I've had quite a day today. Just kidding. It has been a test of faith and patience though.
Today I was supposed to receive an Air Force Achievement Medal. I looked at the citation Friday and realized that it went way beyond the usual exaggeration that is typical of good paperwork. There were some outright lies in the paper. Outright lies!!!
So, I notified my chain of command and we took appropriate steps to get the citation re-written. Long story longer, I asked leadership today if I could not participate in the award ceremony (there were other people receiving medals as well) this time. I've still got the medal, it is just going to be edited and redone.
So, I showed up for CC's call and watched as another airman received the SAME FRIGGIN MEDAL for work that my co-workers and I did a couple of years ago. This is the same person that never followed procedures with his documentation (and where I was working, that was serious stuff). The same person that had the enlisted men put together his work so he could take it to higher ranking officials.
freakin' officers!
I like the integrity displayed... good going!
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