Five rounds for time:
400m run
95lb overhead squat, 15 reps
What I did:
400m run
45lb overhead squat, 15 reps
Time: 24:00ish. I forgot to check the clock before starting so after doing the math and giving a guesstimate, I'm happy it was close enough to 24 mins total.
I'm glad I didn't do the entire 95 lbs. I would have needed to scale it eventually anyway, but this time I was able to go pretty much continuously, with a total break of about five minutes scattered through the WoD. I averaged about a 1:30 on the 400m's, but that isn't saying much considering it's on a human hamster wheel. There just isn't a track at the Y, and even if there were, I doubt they'd let me take an Olympic bar out of the building! I made up for it (or tried to anyway) with starting the t-mill at 12.2 and working my way down to 9.0 on set four, and back at 10 on set five.
Safe travels, Kibbie! :)
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Climb on!

Here's an awesome pic she took as I was climbing the opposite side of the 'wall' she climbed above. I think I had just flipped around, but don't quote me on that.

Here's my goofy grin after having my butt kicked by a wall. You can see the first couple of holds in the background. I think they're laughing at me.
I finally got the pics working from the trip to OKC Rocks. Hopefully there hasn't been to much data transfered and Geocities won't block them out for a while.
Here's the ever-graceful K2...I swear, that girl moves like a cat. If I had half of her style I'd scamper up those walls like a spider monkey!
Here's the ever-graceful K2...I swear, that girl moves like a cat. If I had half of her style I'd scamper up those walls like a spider monkey!

Here's an awesome pic she took as I was climbing the opposite side of the 'wall' she climbed above. I think I had just flipped around, but don't quote me on that.

Here's my goofy grin after having my butt kicked by a wall. You can see the first couple of holds in the background. I think they're laughing at me.

Friday, December 29, 2006
Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3
I did:
65 lbs, 95 lbs, 115 lbs, 135 lbs, attempted 145
On the last 135 my concentration broke and I didn't get the 145. I stopped there because I didn't want to hurt myself.
Also did some swimming, five laps (really more like lengths, but close I suppose).
A friend and I climbed for about two-two and a half hours. Not consitently, but enough to wear us out. I'll blog about it when I can get the pictures to work right.
X3 For Time:
1000m row
50 thrusters, 45 lbs
30 pullups
Seriously scaled version:
x 3 For Time:
500m row
25 thrusters
10 pullups
I don't have any idea what the time was, but I hit it as hard and fast as possible (which wasn't much considering the climbing). Today I'm exhausted.
Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3
I did:
65 lbs, 95 lbs, 115 lbs, 135 lbs, attempted 145
On the last 135 my concentration broke and I didn't get the 145. I stopped there because I didn't want to hurt myself.
Also did some swimming, five laps (really more like lengths, but close I suppose).
A friend and I climbed for about two-two and a half hours. Not consitently, but enough to wear us out. I'll blog about it when I can get the pictures to work right.
X3 For Time:
1000m row
50 thrusters, 45 lbs
30 pullups
Seriously scaled version:
x 3 For Time:
500m row
25 thrusters
10 pullups
I don't have any idea what the time was, but I hit it as hard and fast as possible (which wasn't much considering the climbing). Today I'm exhausted.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Yesterday's Rx WoD was an evil cousin to "Tabata This," but I wanted something that worked my entire body instead of just doing air squats until my legs fall off.
Tabata This:
20/10 work rest cycle in seconds, eight sets of each exercise
Pull-ups: Started with 10, then a few rounds of six, then three
Push-ups: Started with...10? 15? I don't remember. It was bad with these, for the last four(ish) rounds I had to alternate between the planche and doing push-ups. I remember severly irritating my elbow tendons the last time I did this, so there was no need to push it!
Sit-ups: Relatively pleased, could have done better though. All sit-ups were unassisted, did sets of 10-13.
Squats: Bleh. Serious room to grow here. The first time I did this workout it was 20 squats every round...now, I did 20 the first, 15 or more in two through six, 10 in round seven, and 20 in round eight.
