95, 85, 75 lb clean, 15 reps
21 jumps
elliptical 20 mins
Short and sweet (until the last rep of cleans, at least). Can't wait till tomorrow, Lord willing I'm going to get some new running shoes and then it's on....
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
G'day! hurts!
Last night I did the very first WOD since I can remember.
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 45 lb thrusters
Total time: 35 minutes, almost on the dot
I subbed thrusters for wall ball since the only thing I had to toss was my dinner (and I nearly did).
There were also 50 burpees and double unders but my poor, unconditioned legs (and knees) felt like jelly, so I decided it would probably be best to quit there. I don't regret the decision. I also had to return to the pull-ups after doing dumbbell swings. hurts!
Last night I did the very first WOD since I can remember.
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 45 lb thrusters
Total time: 35 minutes, almost on the dot
I subbed thrusters for wall ball since the only thing I had to toss was my dinner (and I nearly did).
There were also 50 burpees and double unders but my poor, unconditioned legs (and knees) felt like jelly, so I decided it would probably be best to quit there. I don't regret the decision. I also had to return to the pull-ups after doing dumbbell swings.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Lots and lots of it.
I found out earlier that I'll have to complete my CCAF within a year of being transferred to my new squadron. I haven't even started it. What's the point? Oftentimes the classes don't carry over, and I don't think a seminary is going to accept an ABM degree, anyway. Neither will another career field.
More pain for another ridiculous requirement. Pretty soon we're going to have a ban on eating in uniform. They've already taken the refrigerators and ovens away, so now we'll get a ridiculous mandate to be HEALTH and are forced to eat crap all day. Yeah, have to pass a fitness test with situps (that test your leg muscles, not your abs), pushups (PANSY pushups) and a run (or walk, if you really want to), but we aren't going to let you eat anything that's NOT going to give you cancer or help you get fat. Yeah. Thanks a million.
I'm so friggin sick of this CRAP. I'm one of maybe about 10 people I know (out of a lot more) that actually wants to do the job...I'm not there for personal gain, I'm not here to get an education (though that's not a bad thing)...I'm here to DO THE MISSION, and I can't even get the crappy ones. Maybe I should join the Mafia.
Oh, and guess what...Morale (patches) are now banned. Yippie. Morale is officially banned. It would be the height of irony if I wasn't allowed to crosstrain because my career field needs me to stay. I'd seriously lose my sanity, if there is anything left to lose.
I found out earlier that I'll have to complete my CCAF within a year of being transferred to my new squadron. I haven't even started it. What's the point? Oftentimes the classes don't carry over, and I don't think a seminary is going to accept an ABM degree, anyway. Neither will another career field.
More pain for another ridiculous requirement. Pretty soon we're going to have a ban on eating in uniform. They've already taken the refrigerators and ovens away, so now we'll get a ridiculous mandate to be HEALTH and are forced to eat crap all day. Yeah, have to pass a fitness test with situps (that test your leg muscles, not your abs), pushups (PANSY pushups) and a run (or walk, if you really want to), but we aren't going to let you eat anything that's NOT going to give you cancer or help you get fat. Yeah. Thanks a million.
I'm so friggin sick of this CRAP. I'm one of maybe about 10 people I know (out of a lot more) that actually wants to do the job...I'm not there for personal gain, I'm not here to get an education (though that's not a bad thing)...I'm here to DO THE MISSION, and I can't even get the crappy ones. Maybe I should join the Mafia.
Oh, and guess what...Morale (patches) are now banned. Yippie. Morale is officially banned. It would be the height of irony if I wasn't allowed to crosstrain because my career field needs me to stay. I'd seriously lose my sanity, if there is anything left to lose.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Back to Reality
G'day, again!
You know, I am so consistently unimpressed with the Evangelical community these days that it almost wants to make me puke. I'm serious. I've perused the evangelical websites, read the books and magazines, and I can't help but wonder things like the following:
Why do people think Christ's death on the cross is not applicable to our culture?
Why does no one in a church of over 15,000 members answer a question about Reformed Theology?
Why do the two major evangelical churches in my area teach solely on life application of Biblical principals and does not teach the Word directly?
Why does one of those churches show women in bikinis during an advertisement for the church's picnic?
Why does the same church have no accountability in place for the pastor?
Why is it that no matter which church I go to (not an exaggeration!) I hear the pastor give a speech about needing money for a new building when there are empty seats in the old one?
Why does a lot of the worship have false/no doctrine in it?
Why is there such an emphasis on webcasting, lights and current music at the expense of the depth of worship (ref above question)?
I confess that the evangelical community has done a lot of good. From fluid resources like money, materials and time to the real-life application of Biblical principals, I see a lot of good come out of the evangelical community, as I do a lot of other places.
But what's the cost? Does our process of conforming to the image of Christ involve repentance and the death of our sinfulness? Or does it involve "life changing sermons with relevant biblical principals presented after an action-packed worship experience?"
An altar is a place where things die. Dead. We are required to visit this altar daily, not for our continued salvation, but to be conformed to his image (and part of his image is Him on the cross...).
I guess I get frustrated easily. Lord knows I'm just as guilty of this negligence as the people I'm ranting about.
So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls. And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
(Act 2:41-42) NIV
You know, I am so consistently unimpressed with the Evangelical community these days that it almost wants to make me puke. I'm serious. I've perused the evangelical websites, read the books and magazines, and I can't help but wonder things like the following:
Why do people think Christ's death on the cross is not applicable to our culture?
Why does no one in a church of over 15,000 members answer a question about Reformed Theology?
Why do the two major evangelical churches in my area teach solely on life application of Biblical principals and does not teach the Word directly?
Why does one of those churches show women in bikinis during an advertisement for the church's picnic?
Why does the same church have no accountability in place for the pastor?
Why is it that no matter which church I go to (not an exaggeration!) I hear the pastor give a speech about needing money for a new building when there are empty seats in the old one?
Why does a lot of the worship have false/no doctrine in it?
Why is there such an emphasis on webcasting, lights and current music at the expense of the depth of worship (ref above question)?
I confess that the evangelical community has done a lot of good. From fluid resources like money, materials and time to the real-life application of Biblical principals, I see a lot of good come out of the evangelical community, as I do a lot of other places.
But what's the cost? Does our process of conforming to the image of Christ involve repentance and the death of our sinfulness? Or does it involve "life changing sermons with relevant biblical principals presented after an action-packed worship experience?"
An altar is a place where things die. Dead. We are required to visit this altar daily, not for our continued salvation, but to be conformed to his image (and part of his image is Him on the cross...).
I guess I get frustrated easily. Lord knows I'm just as guilty of this negligence as the people I'm ranting about.
