Article about Japan testing a "scramjet engine" in Australia
This jet engine propels itself to about 5,000 mph. That's actually about 5,000 knots indicated airspeed, apparently 10 times faster than conventional aircraft. In the original greek, that means this aircraft is EXTREMELY fast.
At the end of the article they say it could be used, at least initially, for stuff like transporting vital organs to waiting recipiants.
Five thousand miles per hour cruise speed would make one heck of a bomber. It wouldn't be much of a fighter because it could actually outrun some of the missles it could fire. Maybe it'd be used as an engine for a stand-off weapon or cruise missle.
I can't help but laugh at this article.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Almost forgot
I meant to put this in my previous post but forgot to.
Could someone check out and give me an evaluation of that site? Just wanted an opinion besides mine. See ya!
Could someone check out and give me an evaluation of that site? Just wanted an opinion besides mine. See ya!
Lions and Tigers and Bears
I've spent this morning doing squadron PT and being amazed at how slow and out of shape I am. I think my reason is a legitimate one (tendonitis in BOTH, yes, count'em, TWO knees), but it's still frustrating. I ran on the trail for the first time in a month today (about two miles), and so far the pain has been minimal. Thank goodness for joint mobility! I don't know what I'd do if ya'll hadn't shown me that. Last time this tendonitis hit me it hurt to even do pushups, but it hasn't been nearly that bad yet. Hopefully it won't be!
I've got Jeff Galloway's Book on Running, and am sludging my way through a 10K in 49 mins plan. I've stalled on week three to give my legs a chance to acclimate better, but will continue it starting Saturday. I tried doing some interval training about four weeks ago but it felt like someone was tightening a vice around my lower body, so I quit after three laps. Plus, it was cold, and my muscles were already tight from that. I've decided that instead of doing interval training on the days the plan calls for it (mid-week), I'll just turn up the treadmill faster. (Yes, I said treadmill!! Doesn't it just make you want to PUKE? It does me.) The treadmill runs are just weak enough to let me run longer distances with less pain, so I've set a goal: Five miles on the treadmill consistently, and I'll start doing at least one run a week on the trail. I can do four already (which is actually five if you count the warm-up mile), and since I ran about 1.75-2 miles on the trail today, I figure five will give me a good start without risking more injury. Gee-ross.
In addition to that, I'm building in some cals, reps starting in the 10's and going to the 100's. (Look at me, mister tough guy!!! Whateba!) They'll be done in different routines, and I'll still feel like a sissy. But I gotta start somewhere (I have no excuse for not working out more like this, other than laziness.) In about three weeks (assuming my legs don't fall off) I'll start doing some belling and Crossfit again. I've discovered that these two exercise routines can be good therapy for injuries as long as I don't overdo it and listen to what the body is telling me.
My PT test is in two weeks. It seems like every time this test comes around I'm sick, injured, or for whatever reason (usually out of my control!) I'm not at me best. Hardy har. Guess that's the Lord's way of humbling me. I'll try and take it as a blessing. Though I have noticed over the years that when I peak in fitness, it's usually higher than it was in the past, and when I slump, it's not quite as far. There is a definite growth factor, though recently it has been in the size of my belly!
I'm hopefully getting a new toy this weekend. It's a Jetboil hiking stove. Yippee!! It boils a liter of water in a minute or less and is very compact. It even comes with mods to make it a group cooking system or a coffee pot! Yeah baby, yeah!
I've spent this morning doing squadron PT and being amazed at how slow and out of shape I am. I think my reason is a legitimate one (tendonitis in BOTH, yes, count'em, TWO knees), but it's still frustrating. I ran on the trail for the first time in a month today (about two miles), and so far the pain has been minimal. Thank goodness for joint mobility! I don't know what I'd do if ya'll hadn't shown me that. Last time this tendonitis hit me it hurt to even do pushups, but it hasn't been nearly that bad yet. Hopefully it won't be!