In addition to this workout I did:
Scullies, seven reps, four count exercise
Flutter kicks, 10 reps, four count exercise
I got to round four and nearly gave up the ghost. I'd decided to rest 30 seconds between each round, and thanks in part to the worship music I was listening to, decided that I'd better give it another 30 and do the exercise. Better late than never!
After that was some swimming. I only did one or two laps and each lap was broken into lengths. I am proud of myself though! No aids other than goooogles were used. Not to mention it impressed the cute lifeguard! Heh! She's watched me go from "I'm going to die out here!" to swimming all by myself.
Today's WoD:
Shoulder Press, 3-3-3-3-3
For some reason I still can't fathom I thought there were only FOUR sets instead of FIVE, so that's what I did.
In addition to that I did some more swimming:
8 LAPS this time, not lengths, with only my trusty gooogles. Yippers! Then I did some underwater swims, but it was just a couple of laps. The aforementioned lifeguard promised me a cookie if I kept swimming (this was on lap 3 I think), so I kept going...but never got my cookie! Blast it! She ATE it right in front of me! Poop! Oh well. I guess cute girls are allowed to do that. :P
Tabata This:
20/10 work rest cycle in seconds, eight sets of each exercise
Pull-ups: Started with 10, then a few rounds of six, then three
Push-ups: Started with...10? 15? I don't remember. It was bad with these, for the last four(ish) rounds I had to alternate between the planche and doing push-ups. I remember severly irritating my elbow tendons the last time I did this, so there was no need to push it!
Sit-ups: Relatively pleased, could have done better though. All sit-ups were unassisted, did sets of 10-13.
Squats: Bleh. Serious room to grow here. The first time I did this workout it was 20 squats every round...now, I did 20 the first, 15 or more in two through six, 10 in round seven, and 20 in round eight.
In addition to this workout I did:
Scullies, seven reps, four count exercise
Flutter kicks, 10 reps, four count exercise
I got to round four and nearly gave up the ghost. I'd decided to rest 30 seconds between each round, and thanks in part to the worship music I was listening to, decided that I'd better give it another 30 and do the exercise. Better late than never!
After that was some swimming. I only did one or two laps and each lap was broken into lengths. I am proud of myself though! No aids other than goooogles were used. Not to mention it impressed the cute lifeguard! Heh! She's watched me go from "I'm going to die out here!" to swimming all by myself.
Today's WoD:
Shoulder Press, 3-3-3-3-3
For some reason I still can't fathom I thought there were only FOUR sets instead of FIVE, so that's what I did.
In addition to that I did some more swimming:
8 LAPS this time, not lengths, with only my trusty gooogles. Yippers! Then I did some underwater swims, but it was just a couple of laps. The aforementioned lifeguard promised me a cookie if I kept swimming (this was on lap 3 I think), so I kept going...but never got my cookie! Blast it! She ATE it right in front of me! Poop! Oh well. I guess cute girls are allowed to do that. :P
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Beauty for ashes
A garment of praise for my heaviness
Beauty for ashes
Take this heart of stone and make it yours
I delight myself in the Richest of Fare
Trading all that I've had for all that is
A garment of praise for my heaviness
You are the greatest taste,
You're the Richest of Fare
Today has been great! Though there is still ache, after an hour or so of worship and prayer, I feel consumed in the joy of knowing our Lord, being His child, and being loved and comforted by His presence. Amen! Praise the Lord!
A garment of praise for my heaviness
Beauty for ashes
Take this heart of stone and make it yours
I delight myself in the Richest of Fare
Trading all that I've had for all that is
A garment of praise for my heaviness
You are the greatest taste,
You're the Richest of Fare
Today has been great! Though there is still ache, after an hour or so of worship and prayer, I feel consumed in the joy of knowing our Lord, being His child, and being loved and comforted by His presence. Amen! Praise the Lord!
Monday, December 25, 2006
The past couple of days have outright sucked. I found out a close "friend" has apparently been lying to me about something for quite some time, and as of this moment, probably doesn't even know I know. Well, here's your wakeup call.
