Sunday, March 26, 2006

Missing the Mark

I was firing my SAW (Spider Assault Weapon, a soft-air gun purchased at Wal-Mart) tonight. This soft-air gun is the cheap kind, thus the barrel shifts each time it is primed for action. Hitting a target isn't to difficult as long as you are satisfied to hit within about a dime's diameter of whatever you are aiming at (from a whopping eight feet away).

It reminds me of sin and death. No matter how close I get to what is true and accurate, it's always a little bit off, and in this case, a little bit counts. That's why it's so important to be able to see the standards God has for us - to keep the barrel straight. Funny thing is though, unless you want to hit the target, it doesn't matter how straight the barrel is. And that's not an area sinners have the power to change.

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