I've got Jeff Galloway's Book on Running, and am sludging my way through a 10K in 49 mins plan. I've stalled on week three to give my legs a chance to acclimate better, but will continue it starting Saturday. I tried doing some interval training about four weeks ago but it felt like someone was tightening a vice around my lower body, so I quit after three laps. Plus, it was cold, and my muscles were already tight from that. I've decided that instead of doing interval training on the days the plan calls for it (mid-week), I'll just turn up the treadmill faster. (Yes, I said treadmill!! Doesn't it just make you want to PUKE? It does me.) The treadmill runs are just weak enough to let me run longer distances with less pain, so I've set a goal: Five miles on the treadmill consistently, and I'll start doing at least one run a week on the trail. I can do four already (which is actually five if you count the warm-up mile), and since I ran about 1.75-2 miles on the trail today, I figure five will give me a good start without risking more injury. Gee-ross.
In addition to that, I'm building in some cals, reps starting in the 10's and going to the 100's. (Look at me, mister tough guy!!! Whateba!) They'll be done in different routines, and I'll still feel like a sissy. But I gotta start somewhere (I have no excuse for not working out more like this, other than laziness.) In about three weeks (assuming my legs don't fall off) I'll start doing some belling and Crossfit again. I've discovered that these two exercise routines can be good therapy for injuries as long as I don't overdo it and listen to what the body is telling me.
My PT test is in two weeks. It seems like every time this test comes around I'm sick, injured, or for whatever reason (usually out of my control!) I'm not at me best. Hardy har. Guess that's the Lord's way of humbling me. I'll try and take it as a blessing. Though I have noticed over the years that when I peak in fitness, it's usually higher than it was in the past, and when I slump, it's not quite as far. There is a definite growth factor, though recently it has been in the size of my belly!
I'm hopefully getting a new toy this weekend. It's a Jetboil hiking stove. Yippee!! It boils a liter of water in a minute or less and is very compact. It even comes with mods to make it a group cooking system or a coffee pot! Yeah baby, yeah!
Monday, March 27, 2006
I don't believe it...yep, it's true....

I've had quite a day today. Just kidding. It has been a test of faith and patience though.
Today I was supposed to receive an Air Force Achievement Medal. I looked at the citation Friday and realized that it went way beyond the usual exaggeration that is typical of good paperwork. There were some outright lies in the paper. Outright lies!!!
So, I notified my chain of command and we took appropriate steps to get the citation re-written. Long story longer, I asked leadership today if I could not participate in the award ceremony (there were other people receiving medals as well) this time. I've still got the medal, it is just going to be edited and redone.
So, I showed up for CC's call and watched as another airman received the SAME FRIGGIN MEDAL for work that my co-workers and I did a couple of years ago. This is the same person that never followed procedures with his documentation (and where I was working, that was serious stuff). The same person that had the enlisted men put together his work so he could take it to higher ranking officials.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Missing the Mark
I was firing my SAW (Spider Assault Weapon, a soft-air gun purchased at Wal-Mart) tonight. This soft-air gun is the cheap kind, thus the barrel shifts each time it is primed for action. Hitting a target isn't to difficult as long as you are satisfied to hit within about a dime's diameter of whatever you are aiming at (from a whopping eight feet away).
It reminds me of sin and death. No matter how close I get to what is true and accurate, it's always a little bit off, and in this case, a little bit counts. That's why it's so important to be able to see the standards God has for us - to keep the barrel straight. Funny thing is though, unless you want to hit the target, it doesn't matter how straight the barrel is. And that's not an area sinners have the power to change.
It reminds me of sin and death. No matter how close I get to what is true and accurate, it's always a little bit off, and in this case, a little bit counts. That's why it's so important to be able to see the standards God has for us - to keep the barrel straight. Funny thing is though, unless you want to hit the target, it doesn't matter how straight the barrel is. And that's not an area sinners have the power to change.
Good morning.
I've been listening to the Passion of the Christ soundtrack the past couple of days. There are very few songs that affect me the way this CD does.
Listening to this music is a lot like watching the movie again, emotionally speaking. I don't know if it's a psychological thing where I'm associating emotions from the movie to the music, or if it just brings up the memories of things I saw in the movie. All I know is I'm about to bust out in tears in the middle of this cafe, and that would be really embarrassing!
Very few songs have the ability to bring me to my knees like these do, and it happens every time.
I've been listening to the Passion of the Christ soundtrack the past couple of days. There are very few songs that affect me the way this CD does.
