Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Yesterday was a circus!

First, I woke up at 0530 to go running with a friend on base. I was so tired I nearly slept through the alarm, but managed to wake up and go.

When I got there, my friend didn't show. It wasn't her fault though, so that's no biggie. I decided to run a couple miles by myself anyway, since I was already there. About half-way through I had to use the bathroom so bad I had to stop running. Oh the pain!!! I felt stupid, but hey, it's better than pooping in my shorts.

So, since the big gym was crowded, I decided to go to a little gym across base to take my shower. It was on the way to work anyhow, so why not? It's more comfortable and I wouldn't have to deal with all the old guys sitting around in the nude trying to start conversations with me.

So I get there, and sure enough there are only about four vehicles in the parking lot. "Yes!" I think to myself. "Some privacy!" Wrong. About the time I started taking a shower, I think every male in the building decided to take one, too. Only this time it was worse because there are only four shower heads, rather than the 8-10 at the big gym.

So I'm done with the shower. All the Navy dudes are chatting as I'm searching through my stuff for the personals to finish getting ready. Guess what I forgot to bring? DEODORANT! I thought, eh, that's really no big deal, I can get some at the shoppette on the way to work. After I shave and stuff I went back to get dressed.

Guess what else I forgot to bring!?!?! Yep!!! UNDERWEAR!!! HA! So I sure did pull off a Rambo style for the rest of the day. Nobody was the wiser, I think. It did feel kinda funny though.

Then I go to the shoppette to buy some deodorant, and guess what?? They only have women's deodorant. By this point I'm just kinda rolling with it, you know? I'm already splendidly happy about not wearing any underwear and showering with a bunch of strange men, so women's deodorant is really not that big a deal. I bought it. Funny thing is, I got so busy at work I didn't even use it. If any of you ladies out there need some deodorant I can hook you up!

That was yesterday. What an adventure.


Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

that's hilarious! dude, i'd wear the underwear inside out instead of going commando (especially with that ZIPPER to contend with...OWCH!), but hey, personal preference. so, you ran into the swabby's at the little gym. great. don't y'all have individual shower stalls in that locker room? FYI, the women's locker room has 2 showers, each with curtains. but, it never fails, 1 out of every 5 trips to the gym i forget SOMETHING: YMCA badge, water bottle, towel, swimsuit, underwear, clean socks, deodorant....it's always SOMETHING. almost need a gym bag checklist.

Eric said...

You're never gonna live this down!

Anonymous said...

I feel so cheap now bub....between you being without undies to being flgged down by a prostitute...Im speechless...hahah! I love u lil bubby....no underoos huh?