So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls. And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
(Act 2:41-42) NIV
You're a what??
Well, the ice done thawed.
Last night I listened to a calling for the mission field.
God's been working on my stubborn heart for a while now, but I finally cracked last night. I was studying the growth of the church (for the sole purpose of proving wrong another evangelical article wrong) and God totally convicted me on the whole missionary thing right out of the blue.
Now if I could just combine firearms, jumping out of airplanes and Jesus, the world would be perfect...well, as long as someone sweet was in it anyway....
Well, the ice done thawed.
Last night I listened to a calling for the mission field.
God's been working on my stubborn heart for a while now, but I finally cracked last night. I was studying the growth of the church (for the sole purpose of proving wrong another evangelical article wrong) and God totally convicted me on the whole missionary thing right out of the blue.
Now if I could just combine firearms, jumping out of airplanes and Jesus, the world would be perfect...well, as long as someone sweet was in it anyway....
Monday, April 24, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Terrible Trends
G'day! I successfully defeated the ninja monkeys yesterday...for the time being.
The Conservative Humanist article on
You know, I agree with what this guy is saying. There is only one thing that really peeves me off though.
What is a humanist?
Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity. -- Humanist Manifesto 3, click for link
"Without supernaturalism..."or, more accurately, without God. How can a Bible-believing Christian claim to be a conservative humanist? That's such a load of bull hockey. Has he forgotten the millions of people dying (and dead) around the world because of humanist philosophies? Who in their right mind would want to associate themselves with something like that?
This alludes to something I see as one of the most ridiculous philosophies of the Church today - the idea that we have to be "counter-culture" to be good Christians. The arguement usually goes "Well, Jesus was a revolutionary, and He was doing his Father's will, so we have to be that way, too." Can someone please hand me a Bible? This counter-culture crap seems to fly so far on the wings of contemporary Christian media that it appears to often be elevated above what the Bible itself says about how we should live.
Counter-culture smacks of the 60's and 70's to me (or at least from what I've heard), the difference being that back then it was fronted by sex, drugs and rock & roll. Today it's fronted by a frock.
Personally, I don't think Jesus was a deliberate counter-cultural personality. I don't think he was a revolutionary, either. Revolutionaries drive car bombs and kill people as they go to school. Revolutionaries plot the downfall of earthly governments. Revolutionaries are political.
Did Jesus set the Saducees against the Pharisees to weaken both of them so he could ascend to power? Did Jesus raise arms against Rome? Did he bomb temples? Or did he say that His kingdom was one above?
I think Jesus was anti-revolt. Think about the cleansing of the temple, when he beat the money changers with rope. Did he do it because he didn't like the Pharisees or because of zeal for his Father's house?
Sure, he told people to not do what the Pharisees did. Did he say that because they were pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, or because what they were doing was sin in the eyes of God?
I think he was here to be the sacrificial lamb. Through being conformed to his image we may face situations that are very "counter-cultural" in the sense that some ideas and beliefs may be sinful or the result of sin, but that doesn't mean we are revolutionaries. If we were, we'd be fanatical Muslims. (Yes, I went there.) We are just doing what Jesus did - caring enough to confront our fellow humans about sin. We are trying to be submissive to the will of God through dying daily to ourselves and living for Him.
Anyway, I'm about to loose a net connection because it's late. Adios.
The Conservative Humanist article on
You know, I agree with what this guy is saying. There is only one thing that really peeves me off though.
What is a humanist?
Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity. -- Humanist Manifesto 3, click for link
"Without supernaturalism..."or, more accurately, without God. How can a Bible-believing Christian claim to be a conservative humanist? That's such a load of bull hockey. Has he forgotten the millions of people dying (and dead) around the world because of humanist philosophies? Who in their right mind would want to associate themselves with something like that?
This alludes to something I see as one of the most ridiculous philosophies of the Church today - the idea that we have to be "counter-culture" to be good Christians. The arguement usually goes "Well, Jesus was a revolutionary, and He was doing his Father's will, so we have to be that way, too." Can someone please hand me a Bible? This counter-culture crap seems to fly so far on the wings of contemporary Christian media that it appears to often be elevated above what the Bible itself says about how we should live.
Counter-culture smacks of the 60's and 70's to me (or at least from what I've heard), the difference being that back then it was fronted by sex, drugs and rock & roll. Today it's fronted by a frock.
Personally, I don't think Jesus was a deliberate counter-cultural personality. I don't think he was a revolutionary, either. Revolutionaries drive car bombs and kill people as they go to school. Revolutionaries plot the downfall of earthly governments. Revolutionaries are political.
Did Jesus set the Saducees against the Pharisees to weaken both of them so he could ascend to power? Did Jesus raise arms against Rome? Did he bomb temples? Or did he say that His kingdom was one above?
I think Jesus was anti-revolt. Think about the cleansing of the temple, when he beat the money changers with rope. Did he do it because he didn't like the Pharisees or because of zeal for his Father's house?
Sure, he told people to not do what the Pharisees did. Did he say that because they were pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, or because what they were doing was sin in the eyes of God?
I think he was here to be the sacrificial lamb. Through being conformed to his image we may face situations that are very "counter-cultural" in the sense that some ideas and beliefs may be sinful or the result of sin, but that doesn't mean we are revolutionaries. If we were, we'd be fanatical Muslims. (Yes, I went there.) We are just doing what Jesus did - caring enough to confront our fellow humans about sin. We are trying to be submissive to the will of God through dying daily to ourselves and living for Him.
Anyway, I'm about to loose a net connection because it's late. Adios.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Nearly here....
Alas, the ninja monkeys have nearly caught up with me. I fear this may be my last post for a while as I seek to evade these highly evolved creatures.
It all started when I pointed out the fallacies of evolution to Dr. Evol during a field trip to the museum. After challenging him to prove my anti-theory of evolution wrong, he promptly hit the "Ninja Monkey" button on his desk. As they slowly descended from above the ceiling tiles, the Dr. monolouged on his life-long ambition to eradicate the Theory of Creation by breeding and training a species of apes to be assassins. He was inspired by a car commercial.
Even though I knew that advanced training did not produce a new kind of animal, it occurred to me that speaking my mind probably wouldn't help the situation. I didn't wait for the Dr. to finish before turning tail and running away. As I ran I could hear the monkeys chattering in glee behind me.
Since then, my brakes have failed and several anvils have fallen out of the sky and nearly flattened my head. I found a ninja monkey in the toilet this morning. Before it could dislodge itself I hit the flush lever. I'm still not convinced it's gone...what if it had gill slits? There was one in the freezer waiting for me to get the chicken out for lunch. Good thing I had a knife in my hand already.