Listening to this music is a lot like watching the movie again, emotionally speaking. I don't know if it's a psychological thing where I'm associating emotions from the movie to the music, or if it just brings up the memories of things I saw in the movie. All I know is I'm about to bust out in tears in the middle of this cafe, and that would be really embarrassing!
Very few songs have the ability to bring me to my knees like these do, and it happens every time.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Just in case you didn't know....
Just in case you didn't know, read the post two entries down.
Her name is
Just in case.
Her name is
Just in case.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I've been listening to the Creation Hour and a Half at and it has reminded me of a few random, interesting, and slightly scary, thoughts.
--The UN has long since divided the world into ten regions
--The Masons like Feb 2 because it is the 33rd day of the year, which is apparently the highest level of Masonry attainable
--The 'founding father' of Satanism in the early 1900's was a man named Aliester Crowley - he was also a 33rd degree Mason
--The father of Mormonism was also a high ranking Mason
--Aliester Crowley was a major part of the cultural revolution of the 50's, 60's and 70's
--There is some evidence to suggest that foreign (and local) governments are involved with weather control
--If I remember correctly, the United States refused to help the French during their 'revolution' because of the morals, or lack thereof, the revolution was spreading
--Hitler believed in evolution
--Stalin believed in evolution and tried to dedicate one of his books (The Communist Manifesto I think?) to Darwin
--Both Stalin and Darwin were in school to become ministers before abandoning God
--Darwin was actually ordained
--Stalin once wrote a 'beautiful paper' on how people should serve the Lord (never read it myself)
--Darwin married a cousin
--The rumor that he converted on his deathbed is more than likely false
--Voltaire's dwelling housed a Bible-printing organization after his death
--I just transferred Dr Hovind's first seminar to my PDA. It took nearly two hours to transfer a four hour video.
--No matter what else happens, GOD WINS!!!
--The UN has long since divided the world into ten regions
--The Masons like Feb 2 because it is the 33rd day of the year, which is apparently the highest level of Masonry attainable
--The 'founding father' of Satanism in the early 1900's was a man named Aliester Crowley - he was also a 33rd degree Mason
--The father of Mormonism was also a high ranking Mason
--Aliester Crowley was a major part of the cultural revolution of the 50's, 60's and 70's
--There is some evidence to suggest that foreign (and local) governments are involved with weather control
--If I remember correctly, the United States refused to help the French during their 'revolution' because of the morals, or lack thereof, the revolution was spreading
--Hitler believed in evolution
--Stalin believed in evolution and tried to dedicate one of his books (The Communist Manifesto I think?) to Darwin
--Both Stalin and Darwin were in school to become ministers before abandoning God
--Darwin was actually ordained
--Stalin once wrote a 'beautiful paper' on how people should serve the Lord (never read it myself)
--Darwin married a cousin
--The rumor that he converted on his deathbed is more than likely false
--Voltaire's dwelling housed a Bible-printing organization after his death
--I just transferred Dr Hovind's first seminar to my PDA. It took nearly two hours to transfer a four hour video.
--No matter what else happens, GOD WINS!!!
What a woman.
Just the sight of her sets my heart pounding. There is no one else in the world that I would rather be with, and no one I want by my side more than her. Her exquisite beauty outshines the sun when it peeks over the eastern mountains. Her smile drives my nightmares away and her tears set angels to weeping. Her love soothes and caresses my heart during the long cold seasons and her joy is abundant always. As we make eye contact, all of my eloquent words disappear and I am driven into silence. I do not know your name, my love, but you are on my heart tonight. Stay safe. I am praying for you always.
I remember typing these words out a few weeks ago, not having any clue how true they could turn out to be, and how quickly they could turn out to be true. I had no idea the Lord would put a wonderful woman in my life nearly as soon as they were penned. None at all. I can't wait to see how far our friendship may go.
Just the sight of her sets my heart pounding. There is no one else in the world that I would rather be with, and no one I want by my side more than her. Her exquisite beauty outshines the sun when it peeks over the eastern mountains. Her smile drives my nightmares away and her tears set angels to weeping. Her love soothes and caresses my heart during the long cold seasons and her joy is abundant always. As we make eye contact, all of my eloquent words disappear and I am driven into silence. I do not know your name, my love, but you are on my heart tonight. Stay safe. I am praying for you always.
