have at the squadron...umm- okay. We'll talk about your CCAF when we meet later- I have lots of stuff on that. Ha ha. Have a good day!

Eric said...

Well, all I can say is that Kris and I are here if you need anything...haha...even fat...or morale. Press on, pal!

Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

so, the chiefs are at it again. that's what morale was like when i first got to that base. seemed to get a little better as the top leadership changed out and retired, but, that monster base seemse to have a way of going from very sucky - to - OK - to - very sucky. i don't get why you can't eat healthy food , you'll have to explain that one. maybe if you can't cross train you can just get out of the service in general. Besides, there are plenty of guard units out there!