I'm convinced that the only hope I have is to find Chuck Norris before they get lucky. I heard Chuck Norris eats ninja monkey jerky, so it shouldn't be to hard for him to help. I just gotta find him first...wait, what's that looking in the winlkjfsidfjlglre
It all started when I pointed out the fallacies of evolution to Dr. Evol during a field trip to the museum. After challenging him to prove my anti-theory of evolution wrong, he promptly hit the "Ninja Monkey" button on his desk. As they slowly descended from above the ceiling tiles, the Dr. monolouged on his life-long ambition to eradicate the Theory of Creation by breeding and training a species of apes to be assassins. He was inspired by a car commercial.
Even though I knew that advanced training did not produce a new kind of animal, it occurred to me that speaking my mind probably wouldn't help the situation. I didn't wait for the Dr. to finish before turning tail and running away. As I ran I could hear the monkeys chattering in glee behind me.
Since then, my brakes have failed and several anvils have fallen out of the sky and nearly flattened my head. I found a ninja monkey in the toilet this morning. Before it could dislodge itself I hit the flush lever. I'm still not convinced it's gone...what if it had gill slits? There was one in the freezer waiting for me to get the chicken out for lunch. Good thing I had a knife in my hand already.
I'm convinced that the only hope I have is to find Chuck Norris before they get lucky. I heard Chuck Norris eats ninja monkey jerky, so it shouldn't be to hard for him to help. I just gotta find him first...wait, what's that looking in the winlkjfsidfjlglre
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
I'm sorry, but that's just retarded. REALLY dumb folks, really dumb.
Check out this article.
I'm having strong emotions roll through me as I think about this article.
On one hand, I can see part of what they are saying about the difference between being American and being Christian. I really can. I agree that sometimes Christians seems to get the two confused, and certainly a lot of people used to think (or still think) that American is synonymous with Christian.
I emphatically disagree with everything else though. What part of the following verses makes him think that warring governments are not a part of the plan of God? The Bible specifically states that members of the world's governments are God's instruments to bring justice to the evildoers of this world.
"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. For the same reason you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed. --(Rom 13:1-7 ESV)"
Short version of what I think: People are going to die violent deaths during the course of warfare. That's a very disturbing reality. Evil people die violent deaths because they bloody deserve it. Period. (Keep in mind Paul was talking about the very same Roman Empire that martyred him.)
I want to look at this guy's questions near the end of his article. I think the questions he asked are waaay off point. Here's what I think they should be:
Do you really think it makes sense for America to not be war-like?
No. Speak softly and carry a big stick. When the evil people of the world know beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are going to die if they mistreat their people, that provides quite a bit more incentive to be a little bit nice every once in a while. Pacifism won't be needed anymore.
Doesn't your position give evil dictators and governments more leeway to commit atrocities and plot the annihilation of their neighbors? Yes. See above answer.
Isn't Gospel Pacifism just a way to ignore what the Bible says about mercy, grace, and JUSTICE? Yes. It sure is.
Aren't pacifists dependent on their lives for the very militaries they oppose?
I hate the way this author answers the question by asking "Aren't you dependent for your life on God's grace, which you oppose in your warmaking?" This guy is changing the question so that you can't answer it without agreeing to something he wants you to agree to. It's almost like shifting the burden of proof. First of all, according to the BIBLE, my warmaking is completely justified. So no, I don't oppose God's grace as I do my part to kill evil men and break their crap. Am I dependent on God's grace for my life? Absolutely dependent!!! Are the pacifists? Same answer. But let me ask you this, according to the BIBLE, how are they protected? One way is by a government wielding the power of the sword to protect them.
If these pacifist get in trouble when they go to Iraq, where are they going to go? The Muslim police officers? Or the US military (that put the police officers in power?)

Considering the Bible, I think saying anything other than "Thank you," or words of that nature, is a smack in the face to the people who see the danger and aren't afraid to step out and fight it with bare hands, if need be.
I'm having strong emotions roll through me as I think about this article.
On one hand, I can see part of what they are saying about the difference between being American and being Christian. I really can. I agree that sometimes Christians seems to get the two confused, and certainly a lot of people used to think (or still think) that American is synonymous with Christian.
I emphatically disagree with everything else though. What part of the following verses makes him think that warring governments are not a part of the plan of God? The Bible specifically states that members of the world's governments are God's instruments to bring justice to the evildoers of this world.
"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. For the same reason you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed. --(Rom 13:1-7 ESV)"
Short version of what I think: People are going to die violent deaths during the course of warfare. That's a very disturbing reality. Evil people die violent deaths because they bloody deserve it. Period. (Keep in mind Paul was talking about the very same Roman Empire that martyred him.)
I want to look at this guy's questions near the end of his article. I think the questions he asked are waaay off point. Here's what I think they should be:
Do you really think it makes sense for America to not be war-like?
No. Speak softly and carry a big stick. When the evil people of the world know beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are going to die if they mistreat their people, that provides quite a bit more incentive to be a little bit nice every once in a while. Pacifism won't be needed anymore.
Doesn't your position give evil dictators and governments more leeway to commit atrocities and plot the annihilation of their neighbors? Yes. See above answer.
Isn't Gospel Pacifism just a way to ignore what the Bible says about mercy, grace, and JUSTICE? Yes. It sure is.
Aren't pacifists dependent on their lives for the very militaries they oppose?
I hate the way this author answers the question by asking "Aren't you dependent for your life on God's grace, which you oppose in your warmaking?" This guy is changing the question so that you can't answer it without agreeing to something he wants you to agree to. It's almost like shifting the burden of proof. First of all, according to the BIBLE, my warmaking is completely justified. So no, I don't oppose God's grace as I do my part to kill evil men and break their crap. Am I dependent on God's grace for my life? Absolutely dependent!!! Are the pacifists? Same answer. But let me ask you this, according to the BIBLE, how are they protected? One way is by a government wielding the power of the sword to protect them.
If these pacifist get in trouble when they go to Iraq, where are they going to go? The Muslim police officers? Or the US military (that put the police officers in power?)

Considering the Bible, I think saying anything other than "Thank you," or words of that nature, is a smack in the face to the people who see the danger and aren't afraid to step out and fight it with bare hands, if need be.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Wild Times
Oh, what fun! Katie and I got to play in the water today. We went to Rose State's pool so she could teach me how to swim.
She says I did pretty good. I've certainly done worse...actually, I swam the furthest on the surface today than I have ever gone before (which was only about 15 meters, but hey, it's a start). I'm almost to the point of not SINKING every time I get in the water, too, which seems to be my biggest problem. I think I'm just so buff all the muscle weighs me down. Just kidding.
Time to get some grub. Adios.
Oh, what fun! Katie and I got to play in the water today. We went to Rose State's pool so she could teach me how to swim.