I remember typing these words out a few weeks ago, not having any clue how true they could turn out to be, and how quickly they could turn out to be true. I had no idea the Lord would put a wonderful woman in my life nearly as soon as they were penned. None at all. I can't wait to see how far our friendship may go.
Monday, March 20, 2006
I saw a video on CNN today about the three year anniversary of the War in Iraq. Shortly after viewing it I had to excuse myself so that I could vomit.
I am consistently appalled at what I see in the media. There was a time that I actually trusted the news I saw on the net and TV, but no more. Why, do you say?
--Is a civil war occurring in Iraq? Well, let's see. According to Iraq's former interim prime minister, nearly 50-60 people die each day in Iraq. That's really sad. It really is. What about this - according to (and they get the info from the CDC), there were 5,903 abortions last year by girls under the age of 15. That's a little over 16 people a day dying because an extremely young girl gets an abortion. If you look at all the abortions, 413.7 people are being killed in hospitals every day. Based on this information, and in keeping with the WIQ (War in Iraq) train of thought, I recommend the withdrawal of doctors from all hospitals. I also recommend that we sell all of our national security assets to the UN so we can donate money to the UN's ethics committees. That way there won't be any more abortions.
What exactly defines a war, anyway?
--I get tired of hearing all the crap and misinformation in the media. I saw a report this morning that featured two Iraqi citizens afraid to reveal their identities. They were saying, on camera, that they thought life was better before the Americans came to Iraq.
Let's see. There was a dictator that regularly raped, tortured and martyred everyone opposed to his regime. You had a dictator that invited Al-Quieda leadership to his pad for a "Smoke the Great Satan" business meeting and pep-rally (gleaned from unclass sources, of course). You had a leader that used chemical weapons against his own people. Now you've got an admitted middle-class "family" that likes it better when this dictator was in power. What does that say about the "family?" Where do their loyalties lie? I wonder who they fought for during the war? The reporter featured in this film don't say anything about this at all. I think it's funny that they can report the facts and not offer personal opinions when the reports say what they want to say, but when they report something that conservatives are doing, you can't differentiate between the facts and the opinions. Hmmm. I'm sure there is no bias at all though. Total integrity. Utter honesty. Can I sell you a bridge? It's a big one?
I think it was Adolph Hitler that said if you tell a lie often enough and loud enough, eventually people will start to believe it. He also said that people were most likely to believe a big lie than a little one, and I see that could have some truth. Anyway, I'm done venting. Peace out.
I am consistently appalled at what I see in the media. There was a time that I actually trusted the news I saw on the net and TV, but no more. Why, do you say?
--Is a civil war occurring in Iraq? Well, let's see. According to Iraq's former interim prime minister, nearly 50-60 people die each day in Iraq. That's really sad. It really is. What about this - according to (and they get the info from the CDC), there were 5,903 abortions last year by girls under the age of 15. That's a little over 16 people a day dying because an extremely young girl gets an abortion. If you look at all the abortions, 413.7 people are being killed in hospitals every day. Based on this information, and in keeping with the WIQ (War in Iraq) train of thought, I recommend the withdrawal of doctors from all hospitals. I also recommend that we sell all of our national security assets to the UN so we can donate money to the UN's ethics committees. That way there won't be any more abortions.
What exactly defines a war, anyway?
--I get tired of hearing all the crap and misinformation in the media. I saw a report this morning that featured two Iraqi citizens afraid to reveal their identities. They were saying, on camera, that they thought life was better before the Americans came to Iraq.
Let's see. There was a dictator that regularly raped, tortured and martyred everyone opposed to his regime. You had a dictator that invited Al-Quieda leadership to his pad for a "Smoke the Great Satan" business meeting and pep-rally (gleaned from unclass sources, of course). You had a leader that used chemical weapons against his own people. Now you've got an admitted middle-class "family" that likes it better when this dictator was in power. What does that say about the "family?" Where do their loyalties lie? I wonder who they fought for during the war? The reporter featured in this film don't say anything about this at all. I think it's funny that they can report the facts and not offer personal opinions when the reports say what they want to say, but when they report something that conservatives are doing, you can't differentiate between the facts and the opinions. Hmmm. I'm sure there is no bias at all though. Total integrity. Utter honesty. Can I sell you a bridge? It's a big one?
