Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dumb Guys


I've been reading a friend's blog and something has set my blood on fire. She said that a family member is more chivalrous than many of the guys she knows. oooooooooooooo dang.

What the heck is going on here? Whatever happened to chivalry? Whatever happened to protecting the innocent, and yes, the women and children?
Sorry, but I don't have a lot of tolerance right now. I'm not actually as fuming and angry as I sound, though if I think about this for very long I will be. I guess the stress of ALS is having it's effect.
It irritates the crap out of me to see guys mistreat a lady. Granted, some women seem to look to deep into politeness and try to find more meaning than there is. I'm not saying to not be careful to not give the wrong impression. (Say that 10 times fast.) I'm talking about the duds that treat her like she's just another item or possession, or that think she's weak and incapable, or are just flat out mean and cruel.
One day I was thinking about what in the world reveals the most to me about God (either directly or indirectly). I was wondering which part of life I should be most thankful for and take extra time to appreciate. It took about five minutes to decide. Women. At the time, I think it was one specific woman, but the point is still there. Ever since then I've had this huge big brother complex that has gotten me into quite a few uncomfortable spots, but hey, it's true.

Anyway, my time is running out. Two more days left, not counting today, and I can breathe freely again (at least until I start swinging the bell). Adios!


p.s. - Chuck Norris and Mr. T decided to go to a bar one day. After they both walked in, it immediately exploded because the building could not contain the level of awesome that was present. No one was hurt. The umbrella of awesome protected all involved.


Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

OK, please tell me why there's all the recent hub-bub about Chuck Norris all over the internet. What the heck? Almost every guy's blog I read gushes about Chuck Norris. Granted...his first black belt (of the 10+) was in World Tang Soo Do which is pretty cool, but Walker, Texas Ranger, had to be the dumbest show of the 1990's. The choreography was retarded, the action shots slow, and the editing didn't leave enough on the cutting room floor. Sheesh. However, they did film that show in my hometown of Cedar Hill, Texas and one of the lead actors lived in my subdivision ;-)

Holly said...

Danny / you are stinking awesome! I love it that you make me laugh. And yes, chilvary is somewhat of a rarity these days and it is something missed - we want to be treated like ladies (so thanks for the shout out and getting angry), my heart leaps!!
Talk to you later... oh - and where is my book?! I hear you couldnt read it for my notes, sorry about that but I do want it back!

Dan said...

Dolly -

Chuck Norris is Chuck Norris...what else is there to say? It's like hackie sac or troll dolls with fluffy hair, except it's guys, so something's got to be something that blows up or does round-house kicks.

Holly -
I didn't realize the book was yours! I'm sorry. It's in my reading area, awaiting the return of it's owner. :)