She says I did pretty good. I've certainly done worse...actually, I swam the furthest on the surface today than I have ever gone before (which was only about 15 meters, but hey, it's a start). I'm almost to the point of not SINKING every time I get in the water, too, which seems to be my biggest problem. I think I'm just so buff all the muscle weighs me down. Just kidding.
Time to get some grub. Adios.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Fran (21-15-9 push-press & pullups for time) (Used 75lbs instead of 95)
5X20 pushups
5X20 situps
2 mile pseudo-run (Lighting started outside so I had to go inside)
Today is a rest day. Tomorrow is a light run or something followed by swimming. Tuesday is the PT test.
A friend of mine told me about the Men's Health abs diet program, so I decided to check it out yesterday. Bad idea.
I went to the Men's Health website and snooped around the nutrition section for a while. I didn't learn anything other than I have an embarrassingly high BMI index number.
Somewhere amidst the softcore porn I found an advertisement for the abs diet. I clicked on the free ten-day trial thing and it asked me to enter my contact info as well as a credit card number. When I saw the credit card requirement (so they can start billing you immediately after your free trial) I stopped and thought about what I was doing.
In a sudden moment of clarity, I realized that I had fallen victim to all of the advertisements for great health, great looks, etc., just like I was supposed to. I remembered a thought I'd heard somewhere that says Men's Health and like places don't advertise good-looking airbrushed models to make you think you can be like them...they advertise them to make you want to be like them. To help you feel bad about yourself for not being the picture perfect meterosexual male with plenty of girlfriends and no body hair below the scalp. Or at all.
Then I thought about not being a good steward of everything the Lord has given me, and my body as one of those things. I will say that is where one of my failures has been over the past couple of months, but that's changing.
As I'm typing I'm remembering all the times I've smoked the perfect-looking meteros at the gym. I admit I feel a certain satisfaction from knocking them off their little pedestals. Ha! A few of them that have experience convert to Crossfit or Kettlebells anyway, so there is some good in it. And I don't enjoy destroying the people...never have...never will. It's the whole ideology that says "Because I have a six pack, I'm better, fitter and more deserving of life than you are," that I enjoy tearing down. Grrr. Just thinking about it makes me angry.
Anyway, time to go. See ya.
Fran (21-15-9 push-press & pullups for time) (Used 75lbs instead of 95)
5X20 pushups
5X20 situps
2 mile pseudo-run (Lighting started outside so I had to go inside)
Today is a rest day. Tomorrow is a light run or something followed by swimming. Tuesday is the PT test.
A friend of mine told me about the Men's Health abs diet program, so I decided to check it out yesterday. Bad idea.
I went to the Men's Health website and snooped around the nutrition section for a while. I didn't learn anything other than I have an embarrassingly high BMI index number.
Somewhere amidst the softcore porn I found an advertisement for the abs diet. I clicked on the free ten-day trial thing and it asked me to enter my contact info as well as a credit card number. When I saw the credit card requirement (so they can start billing you immediately after your free trial) I stopped and thought about what I was doing.
In a sudden moment of clarity, I realized that I had fallen victim to all of the advertisements for great health, great looks, etc., just like I was supposed to. I remembered a thought I'd heard somewhere that says Men's Health and like places don't advertise good-looking airbrushed models to make you think you can be like them...they advertise them to make you want to be like them. To help you feel bad about yourself for not being the picture perfect meterosexual male with plenty of girlfriends and no body hair below the scalp. Or at all.
Then I thought about not being a good steward of everything the Lord has given me, and my body as one of those things. I will say that is where one of my failures has been over the past couple of months, but that's changing.
As I'm typing I'm remembering all the times I've smoked the perfect-looking meteros at the gym. I admit I feel a certain satisfaction from knocking them off their little pedestals. Ha! A few of them that have experience convert to Crossfit or Kettlebells anyway, so there is some good in it. And I don't enjoy destroying the people...never have...never will. It's the whole ideology that says "Because I have a six pack, I'm better, fitter and more deserving of life than you are," that I enjoy tearing down. Grrr. Just thinking about it makes me angry.
Anyway, time to go. See ya.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Congratulations, you win another Friday!
I think I'll take my Friday and use it tommorrow. As a matter of fact, you can have one, too!
4 mile run, 32:08 (time is okay, but it was on the hamster wheel of death, so...not really)
Something cool did happen though. At about the 3.15 point I felt my body switch fuels. I'm not sure if it was going anaerobic to aerobic, or the other way around, or what. One moment I was huffing and puffing, the next I was just fine. I sped up the mill to see if I could tire myself out, and it didn't happen. Plenty of body fat to spare! Yea, baby, yeah! I read in Jeff Galloway's book that it takes 35 miles of running to burn one pound of fat. So, I figure if I can run about 90,000 miles a day, I'll be doing just fine. :)
Check out this article.
It's an incredible example of leadership in battle, and to me, is awe-inspiring. I can only HOPE to be like this one day.
Well, that's pretty much it for now. Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine!
I think I'll take my Friday and use it tommorrow. As a matter of fact, you can have one, too!
4 mile run, 32:08 (time is okay, but it was on the hamster wheel of death, so...not really)
Something cool did happen though. At about the 3.15 point I felt my body switch fuels. I'm not sure if it was going anaerobic to aerobic, or the other way around, or what. One moment I was huffing and puffing, the next I was just fine. I sped up the mill to see if I could tire myself out, and it didn't happen. Plenty of body fat to spare! Yea, baby, yeah! I read in Jeff Galloway's book that it takes 35 miles of running to burn one pound of fat. So, I figure if I can run about 90,000 miles a day, I'll be doing just fine. :)
Check out this article.
It's an incredible example of leadership in battle, and to me, is awe-inspiring. I can only HOPE to be like this one day.
Well, that's pretty much it for now. Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Grinding the beans
20 mins elliptical, 2 min fast 1 min slow, level five, seven minutes reverse (stairclimber was taken and I realized going in reverse helps the knees, too.)
5X20 pushups
5X20 situps
5X4 pullups
Next week I'll start belling again. I can't wait! I almost did it today but thought it would be better to take my time and not overwork the legs, all things considered.
It will be 27JUL06 before I can cross-train in the normal cycle. Nearly 3 months/14 days, and then a wait to see what happens. I plan on being healed and on being a total stud by that time (there goes the humility!), God willing of course! Don't ask what my plans are, I'm not telling...Got tired of talking about where/what the Lord wants me to do/go. You'll know when I know, if I can say anything then.
Keep me in your prayers big time the next few weeks. I'm going to start swimming sometime over the next few days (partner is waiting for me to hand over the pool schedule) and I can already see that pride and fear (of not being able to perform) is going to be an issue. If sinking was a sport, I'd be a highly qualified expert. Unfortunately, it's not!