I think it was Adolph Hitler that said if you tell a lie often enough and loud enough, eventually people will start to believe it. He also said that people were most likely to believe a big lie than a little one, and I see that could have some truth. Anyway, I'm done venting. Peace out.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Meet my little friend...His name is Pukie....
Guess what? Coming up in May, I get to participate in the PT leader course, which assuming I pass, will make me officially a PT leader. But that's not the cool part.
In THIS class, I get to do a Crossfit demo with all of the prospective PTL's!!!! YEAH BABY YEAH!!!! The course manager gave me 15 minutes to tell people about Crossfit and do a demo workout with all of them!!! Do you know how easy it is to make people vomit in 15 minutes? Pretty durn easy. I've got a goal now with this demo: 5 vomit comets, five new Crossfit junkies and 1 cardiac arrest (not really). Here's what I'm planning on doing:
2 mins intro speech/hand out free version of Crossfit Newsletter
3 mins quick warmup/joint mobility (wish there was more time, but realistically, I think any more still won't help people if they haven't been doing it before and don't ever do it again)
20 seconds: pullups
20 seconds: situps
20 seconds: box squats
20 seconds: pushups
1 handstand pushup
NO BREAKS!!! Ten whole minutes of "Is this ever going to end?!?", "I'm actually in the military?!?" and "wulllllllllllllllllmph!"
I CAN'T WAIT! I don't think I've ever been so excited about seeing people vomit. At least I can tell them why they are vomiting and how to avoid it in the future.
Guess what? Coming up in May, I get to participate in the PT leader course, which assuming I pass, will make me officially a PT leader. But that's not the cool part.
In THIS class, I get to do a Crossfit demo with all of the prospective PTL's!!!! YEAH BABY YEAH!!!! The course manager gave me 15 minutes to tell people about Crossfit and do a demo workout with all of them!!! Do you know how easy it is to make people vomit in 15 minutes? Pretty durn easy. I've got a goal now with this demo: 5 vomit comets, five new Crossfit junkies and 1 cardiac arrest (not really). Here's what I'm planning on doing:
2 mins intro speech/hand out free version of Crossfit Newsletter
3 mins quick warmup/joint mobility (wish there was more time, but realistically, I think any more still won't help people if they haven't been doing it before and don't ever do it again)
20 seconds: pullups
20 seconds: situps
20 seconds: box squats
20 seconds: pushups
1 handstand pushup
NO BREAKS!!! Ten whole minutes of "Is this ever going to end?!?", "I'm actually in the military?!?" and "wulllllllllllllllllmph!"
I CAN'T WAIT! I don't think I've ever been so excited about seeing people vomit. At least I can tell them why they are vomiting and how to avoid it in the future.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Gross. I've got phlem coming out of places that I didn't know existed. My stomach feels a little angry that I dared to disturb it with food. And now I've got to fly. Gross.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
I'm so tired of this CRAP!!!
What an interesting night last night.
After my flight, I spent about an hour or so talking with the most beautiful girl in the world. That was great! She's awesome. I really appreciate the prayers she offers on my behalf every day, as well as the verses we exchange each morning.
Anyway, back to the story.
I was walking from my truck to my apartment door when I was hailed by my neighbor. He introduced himself but his words were a little slurred, so I didn't catch his name. He thanked me for being in the service (has seen me in uniform before) and told me about the injuries he received to his neck, shoulder, elbow and back while serving in 1975.
I am astounded by his thankfulness. He's the one who has been injured for his country and I'm the one that has been sitting on my duff for four and a half years, yet HE thanks ME. I felt very little after that happened, that's for sure. Now my general distaste for anything that has to do with my job has solidified into nearly hatred.
I had a couple of friends try to tell me last night why the job I do is so important. I wanted to yell and scream and throw a fit, but didn't. Had I met my neighbor I probably would have. I'm not saying the platform is not important, it is, it's very important. The only catch is that before long my job will be done by computers, or barring that, monkeys, or at the very least, officers. (Just kidding!)
Seriously, what have I done other than pretend to do my job? This makes me sick.
