Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Thinking about GIRLS today!!! :P

I saw a lady once, all dressed up and pretty for a public outing. I think it was church. She was modestly dressed, as any follower of Christ would be, but she was still very pretty.
I saw the lady again some time after that. She was wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt. Was she pretty? Uh, well, that's not the word I would use. What words would I use? Ravishing. Drop-dead gorgeous. Stunning. Outlandishly beautiful.

As I realized I was thinking those words when I saw her, it occurred to me once again what kind of differences there are between males and females. Most girls won't go out without doing their hair, or coordinating clothes and shoes, or putting on makeup. This girl was dressed very simply and yet carried such an exquisite example of feminine beauty that I could hardly take my eyes off her. Seriously. I had to leave just to stop.

Why is it women think they have to hide themselves to be beautiful? In my limited experience insecurity plays a big part in it, but maybe there are more reasons. Most women just don't seem to realize that they are the most beautiful when they have the least idea that any guy would look twice at them. Seriously.

With a gentle and loving heart, makeup just hides the Glory. I say Glory with a capital G - the beauty that is present is solely from the Lord. Perhaps it is only in the eyes of her beloved that she seems to be able to recognize the difference His glory brings to her beauty, but it is there.

I saw two girls at Starbucks once. They were dressed like they should be grinding in a club downtown and had the audacity to talk about church. The only reason I'd ever go to a church like that is to witness to people. As much as their clothing revealed, they had very, very little beauty. I wanted to get them a gift card to Goodwill so they could learn the beauty of humility. Sheesh.

Whatever. My rants are done for now. For all the ladies that dress modestly and are concerned about their brothers in Christ, THANK YOU. You'll probably never know how much we really appreciate it.

1 comment:

Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

sweet post, danny. interesting to hear a guy's perspective. we are world's apart: males & females