Oh, well. Sometimes you gotta walk before you can swim, I guess.
20 mins elliptical, 2 min fast 1 min slow, level five, seven minutes reverse (stairclimber was taken and I realized going in reverse helps the knees, too.)
5X20 pushups
5X20 situps
5X4 pullups
Next week I'll start belling again. I can't wait! I almost did it today but thought it would be better to take my time and not overwork the legs, all things considered.
It will be 27JUL06 before I can cross-train in the normal cycle. Nearly 3 months/14 days, and then a wait to see what happens. I plan on being healed and on being a total stud by that time (there goes the humility!), God willing of course! Don't ask what my plans are, I'm not telling...Got tired of talking about where/what the Lord wants me to do/go. You'll know when I know, if I can say anything then.
Keep me in your prayers big time the next few weeks. I'm going to start swimming sometime over the next few days (partner is waiting for me to hand over the pool schedule) and I can already see that pride and fear (of not being able to perform) is going to be an issue. If sinking was a sport, I'd be a highly qualified expert. Unfortunately, it's not!
Oh, well. Sometimes you gotta walk before you can swim, I guess.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Gimmie a break, people!
Another day in the circus, running from "office" to "office," waiting on lazy supervisors and trying really hard to not cuss. It's been a challenge today.
Workout was appx 15 mins running on the road around my apartments. I can feel it in my knees, though it's not quite as bad as it could be, thanks to some friends that freely offer advice. :)
Somebody's stupid cell phone is going off in the library that I'm sitting in and I'm so about to get up and punch them in the face. I'm not having temper problems today though, no, not at all! And liars go to hell!
One verse is helping me through the consistent stupidity right now:
He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. Isaiah 53:7
Boangeres, signing off.
Workout was appx 15 mins running on the road around my apartments. I can feel it in my knees, though it's not quite as bad as it could be, thanks to some friends that freely offer advice. :)
Somebody's stupid cell phone is going off in the library that I'm sitting in and I'm so about to get up and punch them in the face. I'm not having temper problems today though, no, not at all! And liars go to hell!
One verse is helping me through the consistent stupidity right now:
He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. Isaiah 53:7
Boangeres, signing off.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Teenagers eat chocolate. Teenagers are pimply.
--Therefore, chocolate makes people pimply. Well, not really, but it can make you unhealthy.
Read Disposable Worship
I think I agree with the basic premise of this article, which if I understand it, is to glorify the Lord during times of corporate worship. I disagree with a lot of what he says, though. Maybe it's because I'm picky, I don't know.
I agree with being careful about the use of technology, but I think a lot of people take this overboard. I've heard people say that you shouldn't use electric guitars or drums in worship, because the feelings you have are not from a deep experience with God, they are the chords rolling through your body.
Well, sort of. Music is certainly one of the most powerful indoctrinating tools I've ever seen. Especially when you really can feel the chords push through you with every beat. However, I fail to see how an acoustic guitar is any different. I fail to see how the human voice is any different. If these sound waves are reaching our ears, regardless of how loud or soft they are, the same waves still touch our brains. Think about it - music can inundate your brain with a consistent frequency pulse that penetrates your skull like a hot knife through butter, even though it doesn't leave a mark. It can actually change the way you think, even without lyrics. Ever heard of sonic weapons? These weapons are designed to make people vomit and are intended for non-lethal mob dispersal. Don't tell me music doesn't effect you.
They key, I think, is the knowing the Prescence. True, we may never know the Prescence in some of the ways it is described in the Old Testament, but I believe we can know it.
I think this is one reason why quiet times are SO important. How else are you going to be able to tell if what you are feeling is the Prescence or a chemical reaction to caffiene, doughnuts, loud music or pulsating strobe lights? How are you going to know the fake if you don't know the real thing first? How are you going to be able to see the lies if you don't know the truth?
Just some rambles.
Read Disposable Worship
I think I agree with the basic premise of this article, which if I understand it, is to glorify the Lord during times of corporate worship. I disagree with a lot of what he says, though. Maybe it's because I'm picky, I don't know.
I agree with being careful about the use of technology, but I think a lot of people take this overboard. I've heard people say that you shouldn't use electric guitars or drums in worship, because the feelings you have are not from a deep experience with God, they are the chords rolling through your body.
Well, sort of. Music is certainly one of the most powerful indoctrinating tools I've ever seen. Especially when you really can feel the chords push through you with every beat. However, I fail to see how an acoustic guitar is any different. I fail to see how the human voice is any different. If these sound waves are reaching our ears, regardless of how loud or soft they are, the same waves still touch our brains. Think about it - music can inundate your brain with a consistent frequency pulse that penetrates your skull like a hot knife through butter, even though it doesn't leave a mark. It can actually change the way you think, even without lyrics. Ever heard of sonic weapons? These weapons are designed to make people vomit and are intended for non-lethal mob dispersal. Don't tell me music doesn't effect you.
They key, I think, is the knowing the Prescence. True, we may never know the Prescence in some of the ways it is described in the Old Testament, but I believe we can know it.
I think this is one reason why quiet times are SO important. How else are you going to be able to tell if what you are feeling is the Prescence or a chemical reaction to caffiene, doughnuts, loud music or pulsating strobe lights? How are you going to know the fake if you don't know the real thing first? How are you going to be able to see the lies if you don't know the truth?
Just some rambles.
20 mins, elliptical, level 10
7 mins, stairclimber, level six and two
4X20 pushups
4X20 situps
12 pull-ups
That's in addition to the running around I've done at work. I feel like a gerbil in a robotic wheel, forever running to some madman's idea of productivity. I should be able to run three minute miles at this pace. I'll probably have to lean forward so far on the caveat that I'll have to piggy-back and hopefully not FALL ON MY FACE!!!!!
Anyway. Jesus loves me, right? He loves you, too, I hope you know. I wonder if he loves pointless paperwork and baby-sitting lazy people. That's a hard one.
I saw part of a documentary on TV last week. It was about the ancient samurai. I was supposed to be doing work, but as usual, there wasn't any I could do, so I was in the snack bar. The commentators said that the Bushi-Do (Way of The Warrior) was codified at least in part because the Japanese culture changed so rapidly from warlike to peaceful that these elite warriors didn't know what to do with themselves. So, to try to find some justification for their existence, they made into "law" the principals that were appropriate at the time for the warrior class of that society.
That got me thinking. How much of our culture is the same way, especially the military? How many traditions/techniques/methods do we practice simply because somebody felt lonely and decided to turn it into law? Or worse yet, somebody needed a bullet for promotions? I friggin hate that!!!! Grrr!!!