One thing I can say is that the Lord has given me an extra helping of grace these days. It's hard enough to be away from folks during the holidays, but to add this in, too....
Well hey, at least the truth is now obvious. Or semi-obvious. Or maybe I just don't care about it anymore (rather...don't want to).
Father, thank you for the grace I've experienced the past few days. I'd go crazy if it weren't for you.
One thing I can say is that the Lord has given me an extra helping of grace these days. It's hard enough to be away from folks during the holidays, but to add this in, too....
Well hey, at least the truth is now obvious. Or semi-obvious. Or maybe I just don't care about it anymore (rather...don't want to).
Father, thank you for the grace I've experienced the past few days. I'd go crazy if it weren't for you.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Things to watch!
Fried Lice? Fliced Rise? Fried Rice? No...Chinese espionage
God Hates Fags? You gotta be bloody kidding me. This is disgusting.
Ninja BBQ?
Just in case I depressed you with the other stuff!
God Hates Fags? You gotta be bloody kidding me. This is disgusting.
Ninja BBQ?
Just in case I depressed you with the other stuff!
1000m row
50 thrusters, 45lbs
30 pullups
I have no idea how long it took, but it was a stress relief workout. I wasn't planning on working out because there were things on my "to do" list (for once!). I also didn't eat right for having a high intensity workout, either.
As many round in 20 minutes of:
10 pullups
7 handstand pushups
Rope Climb, 15 ft
7 ring dips
What I did:
5 pullups
4 95lb military press (tried 3 the first time and realized I could do more reps)
6 towel pullups (downgraded to four after round...three, I think)
5 dips
7 rounds in precisely 20 minutes.
That's really frustrating. Since I've held the most recent position at work, I've watched my fitness dwindle away to nothing. Used to be only four people (maybe five, if there was a lot of running) on base could beat me in a WoD, and two of those have already completed Phase 1 of a special ops pipeline ( and the other two are awaiting the pipeline!). Now it's anybody's game. I don't like that. I don't like that at all!
Oh well. God's will be done, not mine.
1000m row
50 thrusters, 45lbs
30 pullups
I have no idea how long it took, but it was a stress relief workout. I wasn't planning on working out because there were things on my "to do" list (for once!). I also didn't eat right for having a high intensity workout, either.
As many round in 20 minutes of:
10 pullups
7 handstand pushups
Rope Climb, 15 ft
7 ring dips
What I did:
5 pullups
4 95lb military press (tried 3 the first time and realized I could do more reps)
6 towel pullups (downgraded to four after round...three, I think)
5 dips
7 rounds in precisely 20 minutes.
That's really frustrating. Since I've held the most recent position at work, I've watched my fitness dwindle away to nothing. Used to be only four people (maybe five, if there was a lot of running) on base could beat me in a WoD, and two of those have already completed Phase 1 of a special ops pipeline ( and the other two are awaiting the pipeline!). Now it's anybody's game. I don't like that. I don't like that at all!
Oh well. God's will be done, not mine.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Today has been traumatic in some ways, and just lovely in others...through it all I think the only thing keeping me alive is the grace of God. Thank you so much, Lord...thank you.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
I forgot the shoes that I always lift in (and aren't about to do deads in my $89 Brooks!) so I substituted.
Three rounds for time:
Run, 800m
50 sit-ups
50 back extensions
I have no idea how long it took, but I'm guess no more than 20 minutes. I averaged a 2:45 for the runs and the cals are really what got me.
As many rounds in 20 minutes of the following:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
I was really surprised on this one. My goal going in was 20 rounds, one per minute. After four rounds I realized THAT wasn't going to happen! My weakness wasn't pull-ups, either, it was push ups! Sheesh!
