Monday, December 11, 2006

Fun fun fun!

Saturday was a blast.

A couple of friends and I went to Falls Creek, a Baptist youth camp about an hour south of OKC. Since it's the middle of winter there weren't any kiddos running around; we pretty much had it to ourselves.

The two friends went for fishing and some hiking. I went for hiking and climbing. Within about three minutes of getting there I had my MacPac on and was cruisin down the road toward a beautiful little spot I'd seen from the drive had some cliffs and boulders, so I was SET!

After arriving I rummaged around the hill until a likely spot to ascend appeared. It wasn't actually a climb, more like class 3 terrain to scramble over (Holly correct me if that's the wrong terminology please!). The view from the top was fantastic! I could see down the valley both ways and was ecstatic to be there. Eventually I remembered that heaven came after death (and briefly considered hurrying the process!) and went down. I took a different route back and ran across the prettiest set of falls I've seen to date. The falls were rock and I think some ancient concrete that was eroded down, and thus looked like rock. (You'd think concrete would make it worse, but in this case, it didn't! Really!)

Soooo....yeah...below the falls were a few huge boulders sticking up out of the water. Of course I had to jump on them, and shortly found myself surrounded by six to eight foot pools of crystal clear beauty. Gorgeous! After looking around I saw a perfect route to climb and decided to go for it. I still had my pack on and didn't have any pro, so it had to be relatively easy, and it was. Climbing it was kinda fun though!

My buddy and I decided to go for a hike later on, too. We were probably gone a good three to four hours, and I enjoyed every minute of it! There were a few places I had to tear my eyes away from the walls around us...aye de would have been so much FUN! :) I don't regret not climbing though considering I'd probably have killed myself. Heh. Clumsy + freeclimbing...uh, no thanks, that's a casualty waiting to happen.


Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

Wow, who'd have thought you could do actual outdoor rock climbing in flat Oklahoma? Glad you had a good time. I miss climbing like crazy.

Michelle M said...

I'm glad you had fun :D You needed a good day away.

Anonymous said...

Awesome day Danny! I love days like that. Class 3 is ok terminology, climbers and mountaineers will get it. Glad you had such a fun day! TAKE PICTURES NEXT TIME!!

This is the first shot I've had to look at your blog this week, sorry for the belated comment.
- - HOLLY (It wouldn't let me login!!)

Dan said...

No worries! Yol Bolsun! (May there be a road!)