Sunday, March 19, 2006

Meet my little friend...His name is Pukie....


Guess what? Coming up in May, I get to participate in the PT leader course, which assuming I pass, will make me officially a PT leader. But that's not the cool part.

In THIS class, I get to do a Crossfit demo with all of the prospective PTL's!!!! YEAH BABY YEAH!!!! The course manager gave me 15 minutes to tell people about Crossfit and do a demo workout with all of them!!! Do you know how easy it is to make people vomit in 15 minutes? Pretty durn easy. I've got a goal now with this demo: 5 vomit comets, five new Crossfit junkies and 1 cardiac arrest (not really). Here's what I'm planning on doing:

2 mins intro speech/hand out free version of Crossfit Newsletter
3 mins quick warmup/joint mobility (wish there was more time, but realistically, I think any more still won't help people if they haven't been doing it before and don't ever do it again)

20 seconds: pullups
20 seconds: situps
20 seconds: box squats
20 seconds: pushups
1 handstand pushup

NO BREAKS!!! Ten whole minutes of "Is this ever going to end?!?", "I'm actually in the military?!?" and "wulllllllllllllllllmph!"

I CAN'T WAIT! I don't think I've ever been so excited about seeing people vomit. At least I can tell them why they are vomiting and how to avoid it in the future.



Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

Avoid rhabdomyolysis bro! That stuff ain't pretty! ;-)

Kt said...

Your a glutten for punishment Danny....wish I would've taken the class with you doing this- I would love to test it out...well, maybe I can if I ever get better..yikes- you heard me today!!!

Dan said...


I avoid it and anything like it like the plague. Cause it is the plague. Any time I work out with anyone, they have to hear the rhabdo/respect the bell speech. :)

Holly said...

you're my hero

Anonymous said...

I'd drop the 1 handstand push-up. Most won't even be able to get into a handstand without burning serious time. Those who can do the stand probably won't be able to do a single pushup. Inability = rest time. You don't want that :) (plus, you want to give the all important impression that crossfit is "safe")

Dan said...

Good point, Steve. I actually had people in ALS say that doing crunches (not sit-ups) on a concrete pad wasn't safe. At least until they realized that doing them on the grass would cause all kinds of dirt and leaves and such to follow us inside and we'd have to clean it up. I guess they decided brooms and vacuums is less safe than concrete.