Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Making the Day

After the deep and thoughtful post prior to this, I re accomplished the personality quiz that appears right before it. I'm noticing a common theme here....

New Life (sort of)


It has been forever since I have posted anything. I must admit, I've cheated a little on Blogger - first with Myspace, then with Facebook, and then with Thoughts. I've come around again to blogger and find myself returning to the "home" on the internet.

I've been thinking about the past. A few years ago I dwelled on the past fairly constantly...so much so that I insulated myself from the future. It's not that way now, I'm just reflecting. There is way to much stuff in the "now" to let me stay in the "then" for very long.

The first thing I can think about is that I STILL can't believe that I am married. Every day I wake up wondering why the beautiful woman next me is willing to put up with my stubborness and hypocrisy. I surely wouldn't. Yet, there she is...loving, patient and wonderful. She amazes me every single day.

I wonder about other people, too. Friendships that I've had and lost. Friends that I have drifted away from. For the longest time I just wanted to be alone and avoid the complications and pain of dealing with people. I was hurt (and caused hurt) pretty consistently for a long time. I made choices, some right, some wrong, that seperated me from others. Some choices (and seperations) were made in obedience to the will of God, some were made in frustration. Either way, it drove me to the only two safe havens I have (and am content in) - my Savior and my wife. For the chance to draw close to and depend on both, I am forever grateful.