Well, at least Jesus loves me. He loves you, too, by the way!
20 mins, elliptical, level 10
7 mins, stairclimber, level six and two
4X20 pushups
4X20 situps
12 pull-ups
That's in addition to the running around I've done at work. I feel like a gerbil in a robotic wheel, forever running to some madman's idea of productivity. I should be able to run three minute miles at this pace. I'll probably have to lean forward so far on the caveat that I'll have to piggy-back and hopefully not FALL ON MY FACE!!!!!
Anyway. Jesus loves me, right? He loves you, too, I hope you know. I wonder if he loves pointless paperwork and baby-sitting lazy people. That's a hard one.
I saw part of a documentary on TV last week. It was about the ancient samurai. I was supposed to be doing work, but as usual, there wasn't any I could do, so I was in the snack bar. The commentators said that the Bushi-Do (Way of The Warrior) was codified at least in part because the Japanese culture changed so rapidly from warlike to peaceful that these elite warriors didn't know what to do with themselves. So, to try to find some justification for their existence, they made into "law" the principals that were appropriate at the time for the warrior class of that society.
That got me thinking. How much of our culture is the same way, especially the military? How many traditions/techniques/methods do we practice simply because somebody felt lonely and decided to turn it into law? Or worse yet, somebody needed a bullet for promotions? I friggin hate that!!!! Grrr!!!
Well, at least Jesus loves me. He loves you, too, by the way!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Doesn't surprise me
"Only two things are infinite, the universe, and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
--Albert Einstein
AiG's response to the new "proof" for evolution.
I didn't post any articles from the "dark side" because they are everywhere.
This fossil farce doesn't surprise me a bit. (Ref two posts ago.) Anything that could possibly be stretched to maybe cause a little doubt in the inerrant Word of God is consistently exploited by the liberal media and 'scientists' that read a meaning into what they see. (Honestly though, I'd probably be so desperate to find ANY evidence for macro-evolution by now that I'd probably read into it as well.)
--Albert Einstein
AiG's response to the new "proof" for evolution.
I didn't post any articles from the "dark side" because they are everywhere.
This fossil farce doesn't surprise me a bit. (Ref two posts ago.) Anything that could possibly be stretched to maybe cause a little doubt in the inerrant Word of God is consistently exploited by the liberal media and 'scientists' that read a meaning into what they see. (Honestly though, I'd probably be so desperate to find ANY evidence for macro-evolution by now that I'd probably read into it as well.)
Another day
Today's another day I guess. This morning on the way to church my truck sputtered and almost died. The engine and all of the electronics flickered in and out, so I pulled over and checked as much as I knew how to check. After determining that nothing was wrong (which obviously wasn't true), I started it up again and drove to AutoZone to get a free IMD reading. According to the computer in the truck, nothing is still wrong. Well, I'm not sure I believe that, but we'll see. At least I was able to make it to church. It hasn't happened again.
Yesterday's workout was decent, at least for running.
LSD, seven miles. Target was five, but I felt good enough to keep going at five and then at six, so I did.
4x15 pushups
4X15 situps
12 pullups
I still don't like it, but that's the price I'm paying for laziness. Today is a rest day. Suprisingly enough, the only parts of my legs that ache are my ankles and a little bit of my lower legs. Knees are fine! I expected to be in some serious pain.
Lord willing, I'm going to email a local mega-church later and ask them why they haven't responded to my questions about Reformed Theology. It's a church I used to go to. I honestly didn't expect a response, but figured I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.
Today's another day I guess. This morning on the way to church my truck sputtered and almost died. The engine and all of the electronics flickered in and out, so I pulled over and checked as much as I knew how to check. After determining that nothing was wrong (which obviously wasn't true), I started it up again and drove to AutoZone to get a free IMD reading. According to the computer in the truck, nothing is still wrong. Well, I'm not sure I believe that, but we'll see. At least I was able to make it to church. It hasn't happened again.
Yesterday's workout was decent, at least for running.
LSD, seven miles. Target was five, but I felt good enough to keep going at five and then at six, so I did.
4x15 pushups
4X15 situps
12 pullups
I still don't like it, but that's the price I'm paying for laziness. Today is a rest day. Suprisingly enough, the only parts of my legs that ache are my ankles and a little bit of my lower legs. Knees are fine! I expected to be in some serious pain.
Lord willing, I'm going to email a local mega-church later and ask them why they haven't responded to my questions about Reformed Theology. It's a church I used to go to. I honestly didn't expect a response, but figured I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.
We'll see if they care enough to respond to the next email. I seriously doubt it.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Lying, thieving, deceitful idiotic morons!!!!!! HOLY CRAP I'M SO MAD!!!!!!
Can you say, "Pass me the communist manifesto, please?"
If it weren't for the fact that people in this country actually get what they think is valuable news from this magazine, I wouldn't worry about it. But after seeing the crap I see on MTV, VH1 and other pop culture toilet bowls, I have to wonder.
First of all, let's look at the picture and the headline on the picture (Go to the Vanity Fair homepage and scroll down to see the headline.)
The picture is an obvious reference to Gaea, the Earth-Goddess that in one form or another is the central figure of most druidic religions. Why in the world did they put a symbol of paganistic religions on the cover when talking about global warming? I could go on for days about this so I'll stop with 1) it has to do with evolution, and 2) PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!!!
The politicians mentioned here are really friggin dumb. As I remember the liberal commies desire for more and more federal control over the daily lives of citizens, I see global warming as an excuse to confiscate private land. Which, suprisingly enough, is right up there with gun control on the communist manifesto.
Let's look at the headline: "A threat graver than terrorism. How much of New York, Washington, and other American cities will be under water?"
First of all, I don't see Santa stockpiling nuclear warheads to deliver to us on an ICBM or in a briefcase when we're on the naughty list. I don't see Gaea amassing weapons of mass destruction, unless it's in the form of maniacal scientists that advocate the deliberate killing of 90% of our population by way of the Ebola virus. Look in the news and you'll see the Iranian culture falling to pieces and their inclination to wheel and deal with terrorism in all forms and fashions. You'll see their refusals to stop pursuing nuclear technology for 'energy purposes.' You probably won't see them saving bottle caps and can tabs, though. Maybe because they're melting them down to deliver to Gaea during nuclear fission.
Let's look at the comments about President Bush and the oh-so-holy Al Gore, Senior Druid of the Donkey Clan. No, actually, let's not. They're friggin retarded and anyone with half a brain can see the spin applied like it's from a baseball pitching machine on overdrive.
Let's look at the environment for a moment. I do admit that we as a culture have wasted the resources given to us, but I don't think that's an excuse to plan global communism and enforce a world-wide religion of earth worship. Did I actually just say what I think I said?