I got 10 rounds total in 15-16 minutes, appx one round per minute with a minute rest between each round in rounds 7-10. After that I stopped and did the following:
Five rounds, alternate which exercise goes first:
5 sit ups, unassisted
5 scullies, four count
10 flutter kicks, four count
Day before yesterday:
This day I was tired from work but very, very emotionally charged, so I decided to go for a run. I've no idea how long it took, or how far it was (I'm thinking about 3-4 miles at the most) but it was interesting...I got to run through a field, some "woods" that were really just a part of a park, and of course along the road. After that I did a few pull-ups, sit-ups and push-ups, "Cindy" fashion but probably no more than three or four rounds.
I forgot the shoes that I always lift in (and aren't about to do deads in my $89 Brooks!) so I substituted.
Three rounds for time:
Run, 800m
50 sit-ups
50 back extensions
I have no idea how long it took, but I'm guess no more than 20 minutes. I averaged a 2:45 for the runs and the cals are really what got me.
As many rounds in 20 minutes of the following:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
I was really surprised on this one. My goal going in was 20 rounds, one per minute. After four rounds I realized THAT wasn't going to happen! My weakness wasn't pull-ups, either, it was push ups! Sheesh!
I got 10 rounds total in 15-16 minutes, appx one round per minute with a minute rest between each round in rounds 7-10. After that I stopped and did the following:
Five rounds, alternate which exercise goes first:
5 sit ups, unassisted
5 scullies, four count
10 flutter kicks, four count
Day before yesterday:
This day I was tired from work but very, very emotionally charged, so I decided to go for a run. I've no idea how long it took, or how far it was (I'm thinking about 3-4 miles at the most) but it was interesting...I got to run through a field, some "woods" that were really just a part of a park, and of course along the road. After that I did a few pull-ups, sit-ups and push-ups, "Cindy" fashion but probably no more than three or four rounds.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
As many in 20 minutes of:
400m run
pull-ups, max effort
I did six rounds. I MAY have been able to squeeze in another, or more likely half of another, but wasn't really interested...I'd run a 6 min mile pace the whole time (granted, it WAS on a treadmill) and was happy with that.
Today is an impromptu rest day...I don't need the stress of another interval day yet and duties will prevent a good workout tomorrow. I may go for a run or swim or something, I don't know. It just depends on how I'm feeling afterwards.
My legs are getting re-aquainted with the pounding associated with running, so after I can do...uh...three or four miles at a steady 7:00-7:30 on the T-mill I'll switch to solely trail/track running.
As many in 20 minutes of:
400m run
pull-ups, max effort
I did six rounds. I MAY have been able to squeeze in another, or more likely half of another, but wasn't really interested...I'd run a 6 min mile pace the whole time (granted, it WAS on a treadmill) and was happy with that.
Today is an impromptu rest day...I don't need the stress of another interval day yet and duties will prevent a good workout tomorrow. I may go for a run or swim or something, I don't know. It just depends on how I'm feeling afterwards.
My legs are getting re-aquainted with the pounding associated with running, so after I can do...uh...three or four miles at a steady 7:00-7:30 on the T-mill I'll switch to solely trail/track running.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Fun fun fun!
Saturday was a blast.
A couple of friends and I went to Falls Creek, a Baptist youth camp about an hour south of OKC. Since it's the middle of winter there weren't any kiddos running around; we pretty much had it to ourselves.
The two friends went for fishing and some hiking. I went for hiking and climbing. Within about three minutes of getting there I had my MacPac on and was cruisin down the road toward a beautiful little spot I'd seen from the drive down...it had some cliffs and boulders, so I was SET!
After arriving I rummaged around the hill until a likely spot to ascend appeared. It wasn't actually a climb, more like class 3 terrain to scramble over (Holly correct me if that's the wrong terminology please!). The view from the top was fantastic! I could see down the valley both ways and was ecstatic to be there. Eventually I remembered that heaven came after death (and briefly considered hurrying the process!) and went down. I took a different route back and ran across the prettiest set of falls I've seen to date. The falls were rock and I think some ancient concrete that was eroded down, and thus looked like rock. (You'd think concrete would make it worse, but in this case, it didn't! Really!)
