Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Just Another Day

Yesterday's WoD:

(100+ degrees, with the blisters to prove it!)
Five rounds for time:
10 kb snatch, both arms
5 Pullups
10 Pushups

Today's WoD:
Five rounds for time:
400m Row
10 knees-elbows
15 back raises

I'm slowly adapting to flying and working out. For so long I've just rested on fly days because the physiological stress is already a factor, but I had to do something today to get rid of paperwork stress. Yes, paperwork stress. No escorting convoys, dodging bullets or IED's for me...for me it's deadlines, signature blocks and meetings. An endless string of everlasting, life wasting meetings. It makes me mad enough to cuss, and I nearly do, quite frequently.

I've been reading 1 John the past two or three weeks, trying to really get into it. It's refreshing to spend so long on a book, especially a short one that has a lot of stuff in it, like 1 John does. I've read it through several times and now I'm doing a verse-by-verse study, not really doing a set number of verses a day or anything, just whatever seems fitting. Very nice.

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