Or how about this? I've got an idea. I think the democrats have forgotten about whales and elephants. Maybe we should euthanize the largest mammals in the world so they don't produce any methane gas to harm the environment. We'll just have to slip this by them before they deify the animals (if they haven't already - watch one take a trip to Africa and come back an elephant worshipper). That makes about as much sense as putting regulations on refrigerants so they don't harm the ozone layer when the refrigerants bloody sink. They don't rise. Or maybe my unevolved brain just isn't capable of understanding how this happens.
This environment crap brigade isn't about the earth any more than gay adoption is about kids. It's about a group of elitist morons trying to not only spread, but enforce by rule-of-law a religion that should have died out when the ancient Brits and Irish stopped sacrificing virgins to the village dragons. Of course, if any of these people accepted the fact that they were wrong, then they'd have to find something to believe in (besides themselves), and that might lead them to *gasp* CHRISTIANITY!!!!!!
Two more things.
One, God promised to never again destroy the world in a flood. Hmmm...what do you believe about the subject?
Two, from the moment of the flood (actually from the moment of sin, but give me some room to explain for a second), this world was doomed. When the "fountains of the great deep" opened up, it caused an 'ice age' that we can still see the lingering effects of today. One side effect of this is how much methane and I believe cO2 is stored in the ocean (it's been a while since I've seen this study, and if I can find it again I'll post a link or something). Apparently, it's a lot. As the ocean warms (not because of our polution, but because it's not ICE anymore, it's returning to the begining state) it releases these gases. What you don't see in the liberal media is the effects of these gases outweigh all of the pollution in the world. From the ocean. From effects caused by the actions of sinful man. Hmm. Imagine that.
This is boangeres, signing off.
Can you say, "Pass me the communist manifesto, please?"
If it weren't for the fact that people in this country actually get what they think is valuable news from this magazine, I wouldn't worry about it. But after seeing the crap I see on MTV, VH1 and other pop culture toilet bowls, I have to wonder.
First of all, let's look at the picture and the headline on the picture (Go to the Vanity Fair homepage and scroll down to see the headline.)
The picture is an obvious reference to Gaea, the Earth-Goddess that in one form or another is the central figure of most druidic religions. Why in the world did they put a symbol of paganistic religions on the cover when talking about global warming? I could go on for days about this so I'll stop with 1) it has to do with evolution, and 2) PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!!!
The politicians mentioned here are really friggin dumb. As I remember the liberal commies desire for more and more federal control over the daily lives of citizens, I see global warming as an excuse to confiscate private land. Which, suprisingly enough, is right up there with gun control on the communist manifesto.
Let's look at the headline: "A threat graver than terrorism. How much of New York, Washington, and other American cities will be under water?"
First of all, I don't see Santa stockpiling nuclear warheads to deliver to us on an ICBM or in a briefcase when we're on the naughty list. I don't see Gaea amassing weapons of mass destruction, unless it's in the form of maniacal scientists that advocate the deliberate killing of 90% of our population by way of the Ebola virus. Look in the news and you'll see the Iranian culture falling to pieces and their inclination to wheel and deal with terrorism in all forms and fashions. You'll see their refusals to stop pursuing nuclear technology for 'energy purposes.' You probably won't see them saving bottle caps and can tabs, though. Maybe because they're melting them down to deliver to Gaea during nuclear fission.
Let's look at the comments about President Bush and the oh-so-holy Al Gore, Senior Druid of the Donkey Clan. No, actually, let's not. They're friggin retarded and anyone with half a brain can see the spin applied like it's from a baseball pitching machine on overdrive.
Let's look at the environment for a moment. I do admit that we as a culture have wasted the resources given to us, but I don't think that's an excuse to plan global communism and enforce a world-wide religion of earth worship. Did I actually just say what I think I said?
Or how about this? I've got an idea. I think the democrats have forgotten about whales and elephants. Maybe we should euthanize the largest mammals in the world so they don't produce any methane gas to harm the environment. We'll just have to slip this by them before they deify the animals (if they haven't already - watch one take a trip to Africa and come back an elephant worshipper). That makes about as much sense as putting regulations on refrigerants so they don't harm the ozone layer when the refrigerants bloody sink. They don't rise. Or maybe my unevolved brain just isn't capable of understanding how this happens.
This environment crap brigade isn't about the earth any more than gay adoption is about kids. It's about a group of elitist morons trying to not only spread, but enforce by rule-of-law a religion that should have died out when the ancient Brits and Irish stopped sacrificing virgins to the village dragons. Of course, if any of these people accepted the fact that they were wrong, then they'd have to find something to believe in (besides themselves), and that might lead them to *gasp* CHRISTIANITY!!!!!!
Two more things.
One, God promised to never again destroy the world in a flood. Hmmm...what do you believe about the subject?
Two, from the moment of the flood (actually from the moment of sin, but give me some room to explain for a second), this world was doomed. When the "fountains of the great deep" opened up, it caused an 'ice age' that we can still see the lingering effects of today. One side effect of this is how much methane and I believe cO2 is stored in the ocean (it's been a while since I've seen this study, and if I can find it again I'll post a link or something). Apparently, it's a lot. As the ocean warms (not because of our polution, but because it's not ICE anymore, it's returning to the begining state) it releases these gases. What you don't see in the liberal media is the effects of these gases outweigh all of the pollution in the world. From the ocean. From effects caused by the actions of sinful man. Hmm. Imagine that.
This is boangeres, signing off.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
So far....
20 Mins "interval" on elliptical - reps of 2 mins sprint w/one min walk followed by 1:30 sprint/ 1:30 walk followed by 5 mins steady
10 mins stairclimber
4X 15 pushups/situps
3X3 pullups
run for ~25 mins, ~2.76 miles
Day before
2 min sprint/1 min walk elliptical for 20 mins
3X 20 pushups/1X15 pushups
3X 20 situps/1X15 situps
All situps are without a toe bar or support (no cheating!) and pushups are 'PUSH' 'UPS.'
I feel like such a sissy! Where are the days I could do 60 one handed swings straight? 100 of everything in less an hour? Not that that's so great anyway, but goals are goals. It was certainly the best I've been up to at this point. I felt like doing more cals today but decided not to in the interest of following the plan.
Oh, Steve & Dolly, I forgot to reply to your comments. I did start doing the elliptical/stairclimber and cut down on the pounding, but it seems like the only way I can get better at running is to, well, run. It was that way before and is that way now. My diet is certainly changing though.
Can't wait to see my AFPT scores! I'm going to ask if I can do it again in another month or so because I don't want that score in my file.