Soooo....yeah...below the falls were a few huge boulders sticking up out of the water. Of course I had to jump on them, and shortly found myself surrounded by six to eight foot pools of crystal clear beauty. Gorgeous! After looking around I saw a perfect route to climb and decided to go for it. I still had my pack on and didn't have any pro, so it had to be relatively easy, and it was. Climbing it was kinda fun though!
My buddy and I decided to go for a hike later on, too. We were probably gone a good three to four hours, and I enjoyed every minute of it! There were a few places I had to tear my eyes away from the walls around us...aye de mi...it would have been so much FUN! :) I don't regret not climbing though considering I'd probably have killed myself. Heh. Clumsy + freeclimbing...uh, no thanks, that's a casualty waiting to happen.
A couple of friends and I went to Falls Creek, a Baptist youth camp about an hour south of OKC. Since it's the middle of winter there weren't any kiddos running around; we pretty much had it to ourselves.
The two friends went for fishing and some hiking. I went for hiking and climbing. Within about three minutes of getting there I had my MacPac on and was cruisin down the road toward a beautiful little spot I'd seen from the drive down...it had some cliffs and boulders, so I was SET!
After arriving I rummaged around the hill until a likely spot to ascend appeared. It wasn't actually a climb, more like class 3 terrain to scramble over (Holly correct me if that's the wrong terminology please!). The view from the top was fantastic! I could see down the valley both ways and was ecstatic to be there. Eventually I remembered that heaven came after death (and briefly considered hurrying the process!) and went down. I took a different route back and ran across the prettiest set of falls I've seen to date. The falls were rock and I think some ancient concrete that was eroded down, and thus looked like rock. (You'd think concrete would make it worse, but in this case, it didn't! Really!)
Soooo....yeah...below the falls were a few huge boulders sticking up out of the water. Of course I had to jump on them, and shortly found myself surrounded by six to eight foot pools of crystal clear beauty. Gorgeous! After looking around I saw a perfect route to climb and decided to go for it. I still had my pack on and didn't have any pro, so it had to be relatively easy, and it was. Climbing it was kinda fun though!
My buddy and I decided to go for a hike later on, too. We were probably gone a good three to four hours, and I enjoyed every minute of it! There were a few places I had to tear my eyes away from the walls around us...aye de mi...it would have been so much FUN! :) I don't regret not climbing though considering I'd probably have killed myself. Heh. Clumsy + freeclimbing...uh, no thanks, that's a casualty waiting to happen.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
For time:
50 Thrusters
50 Push-Press
50 Dumbell Swings, 30lb
1000m row
1 mile run
1 mile bike
Time: 38 minutes
I shot myself in the foot with the run - started to quickly and had to break it up into several efforts. Everything else went like I expected it to, though.
50 Thrusters
50 Push-Press
50 Dumbell Swings, 30lb
1000m row
1 mile run
1 mile bike
Time: 38 minutes
I shot myself in the foot with the run - started to quickly and had to break it up into several efforts. Everything else went like I expected it to, though.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Today was also squadron PT. People are slowly getting used to the idea of short and intense vs long and slow. One guy has been injured, but the doc (military I'm assuming) said it was his shoes. Okay...let me get this straight...we aren't running more than 1/4 to 1/2 a mile TOTAL, but his shoes are messing him up? Yeah...way to go doc...anyway, here it is:
CONOPS: Do exercise, run to other side of court, do exercise, run back, do exercise, etc.
Pushups x 10
Pushups x 10
Pushups x 10
Pushups x 10
brief rest
back raises, same as above, reps of 5
dips, same as above, reps of 5
Push press, reps of 10, run there and back, do exercise, weight for me was 45lbs
Push press
Push press
Thruster, same as above, reps of five
Superman, one time, 15 seconds each side
Planche, 20 seconds
Scullies and flutter kicks, three sets, reps in 5 and 10 respectively
Run, 2 miles (too embarrased about the time to post it!!)
Swim, only a 150 yards though since I ran out of time...but I did get a good workout running through the 'woods' during my survival refresher training.
