Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Gross. I've got phlem coming out of places that I didn't know existed. My stomach feels a little angry that I dared to disturb it with food. And now I've got to fly. Gross.


Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

That's no fun! I can give you a ton of suggestions to beat the symptoms and help your immune system work at its optimum, but I dunno if you'll want to do them ;-) Seriously, send me an e-mail if you want a few easy and inexpensive supplement suggestions.

Holly said...

I hope you feel better, I've been praying for you today!

Kt said...

Did you give it to me..because now I'm sick..and can't breathe or talk or anything...dun dun dun...I know you didn't I haven't even seen you. Have fun!