What an interesting night last night.
After my flight, I spent about an hour or so talking with the most beautiful girl in the world. That was great! She's awesome. I really appreciate the prayers she offers on my behalf every day, as well as the verses we exchange each morning.
Anyway, back to the story.
I was walking from my truck to my apartment door when I was hailed by my neighbor. He introduced himself but his words were a little slurred, so I didn't catch his name. He thanked me for being in the service (has seen me in uniform before) and told me about the injuries he received to his neck, shoulder, elbow and back while serving in 1975.
I am astounded by his thankfulness. He's the one who has been injured for his country and I'm the one that has been sitting on my duff for four and a half years, yet HE thanks ME. I felt very little after that happened, that's for sure. Now my general distaste for anything that has to do with my job has solidified into nearly hatred.
I had a couple of friends try to tell me last night why the job I do is so important. I wanted to yell and scream and throw a fit, but didn't. Had I met my neighbor I probably would have. I'm not saying the platform is not important, it is, it's very important. The only catch is that before long my job will be done by computers, or barring that, monkeys, or at the very least, officers. (Just kidding!)
Seriously, what have I done other than pretend to do my job? This makes me sick.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Well, well, just what do you think you're doing now, CUPCAKE?
Oh, what a funny, funny day.
I got to sit through a briefing that I've had no less than two times before. I think that after two I pretty much delete all of the useless crap I'm told out of my internal memory banks. Pretty soon one of the disks is going to skip and I'll collapse into a twitching heap on the floor. I bet they'd prop me up in the chair again just to have someone to brief to. All I want to do is my job. Is that to much to ask? Really? Please?
I do have some comic relief at the gym though. I see these insanely huge guys that squat 9000 lbs ONCE and think that's enough to be fit. Then they look down on little ol' me (and my workout partners) and smirk and grin to one another. That is, until they see what we're doing, and then most people just stare in awe. A few actually come up and ask what program we're on. I've had a guy ask if I'm a professional wrestler. I've had people actually put down the 9000lb barbell and stare. (And then I laugh inside. Oh, how I laugh!)
But I'm not bitter, no, not at all. Just because I've been in this career field for FOUR AND A HALF YEARS and have yet to do ANYTHING SIGNIFICANT, except maybe training all the new people on how to be just as insignificant AS I FEEL, I'm not bitter. Okay, so liars go to hell. I'm about as bitter right now as it gets. If it weren't for the work of God in my life I'd be so angry I couldn't sleep.
I gotta go. Thinking about it is ticking me off even more.
I got to sit through a briefing that I've had no less than two times before. I think that after two I pretty much delete all of the useless crap I'm told out of my internal memory banks. Pretty soon one of the disks is going to skip and I'll collapse into a twitching heap on the floor. I bet they'd prop me up in the chair again just to have someone to brief to. All I want to do is my job. Is that to much to ask? Really? Please?
I do have some comic relief at the gym though. I see these insanely huge guys that squat 9000 lbs ONCE and think that's enough to be fit. Then they look down on little ol' me (and my workout partners) and smirk and grin to one another. That is, until they see what we're doing, and then most people just stare in awe. A few actually come up and ask what program we're on. I've had a guy ask if I'm a professional wrestler. I've had people actually put down the 9000lb barbell and stare. (And then I laugh inside. Oh, how I laugh!)
But I'm not bitter, no, not at all. Just because I've been in this career field for FOUR AND A HALF YEARS and have yet to do ANYTHING SIGNIFICANT, except maybe training all the new people on how to be just as insignificant AS I FEEL, I'm not bitter. Okay, so liars go to hell. I'm about as bitter right now as it gets. If it weren't for the work of God in my life I'd be so angry I couldn't sleep.
I gotta go. Thinking about it is ticking me off even more.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Dang! I got a bunch of pictures in the mail from this hot chick today. She's really cute and good-looking! I'd sure like to get to know her better. Maybe we could go base jumping or something! Nothing like a life threatening experience to build a bond. :)
Dang! I got a bunch of pictures in the mail from this hot chick today. She's really cute and good-looking! I'd sure like to get to know her better. Maybe we could go base jumping or something! Nothing like a life threatening experience to build a bond. :)
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