Saturday, December 10, 2005

What's a title for, anyway?

So while I'm sitting here wondering what I should title the first post on my brand-new blog, the question struck me. What's a title for, anyway? Why do we need titles? I mean, think about it. In a job description, how often does the title tell you what the job is really about? I.E. - Librarian. Sounds simple and straightforward, right? Just put on some casual clothes, show up for work and check out books to people. It doesn't say anything about the smelly boy that gets upset because his favorite Hardy Boys book is checked out. Nor anything about the family with eight screaming children that run around toppling bookshelves. The application form should have said Librarian/Prison Guard.
The more I think about it, the deeper it gets. Think about God for example. He's got a lot of titles like King, Saviour, Master, Teacher, etc. The only difference is this: his titles mean what they say. I think we're just to afraid to think about it sometimes...we can say God is King until he tells us to do something. Especially something that is going to cost us. Thank heavens he's also Saviour, too.
Anyway, random thoughts. Didn't mean to preach, my words just took a life of thier own.



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