Sunday, August 06, 2006

Random Thoughts

I just finished reading a book titled A Canticle for Leibowitz. It's about a monastic order that tries to preserve as much knowledge as possible after a nuclear war near the end of the 20th century. Snapshots of civilization are given every few hundred years. It's thought provoking.

I've been pissed on and off the whole week. Between stupid people that always seem to get in my way to the fact that I can not seem to get alone with my thoughts (though I've rejected nearly all human contact for the past two days).

I also haven't done much working out, either. Work has been long, and by Friday I was ready to quit all movement not required to maintain life. That hasn't changed much over the past couple of days (at least as far as work is concerned).

Poop. Oh, the chicken strips were good. :)

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