20 Mins "interval" on elliptical - reps of 2 mins sprint w/one min walk followed by 1:30 sprint/ 1:30 walk followed by 5 mins steady
10 mins stairclimber
4X 15 pushups/situps
3X3 pullups
run for ~25 mins, ~2.76 miles
Day before
2 min sprint/1 min walk elliptical for 20 mins
3X 20 pushups/1X15 pushups
3X 20 situps/1X15 situps
All situps are without a toe bar or support (no cheating!) and pushups are 'PUSH' 'UPS.'
I feel like such a sissy! Where are the days I could do 60 one handed swings straight? 100 of everything in less an hour? Not that that's so great anyway, but goals are goals. It was certainly the best I've been up to at this point. I felt like doing more cals today but decided not to in the interest of following the plan.
Oh, Steve & Dolly, I forgot to reply to your comments. I did start doing the elliptical/stairclimber and cut down on the pounding, but it seems like the only way I can get better at running is to, well, run. It was that way before and is that way now. My diet is certainly changing though.
Can't wait to see my AFPT scores! I'm going to ask if I can do it again in another month or so because I don't want that score in my file.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
And behold....
I was reading through the Word earlier and came across something I thought was very profound.
Earlier, I realized that I forgot my PDA (which has a Bible and the reading plan I'm using on it), so I decided to open up my version of the E-Sword program and start where I thought the plan left off yesterday. Matthew 8.
Right into the chapter, I noticed the word "behold." I've heard that anytime you see this particular word in Scripture you should sit up and pay attention, so I did. The mini-story was about Jesus being approached by a leper, the leper saying that he knew Jesus could cure him if he wanted to (and of course he did), and what Jesus told the leper after he was cured (don't tell anyone, but go to the priests and offer the sacrifices commanded by Moses).
I thought, what in the world is this? Why is there a behold there, of all places? After digging around a bit I realized that I was looking for the "infectious skin diseases" section of Leviticus, chapters 13 and 14. I read through the ways a priest can tell if it's an infectious skin disease the fellow has, or if it's only a rash. I read all of the cleansing rituals involved, what offerings were appropriate for the poor and rich, how long the process took, and so on.
It wasn't until feeling lead to read Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible that all of this stuff started to make sense. The key here seems to be that the priest doesn't actually cleanse the guy of anything; his cure is left solely to God. Being cured of leprosy (or the equivalent) was apparently an act of divine authority resting soley with the LORD. Leprosy was also viewed by the culture as a horrible disease that one was afflicted with because of sins a person committed.
So, when the leper said to Jesus "If you will, you can heal me," he was not just acknowledging Jesus's powers of healing - he was acknowledging his divine nature. When Jesus said "I will, be clean," he was not just saying that he could. He was declaring his divinity in a powerful and profound way, and also affirmed the leper's knowledge of Jesus's true nature.
I wonder what the priests thought. Something interesting to note - when Nicodemus came to Jesus, it was early on in his ministry, in Jerusalem, during or around the Passover time, when all the faithful Jews of the land came to Jerusalem to worship and offer sacrifices. Jesus apparently went to Capernaum, the place near where the leper was healed, before he was in Jerusalem. I wonder if Nicodemus was the priest that had to examine the man. (I read in another Gospel that he didn't go the priests, but talked about it openly instead, so this very well could be a moot point.) There's absolutely nothing I can find to support this other than stringing together a few random verses, but it's a neat idea. Anyway, apparently leprosy was something was the Messiah was supposed to be able to cure and thus was a sign of the true Messiah (imagine that), though I believe that part is only tradition. Haven't researched it enough to know if that part is Scripturally based or not.
What would it be like to see a man you've known as a leper (I think) suddenly and deliberately cured by a man named Jesus? I'd probably run out on the guy and try to track Jesus down. Either that or completely deny it ever happened. After all, who would expect the Messiah to come in my days, and not only that, but have me examine a man he cured?
I was reading through the Word earlier and came across something I thought was very profound.
Earlier, I realized that I forgot my PDA (which has a Bible and the reading plan I'm using on it), so I decided to open up my version of the E-Sword program and start where I thought the plan left off yesterday. Matthew 8.
Right into the chapter, I noticed the word "behold." I've heard that anytime you see this particular word in Scripture you should sit up and pay attention, so I did. The mini-story was about Jesus being approached by a leper, the leper saying that he knew Jesus could cure him if he wanted to (and of course he did), and what Jesus told the leper after he was cured (don't tell anyone, but go to the priests and offer the sacrifices commanded by Moses).
I thought, what in the world is this? Why is there a behold there, of all places? After digging around a bit I realized that I was looking for the "infectious skin diseases" section of Leviticus, chapters 13 and 14. I read through the ways a priest can tell if it's an infectious skin disease the fellow has, or if it's only a rash. I read all of the cleansing rituals involved, what offerings were appropriate for the poor and rich, how long the process took, and so on.
It wasn't until feeling lead to read Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible that all of this stuff started to make sense. The key here seems to be that the priest doesn't actually cleanse the guy of anything; his cure is left solely to God. Being cured of leprosy (or the equivalent) was apparently an act of divine authority resting soley with the LORD. Leprosy was also viewed by the culture as a horrible disease that one was afflicted with because of sins a person committed.
So, when the leper said to Jesus "If you will, you can heal me," he was not just acknowledging Jesus's powers of healing - he was acknowledging his divine nature. When Jesus said "I will, be clean," he was not just saying that he could. He was declaring his divinity in a powerful and profound way, and also affirmed the leper's knowledge of Jesus's true nature.
I wonder what the priests thought. Something interesting to note - when Nicodemus came to Jesus, it was early on in his ministry, in Jerusalem, during or around the Passover time, when all the faithful Jews of the land came to Jerusalem to worship and offer sacrifices. Jesus apparently went to Capernaum, the place near where the leper was healed, before he was in Jerusalem. I wonder if Nicodemus was the priest that had to examine the man. (I read in another Gospel that he didn't go the priests, but talked about it openly instead, so this very well could be a moot point.) There's absolutely nothing I can find to support this other than stringing together a few random verses, but it's a neat idea. Anyway, apparently leprosy was something was the Messiah was supposed to be able to cure and thus was a sign of the true Messiah (imagine that), though I believe that part is only tradition. Haven't researched it enough to know if that part is Scripturally based or not.
What would it be like to see a man you've known as a leper (I think) suddenly and deliberately cured by a man named Jesus? I'd probably run out on the guy and try to track Jesus down. Either that or completely deny it ever happened. After all, who would expect the Messiah to come in my days, and not only that, but have me examine a man he cured?
Sunday, April 02, 2006
New World Order? Nah!
World-wide conspiracy? Nope.
World-wide conspiracy? Nope.
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