Similar to squadron PT, it was a test run...glad I did the test since it nearly killed my legs. I had fewer upper body/total body exercises and more leg work. Good lesson learned...if it's to hard for me, I can't inflict it on other people!
Today was also squadron PT. People are slowly getting used to the idea of short and intense vs long and slow. One guy has been injured, but the doc (military I'm assuming) said it was his shoes. Okay...let me get this straight...we aren't running more than 1/4 to 1/2 a mile TOTAL, but his shoes are messing him up? Yeah...way to go doc...anyway, here it is:
CONOPS: Do exercise, run to other side of court, do exercise, run back, do exercise, etc.
Pushups x 10
Pushups x 10
Pushups x 10
Pushups x 10
brief rest
back raises, same as above, reps of 5
dips, same as above, reps of 5
Push press, reps of 10, run there and back, do exercise, weight for me was 45lbs
Push press
Push press
Thruster, same as above, reps of five
Superman, one time, 15 seconds each side
Planche, 20 seconds
Scullies and flutter kicks, three sets, reps in 5 and 10 respectively
Run, 2 miles (too embarrased about the time to post it!!)
Swim, only a 150 yards though since I ran out of time...but I did get a good workout running through the 'woods' during my survival refresher training.
Similar to squadron PT, it was a test run...glad I did the test since it nearly killed my legs. I had fewer upper body/total body exercises and more leg work. Good lesson learned...if it's to hard for me, I can't inflict it on other people!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
I used to have a home
A place I started from
A place to call my own
But bright lights and late nights
the devil took me on a midnight ride
and left me out in the desert on my own
And now,
I feel alone
I need a hand to help me find my way back home....
--Drifter, by Decemberadio
It's been a bad week. I've been sick (again!) and haven't been able to work out at all. That makes three workouts last week, none this week, and I'm going to try to force myself to not do anything until Monday.
I've also had zilch in the way of fellowship. That makes it worse by far. I'm getting bloody tired of people saying "Yeah, we should get together sometime," and then when I call or message via the net, there's either no response or it's "Uh, no, I can't go tonight/tomorrow/any other day of the week." I mean, come on, if you don't want to hang out at least do me the favor of growing some cojones and say no. Don't leave me hanging and wondering if I did something wrong, or trying to fight off the insecurities that rise every time it happens.
I'm fighting as hard as I can to remember God's grace and to try and see myself as He does. I'm fighting to let my value rest in His grace and not what others do/say, but it's hard when it happens every time I meet someone new. I'm truly grateful for the friends He's given me and I wish we could spend more time together, or weren't separated by 1,500 miles, or whatever.
I almost decided to leave the Church last week. Not just the congregation I'm attending but the idea of church altogether. If there's no fellowship, what's the point?
A place I started from
A place to call my own
But bright lights and late nights
the devil took me on a midnight ride
and left me out in the desert on my own
And now,
I feel alone
I need a hand to help me find my way back home....
--Drifter, by Decemberadio
It's been a bad week. I've been sick (again!) and haven't been able to work out at all. That makes three workouts last week, none this week, and I'm going to try to force myself to not do anything until Monday.
I've also had zilch in the way of fellowship. That makes it worse by far. I'm getting bloody tired of people saying "Yeah, we should get together sometime," and then when I call or message via the net, there's either no response or it's "Uh, no, I can't go tonight/tomorrow/any other day of the week." I mean, come on, if you don't want to hang out at least do me the favor of growing some cojones and say no. Don't leave me hanging and wondering if I did something wrong, or trying to fight off the insecurities that rise every time it happens.
I'm fighting as hard as I can to remember God's grace and to try and see myself as He does. I'm fighting to let my value rest in His grace and not what others do/say, but it's hard when it happens every time I meet someone new. I'm truly grateful for the friends He's given me and I wish we could spend more time together, or weren't separated by 1,500 miles, or whatever.
I almost decided to leave the Church last week. Not just the congregation I'm attending but the idea of church altogether. If there's no fellowship, what's the point?
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